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Quintessa Blackwell the Intricate Webweaver

🕸️ Ambitious | Patient | Diligent | Lustful | Deceitful | Greedy 🕸️


Countess Quintessa Blackwell of the Dark Forest, the Shield of Vailkrin and Arh’Nuk’s Chosen, is the feminine presenting nonbinary ruler of the Dark Forest county of Vailkrin, an overly ambitious vassal of the Vailkrinese crown and the fiancee of Karasu Tsuji of the Swiftclaw Tribe. Once called Quintessa Dragana, the false childe of Larewen Dragana and leader of the fallen House Dragana, she is a controversial figure whose public image is shrouded in mystery, misdirection, and sometimes outright lies. What's known is that she’s a mortal dark fae creature who previously posed as a vampire, likely the offspring of a night hag and a human, a humanoid called a changeling. Her hair is dark and unruly, and her blue and hazel eyes are filled with a silent intensity. She almost always wears black and almost never leaves herself unarmed. She’s aloof, silver-tongued, and intelligent, but most of all she’s dangerous. She’s barely seen her 21st winter but she wields magic as well as the Magisters of ages past, honoring her rank in the Mage’s Guild. As Provectus Malus she serves the Necromancer’s Guild as the notorious Mistress of Poisons, renowned throughout Lithyrdel thanks to her book written on toxicology. The shadow of Quintessa’s misdeeds undeniably follows her, however, and she is feared by the common folk and nobles alike for her violent and heratical acts. Despite this there are many who view Quintessa as a misunderstood anti-hero rather than a villain, and she continues to gain support in the most unlikely places, probably due to the extremely effective propaganda she produces in her fortress home Castle Blackwell. (2023 update)

Name: Quintessa Blackwell, aka Quintessa of Black Pond, fka Quintessa Dragana
Title(s): The Countess in Exile, The High-Priestess of Arh'Nuk, Magister Templi of Universal Magic, Provectus Malus Acerbitor,   and the Raven (secretly)
Nickname(s): Tessa, Tess, Tessie, Quin, Mantis
Age: 22
Birth Date: 20th of Yannage
Gender: Demigender female (she/her them/they)
Race: Paternally human, maternally hag (Changeling) 
Height / Weight: 5'10" (178 cm) / 150 lbs (68 kg)
Body Type: Ecto-endomorph
Hair Color: Raven Black
Hair Type: 2A
Eye Color: Pale Sapphire/Golden Hazel (Heterochromia)
Class: Hexblade Warlock turned Black Witch
Specialty: Alchemy (poisons and potions), Iconology (runology and linguistics, astrology, effigies) Necromancy (black tides,     soul bonding) Oneiromancy (astral projection, dream-walking)
Occupation: Professor, Media Mogul, and Entrepreneur. Former Warden and Countess of the Dark Forest (claimant) 
Guild(s): Mage's Guild, Necromancer's Guild, Rogue's Guild, Warrior's Guild  
Clan: Syndicate of Shadows (Raven Rank)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Dieties: Delisha, Vakmatharas, Cire, Selene, Xalious
Origin: Black Pond 
Relationship Status: Engaged to Karasu

Basic Information

Name: Quintessa of the Black Pond, Quintessa of the Dark Forest, or sometimes Quintessa Dragana

Race: Changeling - Changelings are the offspring of hags and their lovers taken through magic or madness. Dropped off on doorsteps of prospective foster parents, changelings are raised by strangers. Typically tall, slender, dark haired, and attractive, changelings otherwise resemble their fathers’ race. They are always female, and their mismatched colored eyes and abnormally pale skin hint at their true heritage. At puberty, changelings receive “the call,” a hypnotic spiritual voice that beckons them to travel and discover their true origins. Changelings who ignore this call choose their own destiny; those who heed it discover their “mother” and may come into great power by transforming into hags themselves.

