
From HollowWiki

July 2024

  • Check out the winners of the June writing contest here!
  • Chartsend is hosting a Summer Solstice Festival! If you would like to get involved to help plan, you can find out more here.

June 2024

  • You can vote for the winners of the June writing contest until July 1st. Click here!

May 2024

  • The June writing contest has been announced. Find out all the details of the Currency Writing Contest here.
  • Cynarith hosted a writing contest. You can check out the winners here!

April 2024

  • New Slots, New Items, New Shops: In celebration of Hollow's 25th anniversary, two new item slots have been introduced: Back Slot and Off Hand. In addition, there are 250 new and updated items as well as 6 new shops!
  • Introducing a new skill for those with wings: Fly. Similar to recall, this skill will allow characters with a base race of Avian, Draconian, Dragon, Pixie to fast travel. Check it out on our skills list here.

March 2024

  • Uriphiel has joined the wiki guide team!

February 2024

  • Hollow's constellations have new editions, thanks to the winners of February's writing contest. Check it out here.

January 2024

  • A New Player Welcome Committee has been organized with the intention of helping new players with any questions they might have about the game. The current committee members are Lefty, Mahri, and Alex. New players, please don't hesitate to reach out to them if you are in need of a helping hand!
  • The Hind and Delisha pages have been updated. Go check 'em out!
  • The Admin Collector Cards's page has been completely overhauled. Be sure to take a look so you can learn how collecting these cards can now land you a +50 custom item!

November 2023

  • Pets have been given a major overhaul! Over 300 existing pets have been granted armor bonuses, and over 30 high-AC pets have been added to the game with several more to come in future updates!
  • A player-run Stat Club has been introduced to the game! Thank you Emilia for getting a fun sense of competition going!
  • The final OOC writing contest of the year is here, and this one with Custom prizes! See more here!
  • The Great Turkey Hunt is now underway! Get those gigaturkeys for your chance at a +50 custom today. Gobble. Gobble.

September 2023

  • Hollow's first ever War Games has started! Check out how you can get involved and the line-up for the duels here!
  • September's writing contest has ended, but you can check out the entries here and vote for your favorite ones [here]
  • Ferminville finally has it's own banner! See it here.
  • Hobbits now go by Halflings and their page updated!
  • Two new shops have popped up! One in Larket called Anarchy Ink and another at The Gods Pier in Cenril!
  • Arkhen's page has gotten a much needed update!
  • Server upgrades were performed early on September 2. Please report any errors or strange behavior to, or an admin.

August 24 2023

August 18 2023

  • The Rogues Guild hosted Sandcastle contest and winners have been announced. Check out the Beach Bash for the winners. Read them all here!

July 28 2023

  • Several newspapers across Hollow have been updated! Check out Current Events to see them all!

July 24 2023

July 16 2023

  • Due to personal circumstances, Kasyr will be stepping down as an administrator.

July 11 2023

  • Admin have finally inquired with Sven on a question that has cropped up several times. What is Hollow’s stance on AI art? And here is what Sven’s stance is: "The images that most of these AI models are being trained on are not open-license, and that's where the problem lies for me. If the training sets were on open-license images, it's less worrisome. Going forward, we will be unable to approve character profiles that are utilizing AI art." This is a stance that could change as the technology develops, but for the time being Sven has spoken. Our Bio Rules have been updated accordingly.
  • Naming of Customs: It has been confirmed by Sven that... this is an archaic rule. Once upon a time, it did matter to the system if names exceeded X amount of words. It no longer does. That being said, we will not be renaming customs for free. Customs information has been updated accordingly.
  • The Big Item Update: Many of you have noticed items have been given an update. A major reason for this is to get the pricing to be more consistent. There were some instances where items were more expensive then just buying a custom. With some fancy math, item prices should be more consistent by their AC level. You can now find several more items in game that are above +10 AC. Keep an eye on the wiki, as we will be introducing a few more shops and more items to existing shops. For a quick link to Armor by AC, click here!

June 9 - July 1 2023

  • Lithrydel’s Calendar has finally been finished! Thanks to Iintahquohae for her entry for the game's version of September!
  • Big changes have been made to the Gods of Hollow page, as well as several of the individual deity pages (Q'na, Selene, Cire, Zaytor, Loda, and Cyris)!
  • Research Tasks have been added as a special way to help add to Hollow's lore!
  • Penelope is the new leader of the Healer's Guild!
  • The Mancer page has been updated and new categories made for each mancy, to allow for players to tag their characters and NPCs appropriately! If any assistance is needed, please hmail Khitti with your character/NPC names and their respective mancies!
  • Iintahquohae is the new leader of the Merchant's Guild!
  • The Adventurer's Guild has formally adopted the Ranger's Guild, now known as The Rangers, turning it into a subdivision of the AG! If you're a ranger/hunter/archer and you'd like to be involved, get a hold of Magikrios!
  • Voting for the June Writing Contest has come and gone. All entries have been or will be added to the game! Congrats!
  • As of July 1st, all characters that have not been logged in for the last 5 years have now been flagged as formally retired. This is to free up names for newcomers that have been joining the game, thanks to Valrae's recruitment efforts.

