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Regional News Items

October 2023

Town News

“I’d Rather Burn.” - Mayor Valrae Baines Breaks Her Silence

Cenril finds itself at a crossroads once more. In a historic turn of events, Mayor Valrae Baines, who was kidnapped for several months and believed lost, has returned to her city. The joy and relief that swept through the streets upon her reappearance were palpable, and the republic watched with bated breath as she made her first official statement since her ordeal. Standing before a crowd of citizens, Mayor Valrae Baines addressed the city with the gravity of a leader who had faced unimaginable trials. Her voice, though calm, carried the weight of her experiences.

"I have seen the darkness that sought to shroud our beloved city," she began, her gaze sweeping across the gathered crowd. "And while I cannot speak of all that transpired during my absence, I can say this: the shadows have names, and they dwell close to our borders."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in, her expression resolute. "But let us not be consumed by anger or rash actions. We are Cenril, a city of strength and unity."

When questioned about King Macon of Larket's demands, which have not yet been made clear but likely include surrender, Mayor Baines delivered a response that left no room for compromise. With a fire in her eyes that sparked memories of her tragic past with the Kingdom, she stated simply, "I'd rather burn." It was a declaration that reverberated through the city, a testament to her unwavering commitment to the people she leads.

Mayor Valrae Baines' return has rekindled the city's hope and resolve. Whether diplomacy can prevail or if the flames of war will consume all remains uncertain, but one thing is clear—Cenril will face its future with a leader who refuses to bow to Larket’s tyranny.

The Larket Question: Shadows of Worship

By Senior Correspondent Amelia Sinclair

In the tapestry of Lithrydel, there exists a Kingdom that has long stirred both curiosity and concern among its neighbors. Larket, a realm overshadowed by first its zealous witch hunts, and now its relatively new yet persistent and nearly fanatic devotion to Vakmatharas, has become a subject of fascination and trepidation alike.

While it is not our intention to cast judgment upon the practices of another region, recent events have once again brought to light the enigma that is Larket and dogmatic worship. Larket's unique brand of new faith, centered around the God of Death, has often been described as cult-like by those outside its walls. The fervent devotion, the rituals, and the shadowy ceremonies that often include human sacrifice -- all have led to questions about the true nature of their faith. It is essential to clarify that belief itself is not inherently sinister, but it is the extremities to which it can be taken that give rise to concerns.

In the spirit of fairness, it is crucial to remember that judgment should not be passed without a complete understanding. However, as long as Larket's practices continue to stir controversy and disrupt the harmony of the realm, questions will persist. And in the midst of these tumultuous times, one cannot help but wonder if Larket's shadows of worship will continue to cast a pall over Lithrydel. It is impossible to ignore the whispers that suggest Larket orchestrated Mayor Valrae Baines' kidnapping, a shadowy scheme designed to ignite a war and send more souls to the God of Death. While such speculation should be approached with caution, it is important to remain vigilant.

May 2023


The Drow Houses of Trist'oth have fallen to the relentless onslaught of the undead. Reports indicate that the once-proud Queendom is now overrun by hordes of Alithyk Caluss' undead army, leaving only rubble and decay in its wake.

Survivors are fleeing the city, with many seeking refuge in nearby caves and other underground shelters. The streets are choked with panicked Drow, their faces etched with fear as they flee from the advancing hordes of undead. The stench of death and decay hangs heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the horrors that have befallen Trist'oth.

Eyewitnesses report that the undead seem to multiply with each victory, making it seem as if they are an unstoppable force, hell-bent on turning all life into their own kind of twisted undeath. The situation is dire, with the fate of the entire Drow race hanging in the balance.

It is not yet clear if any of the noble Houses have survived the attack, or if any leadership remains to coordinate a response. The only thing that is certain is that time is running out, and the undead army shows no sign of slowing down.

The fate of Trist'oth, and possibly the entire continent of Lithrydel, hangs in the balance.

October 2016

  • October 24
    • After a meeting between Macon of Larket and Queen Hildegarde of Frostmaw, wherein the two were unable to agree on the terms of Larket and Frostmaw's future friendship, the relationship between the two cities has taken a rather unsavory turn. All indications highlight that war has been declared.

  • August 28th
    • An epidemic is sweeping Chartsend! Local healers are doing everything they can to combat the mysterious disease, but nothing seems able to cure it!