Age: 22 years old

Physical Description: Quintessa Blackwell is tall, nearly six feet but lanky, thin, and malnourished looking. A willowy, gaunt, beanpole of a woman as pale as fresh Frostmawian snow with an even colder aura surrounding her. She used to be quite athletic as a teenager and although constant injuries prevent her from being as active as she used to be, Quintessa is still very strong and agile, especially compared to her contemporaries. Her hair is as black as coal, overgrown, uneven, and wild. What used to be perfectly manicured has been neglected and left to tangle and knot, only occasionally brushed out and styled whenever she has to make a public appearance. Her nose is long, narrow, and upturned- stereotypically witch-like. Her eyes are heterochromatic, one iris colored crystal blue like a pale sapphire, the other a warm hazel hue, almost like a golden coin, her pupil silted vertically like a snake’s. Below her reptilian eye is a clean scar cutting from her cheekbone to her ear and below her blue eye is a small birthmark, almost mirroring the scar. Her cheekbones are high, her jaw thin, and her long black eyelashes flutter delicately like a dark moth’s wings. She almost always wears makeup, black eyeshadow and eyeliner upon a chalk white foundation, constantly self-conscious that she isn’t pretty enough unless she employs it. Like her eyes and lips, Quintessa’s pointed fingernails are also similarly painted black, trying to fit the image she created of herself as a dark creature of beauty. Likewise she always dresses in this dark fashion, subtly showcasing her personal brand Black Pond Boutiques anywhere she can. (2023 update)

Personality: Something has changed about Quintessa, fundamentally in her core. Her ambitions, which used to burn bright in her heart, have dimmed like a dying star. She no longer sees the world as a thing of beauty, ripe to plunder and study at her slightest whim. She no longer finds herself motivated to elevate herself for clout and power, killing whoever she needs to and stealing whatever she wants. Quintessa’s desires have been tempered from a directionless molten steel globe into a sharp and deadly blade. She cuts with it not because she wants to anymore, but because she believes she has to. Because she believes it is her duty and place in the world. Quintessa schemes with purpose now, bloodless and cold. She’s now the spider spinning the web and no longer the naive moth dancing around the lantern. Diligent, deceptive, and patient, Quintessa is no longer consumed by her impulses, though they still tempt her from time to time. She finds it all tiresome now; She’d much rather seclude herself in her laboratory, indulging in her first love with magic. Matters of hedonism and debauchery, while never forgotten, increasingly take a backseat to matters of politics and the state, and her obsession with increasing her authority and stability in Vailkrin has consumed her mind. She lies to herself, saying she doesn’t want to be Queen, a comforting lie that nobody believes. Her imagination is chaotic now, murky with too much milk-of-the-poppy and prone to flights of fancy, but her wit is still just as sharp as it was the day she joined the Mage’s Guild. (2023 update)

Profession: Although many claim to put a lot of distrust in Quintessa as a person, many of those same people might instead put trust in her skills as a merchant if nothing else. She’s a world-renowned poison-maker and author of the Compendium Toxicum, the premier textbook for any aspiring poisoner. On top of this she is widely known for her prowess in magical combat and as Magister of the Xalious Mage’s Guild she has personally contributed to the guild's collection of tomes and secrets, attempting to challenge the status quo with her Unified Theory of Magic. Apart from the guilds, Quintessa has used her position as a Vailkrinese Countess to indulge in many other endeavors, funding personal business ventures from the comfort of her castle. Using her talents as an alchemist and seamstress, she opened Black Pond Boutiques, a clothing and makeup line modeled after her own taste in things dark and elegant, with contributions and designs by Kanna Tsuji in bright contrast to her own. The Boutique in reality is a cover for Black Pond Technologies, the militant arms manufacturing wing of her private enterprises and the developers of the Tessa Coil and Enchanted Spider Silk Armor, technological advancements that she enthusiastically sells to neighboring nations. From Chartsend to Rynvale Island (trade embargos notwithstanding) one can find Blackwell goods, especially in the Kingdom of Larket where there is suspiciously never a shortage of arms and equipment bearing Quintessa’s design. She is also the founder and Grand Hostess of the Vailkrin Blood Bowl, a summer tournament she designed to bring a sense of tribal unity throughout Vailkrin, though few agree it accomplished this goal. Nonetheless, the Blood Bowl brought much needed tourist attention to an otherwise unused arena and allowed her to advertise her own personal franchise. (2023 update)

Alignment: Placing a singular alignment is difficult to do for one such as Quintessa. She is a complicated creature of duality, constantly pulling against herself. At times she is placid and benevolent, able to show a random act of kindness or place duty above personal desire, and other times she is vicious, showing contempt and disrespect for the virtuous and noble, lying whenever convenient, and even harming innocents if it means it furthers her goals. Maintaining and ensuring her freedom and independence comes before anything else, easily overriding whatever flimsy moral code she is following at any given time. It is for this reason that Quintessa is placed in the Chaotic Neutral alignment, with the tendency to fluctuate between good and evil.

