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Mcracken's Statistics

Name: Mcracken, goes by "Mac". Once known as "Ts'andaoth" True name secret and unpronounceable. 
Age: 70,000 years, give or take. 
Gender: Male.
Race: Seaborn, Blue-ringed Kraken (tropical subspecies)
Height: In human form, usually about 6'6" tall. 
Hair Color: Shaggy black, dreadlocked, streaks of silver. 
Eye Color: Shifting oceanic hues. At times, pearly white/abyssal black.
Class: Bard. Seaborn diplomat.
Occupation: Guardian of the sea. Beach bum.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Status: Claimed. Bonded.


Mac is the oldest of his kind, a truly gargantuan being inhabiting the deepest ocean troughs.

His human form is a construct of divine magic, and retains a few traits and some of the immense power of his natural state. He is sworn on oath to Selene, Goddess of Moon and Sea, to avoid interfering in the matters of Land-walkers unless absolutely necessary for the benefit of the oceanic races.

Like most of his race, he is extremely protective of "his people". That number now includes several Dry World inhabitants, notably Mayor Valrae Baines of Cenril.

Son of Selene's Dark Face

Mac's vast age is said to be a gift from Selene, so that he may continue acting as her agent on Hollow. He acts as a guardian, watch-dog, warrior, scribe, assassin or any other role he is divinely inspired to take, in order to lead his people safely into the future.

He is presently instrumental in the emergence of Seaborn culture into the world at large.

The Kraken-Wife

Long life is a blessing but it does come with its unique hardships, chief among which is the loneliness and grief of watching strings of loved ones age and die. Having grieved too many losses and burdened with vast responsibilities, Mac entered a deep state of sorrow from which he could not emerge. Out of compassion, he was granted the ability to transfer some of his life energy and span to a chosen companion and helpmeet-- with the caveat that he choose from among a number of likely candidates who were powerful witches, faithful to Selene.

The first kraken-wife, Evriale, was a sea-gorgon witch whom Mac came to love in time. After thousands of years together, Evriale's matiasma or 'stone sight' drove her to madness and the rejection of Selene-worship. Ultimately setting upon a temple full of innocent worshippers. she murdered them all and pronounced herself a goddess, proceeding to terrorise inhabitants of the Rynvale coast until her own power was turned against her by a clever mercenary and she herself was turned to living stone.

While Mac may have had a hand in her demise, he nevertheless continued to love and mourn Evriale for many centuries after, often visiting her petrified body at what became known as 'the stone menagerie'. Ironically the kraken's 'gift' became her curse and it took all of that time for her soul to wither and depart her cursed flesh.

By this time Mac had already started 'incidentally' running into a series of powerful witches. One among them, Valrae Baines, sparked deep emotions in the kraken but as Valrae was promised to another and with a living Kraken-Wife, it seemed there could be no real future for them.

As it happened, Evriale at last passed away, leaving Mac free to pursue Valrae. Knowing her to be lukewarm regarding her betrothal but reluctant to break that promise, he took the chance of bestowing the 'gift' and letting the High Priestess choose to accept or reject it. Fortunately, she accepted and now holds the title of "Kraken-Wife".

The 'gift' includes a mysterious mark.

Mac too receives a similar mark.

This marriage is considered a divinely blessed sacred pact and is for life. The relationship between kraken and kraken-wife might be purely ceremonial/platonic or also include romantic involvement. In the event of the former, both parties may take lovers but the pact precludes the witch from ever marrying again.


From time to time, Mac is moved by circumstances or simply someone's 'vibe' to sing for them. Some of his songs hail from an era where little difference existed between song, incantation, invocation and prayer, and blended with Mac's innate magic can sometimes produce lasting effects on the listener. These songs do not bestow magical powers but rather open pathways to profound personal change.

Song recipients so far:

Song of Solace: Hanan

Song of Transmutation: Khitti

Song of Water: Ernest


The specific territories Mac is responsible for include all of the ocean between Rynvale Island and Cenril, to the east and west, and that between Selene Island and the southern waters of the Veloren Archipelago, north to south.

Seaborn folk within that region are 'his people' and he keeps close watch on them.

Recently, he orchestrated the rescue of captive seaborn in caves below the Underdark.

He also negotiated an international pact to reduce the number of Seaborn people trafficked for slavery.

Leader of the Seaborn Clan

The Dry World has made many advances in magic and technology throughout the ages, but the Seaborn have had little need of such development and thus are more vulnerable than they once were in some regards.

Despite a long tradition of mistrust and antagonism between the Seaborn and Land-walkers, Mac's goal is to create a core group containing denizens of both worlds to foster better diplomacy between them through trade and peaceful interaction.

Having observed the Dry World for some time, Mac believes the current age is right for such an accord to exist and is seeking people of both sea and land to join him in this quest.