Custom Race-Class Feature

From HollowWiki

How to Use this Feature

Click the link on your stats page that is next to your race or class that says 'customize'. This will take you to your customize screen. Type in the desired race or class you wish to have. Click the customize button and wait for your race/race to be approved.

About this Feature

This feature creates a cosmetic change to your race and class that other players can see when they look at your character. It does not, however, alter your stat-based play in any way. For the purpose of PVP and PVE your original class is still used.


What does not work

  • Make sure that what you request is appropriate to current race/class. (No rangers masquerading as death knights etc.)
    • Please note that this does NOT give you permission to create your character with a good statting class and then play as something completely different. Your custom class must be relevant to your actual class somehow.
  • Make sure your changes make sense, that you know what they are and that other people are likely to as well.
  • Avoid anything that would render the character insubstantial, including ghosts, jinn, spectres, etc.
  • Avoid creatures that are considered animals or that do not have intelligence close to a human being. (NO dogs, horses, monkeys, cow, etc. We have Lycans, Felines, and Centaurs for a reason!)
  • Avoid ill-fitting and out-of-context races and classes. (Martians, Geneticists, Cyborgs, etc.)
  • Choose changes that are appropriate for your character's level of experience.
  • Do not create a class that is a title, for example King, Emperor, etc. We are working on system updates to handle these.
  • Do not try to hide your race or class because someone looking at you 'wouldn't know you were a vampire'. Your race and class should be who your character really is. Roleplay any disguises.
  • Do not attempt to use any races or classes that are currently banned or restricted without permission. This includes:
    • Angels (Celestials, Demi Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim, etc.)
    • Demons (Devils, Sub demons, half demons, etc.)
    • Elementals
    • Liches
    • Elder vampires, etc.
    • Gods and other assorted deities (Demi-gods, Titans, etc.)
    • Blood magic and soul magic
  • Do not use the feature to claim two races or classes.
  • Do not use the feature just to add a capital letter to your race or class; "human" is not a proper noun and neither are the fantasy races.
    • appropriate: silver dragon, brigand, Rynvalian elf, Larketian werewolf; Steward of Frostmaw (a formal title)
    • inappropriate: Silver Dragon, Brigand, Rynvalian Elf, Ranger of Venturil (not a formal title), etc.
  • Do not use this feature to describe what you look like. "Fat Halfling" is not a race, it should just be "Halfling". Character bios and RP should be used to describe your character's appearance.

What IS acceptable:

  • Sub Races (hill dwarf, dark elf, Cenrili human)
  • Mancers (Any mancer caught using inappropriate magic will be reduced to Apprentice for a period of time without the possibility for change.)
  • Variations on classes or choosing similar changes. (thief-ninja, warrior-barbarian) Things that make sense obviously.
  • Becoming a specialist (black knight, battle priest, monk of Aramoth, Sage druid).
  • Monstrous creatures that are near human intelligence.
  • Using the system for a temporary or permanent role-play that involves altering the person’s race. (Being sired, being transfigured etc).
  • Displaying what your original race is if you are a lycan or vampire. (vampiric elf, lycan human) However please note the rules in relation to dual races still apply. Please note that if you are a vampiric-anything you are considered to have the weaknesses of both races.


  • Keep in mind that when looked at your choices will appear as, "(Name) is a (race) and seems to be a (class)..." so make sure that the wording you use is appropriate.
  • Several races, including vampires (becoming sired or "elder" etc), lycans (non-wolf) and others require admin approval; it is recommended that you submit a request for permission before you submit your class change, because you will be asked for one later anyway.


Please do not be offended if administrators send h-mails about your class race choice before it is approved. If you ask for something that sounds overly exotic or powerful you will be expected to have role-plays to back it up.

Delays can occur when approving characters, so please be patient and do not nag for your character to be approved.

Anyone found misusing this feature or nagging for approval will have their access to the feature removed.