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Combat Style: Magic
Combat Rating: Average
Magic Style: Curses, Shadows, Restorative, Light, Nature 
Magic Rating: High
Preferred Races: Any
Preferred Alignment: Any
Allowed Races: Any
Preferred Weapon(s): Spell Books, Wands/Scepters
Skills: Fire Bolt, Cure, Entangle, Full Cure, Malevolent Hex
Skill Weapon: Magical
Skill Centers: Mage's Training Centre, Druid's Eternal Tree, Sanguine Pool


Witches typically invoke the image of a crumpled woman with a hooked nose stirring her cauldron and cackling loudly into the night. While it would be untrue to say this is never the case, witches are far more than the stigma that prejudiced has saddled them with. Witches may come from all walks of life and as such vary widely from individual to individual. While one witch may live on the fringes of society and prefer a life in the wilds to practice herbal magic, another might chose to live in the middle of bustling city life and make coin peddling potions or reading runes as a street vendor.

Witches possess a distinction that sets them apart from mages, druids, and even paladins: their ability to wield magic drawn from three distinct sources. While mages primarily delve into arcane magic and druids harness the powers of nature, witches seamlessly weave together these schools of magic with an added infusion of divine essence. This unique blend of magical traditions grants witches a diverse and potent repertoire of spells and abilities.

With their command over arcane magic, witches tap into the fundamental forces of the universe, manipulating energies and shaping reality to their will. In harmony with nature, witches embrace druidic magic, drawing power from the living world that surrounds them. But it is in their affinity for divine magic that witches truly stand apart. Unlike paladins, who channel divine energy through their unwavering faith, witches tap into a more mystical and intuitive connection with the divine.

The ability to combine these three sources of magic sets witches on a unique and extraordinary path. They navigate the intricate tapestry of arcane, druidic, and divine energies, blending their powers in a harmonious symphony that enhances their spellcasting and deepens their connection to the mystical forces of the world. This fusion of magical energy is echoed in tradition and deep-rooted spirituality.

Magic, Ritual & Spirituality

Another aspect that sets witches apart from mages or druids is their unique fusion of magical traditions, community, and deep-rooted spirituality. Witches often embrace a particular deity, ranging from well-known gods and goddesses or even a more abstract concept of divinity.

Culture & Covens

The practice of witchcraft can take place in solitude or within communities known as covens. Covens consist of six or more members, with thirteen being a common number, who join together to perform rituals. These covens are typically led by a High Priestess, sometimes with additional leaders. On the other hand, solitary witches prefer to practice alone, choosing to distance themselves from group magic for various reasons.

A common thread among witches is their adherence to a set of rules known as The Witches Rede or Creed, although slight variations may exist from witch to witch or coven to coven. The most renowned and fundamental rule, often referred to as 'The Golden Rule,' is "An it harm none, do as ye will." Witches who deviate from this code and delve into black magic are generally shunned by the majority of the witch community.

Witchcraft encompasses a wide array of magical practices, each with its own unique classification and individual variations. However, all witches draw power from nature and the world around them, employing tools such as crystals, wands, scepters, spells, herbs, talismans, and other methods of amplifying their abilities through sympathetic or transferal means. They may also invent their own tricks and tools. In times of conflict, witches may employ curses, hexes, and jinxes as part of their arsenal.


Familiars, animal companions that form strong bonds with witches, are a common presence in witchcraft. While black cats, dogs, and ravens are often associated with witches, familiars can vary widely, reflecting the individuality of their witch counterparts. These animal helpers assist witches in performing magic and carrying out various tasks, as well as offering loyal companionship.


The Crystal Skulls

Within the realm of witchcraft, there exists a collection of artifacts known as the Crystal Skulls, each crafted meticulously from potent crystals. These hard-stone sculptures hold immense significance and are said to have once been in the possession of powerful Old World covens. Legends that surround these artifacts speak of their extraordinary power, with whispers suggesting that when united, the Crystal Skulls possess the ability to resurrect the deceased.

In recent times, these enigmatic Crystal Skulls emerged from obscurity and played a pivotal role in the resurrection of Valrae, known as the Red Witch.

Important Historical Events

What began with a catastrophic earthquake that ravaged the Kingdom of Larket, snowballed into widespread fear that dark magic had triggered the disaster. This gave rise to a surge in anti-witch sentiment, prompting the Crown to establish a Witch Registry to monitor and control witches' activities. Rebels, consisting of those who advocated for a more democratic government and sympathized with witches, responded by igniting riots and burning effigies in protest.

As time passed, the hostile climate escalated into a frenzy of discrimination, with witches finding themselves marginalized in employment opportunities and subjected to the establishment of a labor camp by the monarchy. The camp, facing resistance in the form of riots and attacks, bore witness to a curse that afflicted the young inhabitants of Larket, causing premature aging. Unjustly blamed for these calamities, witches became scapegoats, and the public burning of Valrae Baines further fueled the flames of anti-witch sentiment. In a grave turn of events, the city of Frostmaw severed ties by nullifying the recently enacted treaty with Larket.

In the wake of these trials, the city of Cenril emerged as a beacon of hope and sanctuary for witches. It became a haven for both native Cenril witches and those who sought refuge from across the world. The city's reputation as a sanctuary grew under the leadership of Mayor Uma Abelin, a notable witch who guided the community. Later, Valrae herself assumed leadership, further solidifying Cenril as a gathering place for witches, refugees, and those seeking solace from the horrors they had endured.

Historical Events Outside Of Lithrydel and Rynvale Island

Around 500 or so years ago, the citizens of the island-continent of Dhavislaav (homeland of Khitt(i) von Schreier) lived in peace, both magical and non-magical alike. Despite this, there were still those that grew jealous and spiteful, which shifted into utter hatred for those that wielded magic. In time, a war broke out, with many casualties on both sides. The Shadow Lily coven, the leader of all of the country's witches did their best to protect everyone that needed it, but even their leader Annika von Schreier, matriarch of the Von Schreier family, fell in combat, despite the help of both the Grey Moonstone Crystal Skull and the Celestial Abraxas Ring's power. Even after her child, Khatja von Schreier (and Khristoff in at least one of Hollow's alternate universes) took up the mantle as leader in her mother's stead, she too eventually failed, and was taken captive by the enemy, their village Dämmerung Stürze destroyed. The crystal skull and family heirloom ring, as well as the Von Schreier grimoire went missing for centuries, and a ban on magic was placed on the entire continent. Not even magical types from other countries were safe from the pyres and gallows as they were all labeled 'witch' and sentenced to death.

Time went on and the magical folk hid, while Dämmerung Stürze was eventually rebuilt. It soon led to the birth of the current Khatja (and her male counterpart Khristoff). Eventually, they would come to find the missing family heirlooms, taking back their heritage as witches. It remains unclear, however, if they'll use this power to save their homeland, like they've used it to save Lithrydel.

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