Religion: There was a point in time that Quintessa played at worshipping the gods. She’d attend an orgy dedicated to Delisha or a living sacrifice made to Vakmatharas but she never really felt anything for them. Even Daedria, whom Quintessa considered the most entertaining and reasonable of all the deities only gained aesthetic devotion from her. It is much more likely to find Quintessa haphazardly constructing altars made for more intangible concepts- or worse, things like eldritch entities that whisper dark secrets in her ear to curry favor. However, lately Quintessa has become fixated on the deity called Cire for purposes few can guess.

Abilities: Quintessa specializes in a combination of two fields; Necromancy and swordsmanship. This marriage of melee combat and dark spellcasting is known as a ‘Hexblade’ but Quintessa is much more focused on the spellcasting side than the melee combat side. Often making deals with Demigod’s or other powerful beings, she has also been referred to as a Warlock, entering pacts or trading services for boons or favors without truly devoting herself to any one of them. Equipped with her famous katana, the Jubaku no Kijo, she wields her dark magic through it as an extension of herself, blending marital with arcane.

IC Knowledge

Below is a list of things that someone could easily figure out about Quintessa given enough basic investigation with various NPC's

Known History

Little is known about Quintessa’s upbringing, but it does not appear to have been a pleasant one. Born to a human father and a hag mother, Quintessa is commonly referred to as a changeling, a half fae. By the time she was 16, Quintessa abandoned her childhood home of the Dark Forest to explore the rest of Lithrydel, becoming a common street urchin who stole or begged for money to survive. Upon turning 17 Quintessa was discovered by the Mage’s Guild and recruited into their ranks, where she became highly educated under their teachings. An exemplary student, she served in the Razurath Genocide and graduated to the rank of Arcane Steward. It is thought that during this time she became the pupil of Kasyr Azakhaer, who sharpened her resolve and transformed her into a proper swordsman.

Following the Razurath War, Quintessa became more withdrawn, spending more and more time in her homeland of Vailkrin under the tutelage of Larewen Dragana. It is not known when this took place, but Quintessa was apparently sired by her teacher and inducted into the Necromancer’s Guild, where the young caster showed an unnatural talent for the darker side of arcane study. Then in mid Autumn of 2019, Larewen Dragana, Baroness of House Dragana, mysteriously disappeared and Quintessa stepped up to fill in her place. Following this rise in popularity, Quintessa made a name for herself by defeating Gevurah D’Artes in the Red Skull Arena, attracting the attention of Khitti Herzegler who later replaced Larewen as her teacher within the Necromancer’s Guild.

In 2020, Quintessa competed in the Titans of Winter Tournament in Frostmaw, where she faced off against opponents like Mathollak ‘the Axe of Love’, Linken, Vexar Qu’isto, and her very own teacher, Kasyr Azakhaer, who was able to defeat her in the finals and move on to the championship qualifier. Although she lost, Quintessa was able to gain the attention of the Titan of Winter himself, Shishi ‘the Blue Demon”, who visited her in her Vailkrin home. It was around this time that an agreement was made between the two to protect Vailkrin’s interests together as ‘Shield and Spear of Vailkrin’ giving legitimacy to Quintessa’s claims over the Dark Forest and emboldening her to transition from mere Warden of the region into a full-fledged countess, where she continues to serve to this day from her citadel at the foot of the Necromancer Guild’s Black Spire.

Books Written or Credited In

Known Equipment/Pets/Boons


"Quintessa? A quick learner, with a whole lot of ambition. But as much as it gets her into trouble, she seems pretty adept at riding it out, et funneling it into whatever es currently interesting her. Franchement, she seems to have cooled her heels a bit- which makes me think she might be serious about making a lasting mark in Vailkrin." ~ Kasyr Azakhaer

"You will never know the true thoughts running through that changeling's mind, and perhaps that is for the best. I lived amongst archmages and masters of elemental magics. I saw a single creature destroy a civilization, and still, Quintessa is the most dangerous person I have ever laid eyes on. If you think you have her figured out, trust me, you don't." ~ Karasu of the Swiftclaw Tribe

"Quintessa? Hmm, how to sum her up… I suppose I'd have to say she's like a flame. She has the potential to nurture and warm, but equally the potential to harm and destroy. What will define her is how she sees fit to use that potential. I can only pray that she uses her capabilities for good, but I have faith that the path she chooses will be the right one. After all, where there is darkness, the flame brings light." ~ Odhranos Kerrigan

