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Geography And Climate

Situated on the northeast side of Rynvale Island, the whole of Vhys is rather diverse when it comes to the types of terrain that make up the region. Starting on the western side, it begins as a dusty, rocky plateau and slowly gives way into a grassier, tree-filled area that soon becomes the massive ancient forest that stretches for miles. Far-reaching meadows come out on the other side, home to a farming community, which eventually continues on into the region’s main town, Elimdor. The region also boasts several watery landmarks, like a waterfall just to the north west of the farms, stemming from the river that runs through the middle of Vhys, to a man-made reservoir made by and for the winery, as well as the massive harbor on the northeast side of Elimdor.

Being on the northern end of the island, this gives Vhys some more moderate to cooler temperatures than what’s found in Port Rynvale or even Gamorg. It is often rather rainy, or covered in low fog, as it battles with the climate from the rest of the island. Snow is extremely rare, but not unheard of entirely.


While forsaken elves existed well before Ryeanna Drakenheart’s reign, the region known as Vhys did not fully coalesce into something resembling an inhabited area until she pulled her people from Port Rynvale, settling them in the north, and establishing Elimdor as their new home. After some time, Vhys would establish trade with both Port Rynvale and Larket, and the region would fall into comfortable times with Lady Ryeanna leading them as their duchess. Once both Lady Ryeanna and her first in command, Morvious Kalia, took their leave of the land (whether by death or other means), the region fell into a state of disrepair and disarray. For a time, the houses struggled to cooperate with one another, as well as the other races that lived there, but they eventually re-stabilized the region once more.

In recent times, however, the whole of the region has begun to become unsettled with things. They want for more and this cannot be done without new income coming into the region’s economy. To fuel this, the houses pooled their own coffers into an expansion project, which the denizens of Elimdor, and ultimately Vhys, hoped to breathe new life into their surroundings.

Inhabitants And Settlements

Forsaken Elves, Fermin, and various types of Undead (including Vampires) make up the majority of Vhys’ citizens, but plenty of other races can be found there as well.

Forsaken Elf Houses

There are 5 major forsaken elf houses. Two are from the original forsaken elves that left Rynvale thousands of years ago (Vasile and Cosma), 2 that were created when Ryeanna took hold over Vhys (Zamfir and Dragos), and 1 called Drakenkalia that are devout followers of Ryeanna Drakenheart and Morvious Kalia. Of course, there are many minor houses as well that help make up the citizenry of the region.

House Name House Number Leader Domain
Cosma 1st Casimira Cosma Religion.
Dragos 2nd Viktor Dragos Education. Keepers of the Vhysian academy.
Vasile 3rd Lhyrin Amarth Military. Specifically the Dark Rangers.
Zamfir 4th Raissa Zamfir Merchants and trade.
Drakenkalia 5th The cult functions as a council. The worship of Ryeanna Drakenheart and her minion Morvious Kalia.


No longer satisfied with their quiet means of trade, Vhys as a whole has made the decision to finally develop their region more fully, by creating a proper harbor, as well as expand on things already present in Elimdor, like the Elimdor Academy Of The Magical And Mundane Arts. They have fashioned themselves a sort of college town, hoping to draw in more people by way of the school. To do this, the long-since established Glassworks Foundry has offered internships and full jobs to those that have completed their studies at the college.


Chancellor: Lhyrin Amarth. The title was taken in place of the gendered Duke or Duchess.
Castellan: Position unfilled. This position serves as Vhys' deputy, the Chancellor's second in command.
Small Council:

  • Emissary of Vhys: Ambassador Quintessa Blackwell
  • Arbiter of Law: Dimitri Kassai
  • Curator of Coin: Raissa Zamfir
  • Archivist: Petronela Dragos
  • Viceroys of War:
    • Lord Admiral Mihaela Revenco, Keeper of Vhys' navy.
    • Lord Commander Delia Lazarov, Keeper of Vhys' dark rangers.
    • Spymaster Ruxandra Dimitrescu, Keeper of Vhys' spy network (Quintessa Blackwell in disguise).

Number of Shops/Services: 19
Military: Thanks to House Vasile, the military of Vhys has become much larger in the last decade or so, especially as tensions remain raised throughout mainland Lithrydel.