June 1 2023

  • The in-game Monsters have been given a massive overhaul to make statting easier for new and experienced players alike!

May 31 2023

May 28 2023

  • You asked, and we listened! Witches are now an Official Class! For existing players who would like their base class adjusted to Witch, please send an H-Mail to Customs. Admin will make the adjustment free of charge.
  • New characters created now have an expanded array of skin, hair, and eye colors to choose from to reflect all the unique colors that unusual races and classes may provide someone. Custom looks for existing characters will not be adjusted as a result of this change. All custom looks can still be purchased by sending an H-Mail Customs at the cost of 8k per adjustment.

May 25 2023

  • The Administration welcomes Khitti and Kanna as Junior Administrators!

May 23 2023

May 22 2023

May 15 2023

  • Isok joins the wikiguide team!

May 11 2023

May 1 2023

  • Jaxon is the new deputy leader of Cenril!

April 29 2023

  • Vhys has a new leader: Lhyrin! For now, they are only the leader OOCly, until certain events have taken place IC.
  • With the new leadership comes updates for the region's wiki page. Find them here!

April 25 2023

  • Applications have been opened for two Junior Admin! If you'd like to apply to help lead our community, you can find the form here.
    • May 24 2023 note: The jr admin applications are now closed.

April 24 2023

  • The survey has now ended. Thank you for your help!
  • A new writing contest has started! Get your unique fauna in before 11:59pm EST on May 19th!

April 19 2023

  • The Admin want to hear from you!! What's your opinion of Hollow's events?! Answer their short survey here.

April 13 2023

  • For all you statters, new restoratives have been added! They're named after the winners of the Valentine's Day Writing Contest 2023! Two of the shops can be found here and here! In addition to that, there's also a new shop in Cenril called Calypso that has not only new restoratives, but various flowers and a few pieces of armor as well!

April 10 2023

  • Congratulations to Mathollak, the new Titan of Winter!

April 2 2023

  • Find the entries to the Unique Colors Contest here, the winners here, and a new edition to The Herbalist's Almanac here!

March 25 2023

February 14 2023

January 8 2023

December 18 2022

  • The latest edition of the Fishermen's Almanac has been flying off every Cenrilian newsstand as several announcements were made.

November 1 2022

  • The Annual Halloween Monster Contest is over! Find the winner here!

October 22 2022

  • The Calendar Contest is over! Find the winners here!

September 6 2022

August 20 2022

  • Lita is the new deputy leader of Port Rynvale!

August 11 2022

  • Kanna is now the leader of the Bard's Guild!

August 1 - August 10 2022

  • After an assassination attempt on Mayor Valrae Baines by Quintessa Blackwell, several regions and guilds have made their thoughts known about the situation. Read them here!

August 1 2022

  • Khitti is now the deputy leader of Cenril!

July 31 2022

  • Lanara has been crowned as the new leader of Enchantment!

July 9 - July 14 2022:

Jan 2022 to June 2022: Okay, so Meri slacked on updating a little bit but here is what has happened:

  • Magik is now the official Guardian of Kelay-Sage, Meri his deputy.
  • Lanlan is named Archmage and also becomes the leader of Xalious!
  • Valrae is the new Mayor of Cenril!
  • Khitti has become the leader of the Necromancer's Guild.
  • Valrae has been named leader of the Devout's Guild.
  • Leoxander has been named leader of the Rogue's Guild.

December 23 2021: Nonbinary has been added as a third gender! If anyone wants their character's gender officially changed, please hmail Customs and it will be changed free of charge!

December 21 2021: This year's Yule ball was a success! Thanks to the wonderful Kanna for our entertainment for the night and congrats to Penelope and Soraya for winning best dressed of the night and being dubbed the Sovereigns Of Joy And Revelry!

December 12th 2021: Thanks to Mathollak of the Devout's Guild, Lithrydel now has access to a new type of metal, Celestial Bronze. It is extremely rare and has certain stipulations for how it is used.

December 8th 2021: The ill-reputed Lazy Eel Lounge has long since gone out of business and was recently replaced with the Cenril Fish House!

December 1st 2021: Sign-ups for the 10th Annual Titans of Winter Tournament have begun!

November 18th 2021:Odhranos steps down from being an admin (but retains his Mage's Guild and Xalious leadership positions) and Kasyr takes his place!

October 30th 2021: Quintessa has joined the wikiguide team!