"Hm? You have yet to meet her? Well, she is just the absolute sweetest. She takes kindly to those who have a genuine desire to learn the dark side of arcane magic. I really didn't have an interest in learning at first, but an incident gave me some kind of affinity for practicing it, and so she took me in. I'll give you a hint, since you asked so nicely: If you want to butter her up, get her a little jar of human eyeballs. They sell them in Vailkrin, but eyes you collect yourself will go over better. If she likes you enough, maybe she'll let you keep yours, too." ~ Kanna

"You're asking around about Quintessa, eh? Well, I will tell you this much about her, I may not have known her as long as some but I am quite fond of her. She's like family to me. And I'm quite protective of my family. Not that she needs it, her mind is as sharp as the blade that she wields. Tessa is definitely not someone I would want to aggravate either. But keep nosing about her business, yeah? And you might get to find out first hand what I am talking about." ~ Meri

"Tessa?...Talented. Ambitious. Studious. She definitely needs a bit of guidance at times. She can also be your greatest friend or worst enemy. She literally helped save my life so she's alright in my book." ~ Magikrios D’Chath

"Well I’ll tell you. She was very, very mean to me. You know she attacked me? Did you hear about that? It was terrible. Awful. She's real strong, real strong. But she didn't mean it, I don't think, and don't believe everything you hear either. Don't believe all the fake news. They hate people like her. She's good for the people of Vailkrin, doing good things for them. I hear good things. Great things! We made up, and we’re friends again. Good friends. She actually invited me to her castle, in Vailkrin. She says I’m welcome to show up whenever I want. Just show up! Not many people get invitations like that, but I did. So yes we’re very good friends." ~ Lanlan

"Who? Oh, her? She's one spooky b----." ~ Ranok

"Tessa adequately meets my obnoxiously high standards for a Necromancy teacher. Oh-... You mean like, as a person..? Hmm, I think a lot of the things she does are to prove herself, or to impress someone. I’m not sure to who though. She’s already pretty impressive, you know? I like that she’s in Vailkrin, and I like that she’s in -that- house. I think Blue does too. He likes to “joke” that she’ll wind up killing him, or the other way around; but they’re probably too alike, protective and loyal, for that to ever happen. If Quintessa ever ends up dying, it won’t be because she got in over her head, it’ll be because someone else did, and she bailed them out." ~ Leralynn, the Orange Witch

Common Rumors

  • Quintessa is the child of a demon or dark deity (false- but her mother is a literal monster)
  • She murdered her own father in cold blood (true- but he had it coming)
  • Quintessa sold her soul for her unnatural powers (false)
  • She poisoned her best friend's lover and then stabbed her when confronted (mixed- she poisoned her lover but she was the one who was stabbed)
  • Quintessa has a identical twin named "Twintessa" (false- that was Lanlan in disguise)
  • Quintessa has commissioned drawings of all the Mage Guild members that hang in her room. Some have lipstick marks on them. Others have darts. (mixed- she has a wanted poster of Kasyr that hangs in her room, but she doesn't own pictures of anybody else)
  • She once committed arson in Cenril (true- technically, but that was a tactical strike, not arson)
  • Quintessa had something to do with Larewen's disappearance (false- Although she has taken advantage of her absence to do as she pleases with House Dragana)
  • She cheated to win in the Red Skull Arena (mixed- Her opponent Geverah cheated first, Quintessa simply returned the favor)
  • Quintessa prefers drinking Xailous Breakfast over Vailkrin Grey (true- embarrassingly enough)
  • She eats human eyeballs. (true- Quintessa loves them, in fact)
  • Quintessa smokes clove cigarettes. (mixed- She's desperately trying to quit)
  • Quintessa is harboring the Black Lotus Killer. (false- She's investigating the murders alongside the prime suspect)

Notable Scars

Poems, Notes, and Diary Entries

(OOC note: Everything below is for OOC use only)

Wretched Girl (early life)

14th of March,
I did it. He's gone, but somehow I thought it would be different. I've finally rid myself of my source of torment and all I can think about is how alone I am. Oh well, no use worrying about that now. There is a whole world to explore outside of the Dark Forest that I can't wait to see. Perhaps there is a place where I can figure out how to use the magic surging inside of me. Tomorrow I'll head to Kelay Way and poke about the Sage Forest a bit. Who knows? Maybe somebody there can be my teacher... 

-Excerpt from the "Diary of a Swamp Girl"

Who is this wretched girl?

With black hair greasy and eyes all mixed up

That must be Quintessa of Black Pond

With arms too gangly

With legs too thin

Why is she here?

Why does she meddle in our affairs?