  • Divisions of Military: The dark rangers, the navy, and a spy division consisting of fermin.

Location Within Hollow: Northeast of Rynvale, just beyond the Dragonlands.
General Population: Around 5000, though it does fluctuate as students and faculty filter in and out of the academy.
Preferred God: Delisha, though Vakmatharas is a close second thanks to Ryeanna Drakenheart’s ties to the undead.
Current Coin in Government: The following coins, as well as bank notes for large sums of money:

  • Gold Coin: Black Grail
    • This coin measures one and a quarter inch in diameter (32mm), round with a slightly raised edge, and is made of very high quality gold alloy with a slightly blackened finish. On the obverse side, a black grail takes up the center, adorned with engraved gems made of colorful Vhysian glass. It is common to discover coins missing these tiny 'gems' whether through vandalism or natural wear. On the reverse side of the coin, a detailed portrait of Lich-Queen Ryeanna Drakenheart takes the center, beautiful and stern. Commonly referred to as "Golden Grails", the Black Grail was minted during the reign of Queen Ryeanna Drakenheart, who was known for her mastery of dark rituals and magic. This coin symbolizes the era’s prosperity under her rule, despite the ominous methods she employed to maintain control. The grail is a common symbol of opulence, though the truth of its symbolism hints to a much darker past, one rarely spoken of even by those forsaken elves that remember the Queen's reign. To this day, local merchants and nobles alike use Golden Grails for the most expensive purchases.
  • Silver Coin: Silver Dagger
    • Measuring one inch in diameter (25mm), this coin is round with a milled edge and made of a high quality silver alloy. Its obverse design features Governor Morvious' bloodlust dagger in the center, intricate blade patterns adorning it. On the reverse side is a portrait of Governor Morvious himself, the cityscape of Elimdor in the background. Underneath him reads the words "Thand Ui Brûn" translated: "Order Through Strength". The Silver Dagger coin was introduced by Governor Morvious, a strategic leader celebrated for bringing order and structure to the city of Elimdor as Queen Ryeanna Drakenheart's right hand man. The bloodlust dagger represents his authoritative, sometimes ruthless, approach to governance. This coin became the standard for daily trade and commerce, embodying the stability and control Morvious established during his tenure. To this day the Silver Dagger is the most commonly traded coin for the majority of citizens in Vhys.
  • Copper Coin: Copper Branches
    • This coin is one inch (25mm) in diameter, round with smooth edges, and made of copper alloy. It features two redwood branches with intricately detailed bark and needle textures that curve around the edges of the coin. On the reverse a towering redwood tree takes the focal point, reaching towards the sky, surrounded by smaller trees and forest undergrowth. A tribute to the prized redwood forests of Vhys, the Copper Branches were minted during the reign of Queen Ryeanna Drakenheart, symbolizing the unity of the realm's inhabitants with the forest. The redwood branches on the obverse represent the kingdom's natural wealth and prosperity, while the towering tree on the reverse represents the resilience and majesty of the forest. To this day, Copper Branches can be found not only in Vhys, but all across Lithyrdel and Rynvale Island.

(Vhys' currency was written by Quintessa.)


Trading Partners: Currently reconfiguring trade routes.
Imports: Weaponry/armor (typically those made of metals), various foodstuffs, textiles.
Exports: Ore and gems, lumber, glass, leather goods.


Other Businesses Used In RP

Note: These businesses do not have room descriptions, but they are used in Vhysian-related RP. If you'd like to use one of these in your RPs, please speak to the player that created them for more information/permission!


Vhys' Chancellor and the 5 main Forsaken Elf Houses do their best to work together with the lesser houses and other races that inhabit Vhys, as a sort of council. Though of course, nothing is perfect and the houses (both greater and lesser) often butt heads, much like other regions with a similar noble house structure.

Other Places Of Note

  • The Forsaken Beacon Lighthouse
  • The Darklight Boardwalk and Harbor
  • Dark Ranger Watchtower, Barracks, and Archery Training Grounds
  • Delisha's Rose Garden Hedgemaze
  • Supposedly Abandoned House

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