October 28th 2021: All the maps have been updated. There will still be various minor updates in the future however as tiles are rewritten in-game.

October 27th 2021: Ranok wins the 2021 Halloween Monster Contest!

October 9th 2021: The move time for all roaming mobs have been adjusted to 60 minutes to help greatly reduce screen spam.

September 28th 2021: Karasu and Khitti have been promoted to wikiguide!

August 9th 2021: Meri and Odhranos have been promoted to admin! While Josleen and Orikahn sadly take their leave of the game.

January 18th 2021: There is a new area to explore in Venturil! It was built by Eboric and Raidh long ago and is now open to the public. New mobs! Drops! Puzzles!

October 7th 2020: Hollow's Discord server shifts from being push notification only to Hollow's #1 chat hub!

August 10th 2020: Race and class combination restrictions are now lifted. During character creation, any official race can be combined with any official class.

October 22nd 2019: A new BETA feature is now available in the HMail inbox. On most desktop and mobile devices (excluding Apple iPhone), you will see an 'Enable Push Notifications' button. When you enable push notifications, you will receive a push notification when someone else sends you an HMail. Please provide any feedback or report any issues to

September 14th 2019: Pey's items have been re-priced to a more reasonable price tag! Start at The Traveling Imp (from Kelay Tavern: 1s, 8w, 1s, 1w, 6n, 3w, 4n, 5up ). There are 4 more shops above that one. While at The Traveling Imp be sure to say to Pey Hello.

August 6th 2019: New game feature Hibernate lets you soft log off and preserve chat logs for up to one day. Also, if you idle for over 30 minutes, you aren't logged off, but hibernated! Log back in within a day and see what you missed.

August 6th 2019: Recall now costs only 2% of your stamina!

July 31st 2019: New and interesting lore item for druidic and nature-loving types: The First Yew Wand has been recovered! It is said to be the wand created and used by the first High Druid of the Eternal Tree in Sage, which many historians believe was the site of the first druidic grove in known history. There's debate about that.

July 21st 2019: The Hero of Freedom Championship 2019! Sign up!

June 23rd 2019: Catch up on Chapter 1 of the currently active arc Saurian Onslaught!

January 6th, 2018: Titans of Winter Tournament 2018! Sign up!

December 6th, 2017: Want to help maintain Hollow and its wiki and collect really cool trading cards at the same time? We got you, nerds.

August 5th, 2017: Schezerade has its own regional newspaper now thanks to Brennia! Go to Schezerade Tavern and type 'read paper' to read the first issue and learn about what's happening in Schezerade!

June 21st, 2017: Alvina is our new wikiguide! She joins Pilar in our wiki warriors squad. If you have wiki questions, seek either of them out.

March 7th, 2017: The wiki was new guild tags for tagging RPs, people, and items associated with the guild. It works like the region and clan tags. For example {{Guild:''Healer's''|'''People'''}} Replace the name in italics with the guild of your choice, and the word in bold can be RP, people, items, or you can leave it blank.

January 18th, 2017: New year, new leaders. Could it be you? There are still guilds and regions of Hollow looking for leaders! If you're interested check out the The Guilds page and Recognized Ruler page.

March 4th, 2016: As of a little over a week ago, Pilar is our new wiki guide! If you have wiki questions, seek her out.

February 4, 2016: As the game experiences growth in the new year, we welcome a third member to the admin team, Josleen, our wiki and tutorial video queen.

August 22, 2015: The newest version of Hollow is now available - mobile and tablet-friendly with an emphasis on ease-of-use! Adjustments will continue to be made as we work through the small issues that popup with new releases.

April 1, 2015: Hollow turns sixteen years old, and we welcome an even newer member to the administration - Hildegarde.

December 3, 2014: Graphics have been updated.

August 8, 2014: Please welcome our newest addition to the administrative team - Tristram! Tristram will lead the Public Affairs board, dedicated to improving and expanding the Hollow community.

June 4, 2014: An updated battle screen is now available - this should result in a much faster load time between moves.

June 3, 2014: A new policy has been instituted on a trial basis to allow players to purchase +0 Custom items at a 50% discount if accompanied by logged RP of the item's creation. Please see the Customs Price List page for details.

May 16, 2014: Admin applications are now open for the Public Affairs board . Also, a new Chat Mode option is available - you can now choose if you want your chat to display from oldest to newest, or vice versa.

May 5, 2014: This marks the second weekend of a programming and infrastructure blitz - our servers were moved to the East Coast of the US, and we introduced a new 'responsive' design for the main pages and wiki. This should allow you to have a better experience using Hollow on your mobile devices. Let the admin know if you are having any trouble!

April 26, 2014: A few updates tonight: a minor change which changed the look for the main room pages, new battle layout, decreased the chances of failing to escape battle, most methods of communication can now be directed to another player (ooc to Player Hello!), improved flexibility allowing admin to change many aspects of battle without involving a programmer.