Quintessa is everywhere

A bloodline as dark and twisted as the woods she came from

From east to west they tell of her misdeeds

It's better to leave her alone

Bad things happen to those who spend too much time around her

After all

Look what happened

To her father...

18th of August,
An amazing development- I've been recruited by the Mage's Guild! Magister Dyraxdiin personally oversaw my exam and was so impressed that he put word in for me to join the Necromancer's Guild as well. Larewen Dragana herself wants to be my teacher, can you believe that? I grew up in the shadows of her manor and now she's actually inviting me to stay with her while she teaches me necromancy. This is a dream come true!
Out of all the amazing people I've met since I left home, none catch my eye quite like my classmate and fellow apprentice, Karasu Tsuji. She got to grow up here, a real-life Xalious princess, among rare books and great casters, learning from the best since she could walk. Ooo, she's so lucky! She's gotta be my biggest rival so far, but she's also my best friend. None give my life drive and meaning quite like her, but one day I'll surpass her and be the greatet spell blade in the entire guild- Just wait and see!

-Excerpt from "Arh'Nuk's Chosen"

Strange Girl (the apprentice)

Who is this strange girl?

I recognize her stare

Even with black hair clean

Even with nails and face painted

She's still Quintessa of Black Pond

Even with her new sword

Even with her new clothes

She's still just a wretch

She's still a hag's daughter

She's still an abomination

Who is Quintessa?

An apprentice of mages

A practitioner of dark magic

Someone who shouldn't be trusted

Someone twisted

Something unnatural

After all

Look how far she's come

In such

A short


22nd of October,
I expected the final battle to be bloody but I'm still piecing together what I witnessed. Reports from Master Kasyr collaborate with the reports on the ground; The Razurath killed themselves down to the last woman and child. On the battlefield it was no better as the flames of chaos grew in the melee. The Drows' bloodlust rivaled my own as we cut down foe after foe together, not yet realizing the trap we were walking into. With Aetherclaw's death came the trigger of magic and the most powerful sphere of annihilation I've ever seen manifested before our eyes. They were using necromancy! The horror and fear of the innocents sacrificed for this spell reverberated from the center like a nest of hornets, buzzing with agony. And then... Luffy. She was too slow to make it out in time and the sphere shredded her to pieces. I've never felt so heartbroken before... Master Kasyr is supposed to stop by House Dragana later... maybe together we can make sense of all of this...

-Excerpt from "A Hex Blade's War Journal"

Pretentious Girl (the baroness)

2nd of February,
Xicotl is a slippery bastard but he's left breadcrumbs for me everywhere. Athis, the Coalition of Chrome, the Belghaxian Reach, the Xin Akashi, and the Order of the Third Moon... How have so many civilizations come and gone without contemporary scholars learning about them? There are many secrets out there that are just waiting to be explored and I reckon that's how I'll attain true power. 
Too long have I held myself back from learning forbidden knowledge but this recent mission has opened my eyes to the truth- No knowledge should be forbidden. That's just bullocks that the old men at he Mage's College tell you when they think you have too much potential. Had we been learning about Xicotl all along we would be ready for him now but no more! If nobody else will do what it takes for the security of Lithrydel then I must take this burden upon my own shoulders. I will not stand by and watch what happened to the Razurath happen to me, not while I can still resist. Better to die with my boots on than lie down and die like a dog, and while my mind is still sharp I will use it as a weapon for the Warrior's Guild. They can count on that.

-Excerpt from "Quintessa Dragana's Notes on Xicotl"

Who is this pretentious girl?

Making claims to baronies and titles undeserving

That's Quintessa of Black Pond

Quintessa Dragana now

The Monster of the Dark Forest

The swordsman who wields curses

The dangerous creature that haunts the house

What makes her think she's fit to lead?

She's still a wretch of a baroness

She's still a neophyte of a spell-weaver

An upstart sell-sword playing at politics

Does she have what it takes?

Or will the vampire houses

Bleed her


21st of April,
At first I thought it was just paranoia but since my 18th name day it's been worse. The whispers that had all fallen silent have returned to a deafening volume. The daily itching on the back of my mind has become a glaring irritation that nothing will soothe. Even in my dreams she haunts me and I know deep down who the night hag who rides my back until morning is... My mother. 
She's been watching me all along, I just know it, and now she's come to lure me in with her call. But what can she want with me? Is she beckoning me home to fulfill my potential as an Unseelie or is this simply a siren's call? Will my mother snap her jaws around my neck the moment I poke my head through the rabbit hole? 
I don't know. Nothing makes sense anymore. Even my normal research has been slowed as the whispers distract me, pulling me from my duties. I've worked too hard for too long for some disembodied voice to ruin it now, but what if I'm passing up my destiny? I'm not sure how much longer I can resist the lure of the unknown, but I can't let everybody down. I have to finish my work here in Venturil first and then perhaps I can go off looking for 'Mummy'...