  • June 1

A new ship has made port in Rynvale, named Kraken's Kiss, the ship arrived without much pomp and ceremony. The captain of the ship has been heard in the Broken Barrel inn, discussing how he seeks adventure and items of interest in Rynvale and her waters.

  • No news has been reported since August 2012

  • August 4
    • The National Treasure the Green Rose was stolen from the Craughmoyle Treasury tonight. Any information that would lead to the recovery of the item would be greatly appreciated. For information regarding the treasure contact the city guard Thavene.

April 2018

  • April 19
    • The war in Alithrya ends with the death of Jaize, along with several other causalities. The Priestess Gevurah, Senator Brennia and Pilar helped secure the victory. Still war ravaged and recovering from outside influence, the city is taking this time to turn it's attentions inward as Reginae ascends to take her sister's place as Queen of Alithrya. Guests are still encouraged to travel only along safe trade routes. Pilar, Vestra, and Iphigenia are noted among the deceased.


Kazarkh (August)

Official Newspaper For Vhys: First Publication
The Looking Glass, Vhys' newspaper has finally been printed and released to the public! No longer content with small town ways and pooling news into the papers of the mainland when necessary, several members from Vhys' major houses have teamed up to bring its citizens the news, including current affairs, events, advertisements, and more!

Vhys Expansion Continues!
The ever-ongoing expansion continues as the foundations and walls go up for Elimdor's new bookstore, coffee shop, 24 hour diner, and a shop dedicated to magical necessities, while the finishing touches go on the Elimdor Academy, as well as the much awaited Grand Temple of Delisha!

Words of Corruption and Weariness Exchanged At First World Leader's Summit!
Lithrydel and Rynvale's leaders and representatives were called to a meeting in Lithrydel's own City of the Dead, Vailkrin, by its newly appointed (and former) King Kasyr Azakhaer. All had been in wonder for weeks at what might've sparked such a gathering, and all was made known not long after the invited, the press, and any others were settled. As reported elsewhere, King Azakhaer would declare his alignment with that of Larket, before allowing the much hated King Macon Jauzon the floor, wherein the lover of Larketian stone would make his own declarations and demands for several regions, continuing his campaign as dictator.

Several members of the leaders and audience would take their leave before Macon had even finished, with our very own Vhysian representative Lhyrin Amarth, secondborn child of House Vasile, making their thoughts known before also retreated, along with Queen Lunalesca of Enchantment and her guest, the esteemed bardess Kanna Tsuji. After showing their disdain of King Macon's religious ways, Lhyrin made known that they thoroughly questioned Kasyr's decisions, taking a more neutral stance on the subject as a whole.

It has since been announced that Queen Lunalesca herself wishes to have a do-over of sorts, calling for another World Leader's Summit. For the moment, things point to Representative Amarth keeping out of this round, despite their acquaintance with the fae queen.


  • A previously unknown individual, seemingly a part of the ever-secretive dark rangers, has been making themselves known to not just Vhys, but the rest of Rynvale as a whole. Known as Lhyrin Amarth, the forsaken elf claims to be of House Vasile, which previous reports had told of murders of the family's main members. Seemingly here to help Vhys grow, the dark ranger has been spotted amongst Port Rynvale locals, hosted the year's annual Halloween ball (which went surprisingly well for an event in Lithrydel and Rynvale Island), and has been making the rounds amongst the Vhysian houses, both major and minor, trying to knock the nobles out of their shells in an effort to begin a grand, and much needed, expansion of Vhys!


  • There have been various reports over the years after Ryeanna and Morvious' disappearances from society, ranging from multiple victim murder in one of the major forsaken elf houses, House Vasile, to the collective decision of all the houses to work together to help Elimdor, and Vhys as a whole, prosper as best as it can without a leader.

  • April 23
    • In the months after Larket's withdrawal, one warlord named Gromph had gathered a sizeable force of goblins to his cause, and was closest to claiming kingship. However in the shipyards of Kregus, Dyzz still held her ground and from the depths of Kregus, Gorznahk's guerilla warfare had become a constant thorn in Gromph's side. Gorznahk approaches Dyzz to see if their individual goals would permit alliance.

July 2023 - August 2023

  • Larket reentered a Trade Agreement with Vailkrin and announced the collaboration at a Lithrydel Summit. The announcement was met poorly by the other attendees.