February 9, 2014: Hollow has changed URLs slightly - to httpS:// The extra S helps improve security for all players (and provides a pretty lock icon in your URL bar!) Please report any adverse effects to an admin.

February 5, 2014: Improved statistics screen with cleaner design, better use of progress bars/health meters; improved inventory and shop list screens to provide more information on hover, or on tap if using a touch device. Eliminated 'examine' command-all information is now in the hover. Premiums/credits balance is now only linked to from the top of your main screen that shows the room and chat (Premium Services link).

January 12, 2014: IE 11 users may have had trouble using H-Mail. This has been fixed.

December 8, 2013: New wiki version released.

September 28, 2013: Svilfon and Satoshi have been successfully tricked into becoming wiki administrators. Feel free to direct your woes with this wiki towards them (so, no real change here.)

September 22, 2013: Congratulations to Eboric, who has now been advanced from Jr. Exec to the World, RP and Executive Boards.

September 20, 2013: New wiki editor released, implemented infrastructure changes to help reduce lag

September 9, 2013: The process of purchasing credits, as well as managing your credits and premium services has changed. All credit purchases and premium subscriptions are now in the [Premium Services] link in the top-of-screen menu. Hollow is still using Google to process payments, but it has a new look and process that handles all payment within the page. Credits are now available for use immediately after purchase. Hollow now sees even less personal information, and as before, Hollow never sees your financial information. If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please email support.

September 8, 2013: Blessings are now available to purchase for custom armor. Blessings do not stack with separate pieces. Even with tier 4 blessing some of the higher level mobs may still attack you, although the chance of this happening is lower.

July 3, 2013: The Inventory and Bank screens have been revamped to allow a more user friendly experience and a few new features. The Inventory is now alphabetized and Users may now use/eat/drink items of any quantity from either the submit bar or inventory screen. The updated Bank is now accessed via clicking on the 'Bank' link and the menu allows for all operations to be performed on one screen; including interest, deposits, withdrawals and money conversions.

June, 2013: Various features/updates/improvements were implemented in June, including the Ability for players to customize their Home City, reduced screen spam from Quick mine, a new consolidated "Preferences" menu, and the ability for admin to reduce screen spam by modifying Mob/NPC movement increment times.

February 27, 2013: The admin team would like to welcome Eboric as our newest Jr. Exec.

July 31, 2012: Characters that are at least 6 months old and who have reached 4,500 HP may now purchase ONE cross-class skill for use in statting (not necessarily in rp, although using this feature to back up an rp approval is encouraged) for the price of 100,000 gold. Orders should be sent to CUSTOMS and need merely state which skill you would like. Note that this is currently in a testing stage and all skills acquired this way may be removed without warning (but with full refund). We suggest characters without MP do not pick magic abilities.

July 26, 2012: New rules regarding alt applications have been put into place. Players who do not have any alts may now apply for Fast-Tracked Alts.

July 25, 2012: Tiphareth was announced as the newest member of the administrative staff! In addition, applications are now open for a junior administrator on the staff.

June 8, 2012: Redhale is creating a list of (relatively) useless items to use for a planned feature, help him out by contributing to the list. March 15, 2011: The new admin recruit was announced on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30pm Hollowtime, followed by a party in the Kelay Tavern. Parsithius has become the newest Jr. Exec and Redhale has moved up on the boards. Welcome both!

January 15, 2011: Update: Players must now send their Alt Requests to the player Alternate for review. The process is exactly the same as is the review board. Like Customs and Builder, Alternate is now taking the requests for your Alt.

November 22, 2010: Cyllarus is looking for volunteers to write room descriptions for the minotaur labyrinth. Those interested should read the page and then hmail Cyllarus.

August 13, 2010: Jacklin is looking for players to participate in a Hollow Murder Mystery. Those interested should hmail Jacklin. (Sign-up closed now. Thanks to all the volunteers.)

August 6, 2010: A new global quest is under way! Now the tale of Orb of Life shall be told...

July 1, 2010: The new admin recruits were announced on Saturday, July 3 at 2pm Hollowtime, followed by a party in the Kelay Tavern. Morvious and Redhale were welcomed with open arms and hidden daggers by all.

June 29, 2010: Cyllarus is looking for a few people to assist him in maintaining and improving the wiki. Those interested should hmail Cyllarus. Tasks would include editing and cleaning all new page edits, going through old pages and adding wiki links where appropriate, and working as a team to come up with ways to add more functionality to the wiki.

April 7, 2010: The Application process for legally alting has been changed. Please view Alting for details.

February 21, 2010: Thinking of purchasing a premium shop or home? Please read this update!

January 17, 2010: A system for Custom Race and Class options has been added to Hollow. Visit here for details.