-Excerpt from the "Diary of a Teenaged Baroness"

Restless Girl (the countess)

Who is this restless girl?

Does she ever stop?

What drives a woman so young

Into the clutches of such sinister ambitions?

That’s Quintessa Dragana

Haven’t you heard?

She’s a rising star

A mistress of lore

An intricate web-weaver with a venomous bite

Can I trust a person with such a checkered reputation?

She’s a cut-throat

A shameless seductress

How can we know if we are being deceived?

You can trust in the Countess’s actions

You can bet that she’s smarter than you too

But most importantly

You can count on her wroth

Her bloodlust

Her unhesitating violence against those who slight her

So be careful

If Quintessa hears you spreading rumors




Old Overview

Countess Quintessa Blackwell of the Dark Forest, formally known as Quintessa Dragana, is the gender nonconforming female ruler of the Dark Forest county of Vailkrin. Quintessa is thought to have been born in the spring of 2002, making her approximately 20 years of age. Known as the Shield of the East in her homeland, Quintessa served as Lady of House Dragana since 2019 until its dissolution in 2022, and continues to serve as a vassal to the Vailkrin crown to this day. She has publicly associated herself with many guilds, the Xalious Mage’s Guild, the Warrior’s Guild, and most notably, the Necromancer’s Guild, where she currently performs duties as Provectus Malus, teaching necromancy to the lower degrees.

Old Description Standing at 5’10’’ and weighing a mere 140lbs, Quintessa is a lanky willow of a woman, one who usually stands proud even when she does not deserve this inflated confidence. Even when Quintessa smiles, the rows of sharp teeth hidden just behind her lips fill the meeker people she encounters with dread. Her dark raven hair, chopped short to keep from getting tangled up and in the way, is styled in the ‘hime cut’ or ‘princess cut’ to perfectly frame her face. Her face in question is rather average, sporting a long, slightly upturned nose and mismatched eyes of blue and hazel, with a small birthmark visible just under her right eye. Her cheekbones are high, her jaw thin, and her long black eyelashes flutter like a dark moth’s wings. With a little bit of makeup Quintessa can transform herself into a proper beauty, but even when she does she goes through great length not to hide the scar on her face cutting into her cheek just below her left eye, one of many ‘momento mori’ the strange woman collects for her own amusement.

Previous Personality “A person’s worth is no greater than the worth of their ambitions.” Within those heterochromatic eyes of blue and hazel burns a flame so hot that nothing can extinguish it, a passion so powerful it compels her to do terrible things. Quintessa possesses a dangerous combination of drive and diligence, giving her the will to achieve her goals but also making her blind to those she steps on to accomplish them. She’s willing to lie, steal, or cheat to get what she needs, and she is skilled enough at fabricating a cover to get away with it. On top of this Quintessa is short tempered and impulsive, often saying or doing things in the heat of the moment that she comes to regret later. She does feel guilt for her actions, however, and she’s intelligent enough to recognize when her brazen behavior manifests into self sabotage. This often leads her to be at odds with her own aspirations, questioning when she’ll be satisfied with what she has or what exactly she’s really after in the long run. Despite all these shortcomings Quintessa is still fiercely loyal to those she cares about, willing to lay down her own life if necessary to protect them, and above all else she is absolutely dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the arcane.

Old Profession Quintessa wears many hats but perhaps the one she takes the most pride in is her duty as a Countess of Vailkrin. Though she serves a vacant crown she is singularly devoted to the stability of her homeland and sometimes this means keeping that crown vacant so that it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. Secondary to this she is highly invested in her work with the Necromancer’s Guild, so much in fact that she has found herself elevated to the much coveted teaching position as Acerbitor where she is able to showcase her skills as a poison maker and potion brewer. If these accolades weren’t enough her ambitious nature drives her to pursue other professions too, leading her to serve as an instructor for the Mage’s Guild Spellblade Corp. and an officer of the Warrior’s Guild. On top of this Quintessa has also gained quite the reputation as a duelist, placing no less than third place in both Titans of Winter tournaments she participated in.