
From HollowWiki
Hind is a Deity of Hollow

Hind is the Deity of the earth, associated with fertility, nature, and creation. They are said to take the form of a white stag or red doe, and are often depicted as a full figured woman with dark skin and dark curls. Believed to be the personification of the earth itself, Hind is often depicted as a powerful, maternal figure who nurtures all living things. They are associated with the natural world, and are said to have given birth to many of the creatures and elements of the earth, including mountains and trees.

Hind is known to favor druids, witches, and farmers who show respect and care for the natural world, and is believed to bless them with bountiful crops and other gifts. They are also revered by women, particularly those who are pregnant, as Hind is said to preside over births and motherhood. As an earth Deity, Hind embodies the creative and sustaining aspects of the natural world, and is seen as a powerful and nurturing force. Their association with the white stag or red doe symbolizes their connection to the animals and the cycles of nature, and their form as a woman represents their connection to fertility and motherhood.

While Hind is often portrayed as benevolent, as the Deity of nature they can also be quite brutal. Like the natural forces they embody, their wrath can be swift and devastating. While green and soft growing things are part of nature, so too are the devastation of tornadoes, forest fires and volcanic eruptions.


Bountiful crops

It is widely accepted that Hind is responsible for sustaining growth and crops across Lithrydel.

Many legends tell of them falling in love with the god of light and the sun, Arkhen, who helps their creations grow even stronger with his warmth and light. Together, they work to ensure that the earth is fertile and that the mortals who depend on it are cared for. Hind and Arken’s love for each other and their fondness of mortals ensures that the crops grow, the flowers bloom, and that Lithrydel is sustained by their joint efforts. However, it is said that in the harshness of winter when Hind no longer urges the crops to grow and Kafzhash‘s light is short, this is because of Hind’s preoccupation with Selene.

Selene Island

According to myth, Selene also has a romantic relationship with Hind. Hind was said to have gifted Selene the island of Selene as a symbol of their love, which was once a sacred place of worship for Selene's followers.

The Rose

In this myth, the world was created through a great battle between the gods and the primordials. Even after the war ended, some gods continued to fight because they loved it. Delisha and Aramoth were two such gods who were drawn together by their love of battle. However, Delisha eventually grew tired of the constant fighting and left to explore the earthly pleasures of the world. It was there that she encountered the Deity Hind, who created these pleasures.

Hind gifted Delisha with a new creation, a white rose with a green stem, but Delisha was unimpressed. This insulted Hind, who saw it as an act of violence against their creation. In a fit of anger, Hind’s insult manifested through the stem of the rose like knives, causing Delisha's blood to spill onto the petals. This transformed the rose into thorny, vibrant red.

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Symbols & Associations

The deer Often times presented as a white stag or a red doe, this symbol is known to be one of the Deity’s favored forms

A full bodied woman or a pregnant woman with flowers over her stomach As the Deity of growth, fertility, and femininity this is a symbol favored by midwives and expectant mothers

Note: This is the primitive representation of this symbol. The wearer or wielder of such is free to stylize it to suit their needs, ie: runes could be added around it, the type of metal used, where the symbol is put, etc.

Color(s): greens, browns, yellows, pinks

Animal(s): the deer, the dog, the bee

Stone(s): emerald, jasper, turquoise

Month: While no particular month is associated with Hind, spring and summer are associated with their influence as nature begins to grow and flourish.


A follower of Hind would likely have a deep respect and appreciation for the natural world. They may see nature as sacred and believe that mortals have a responsibility to protect and care for the earth and Lithrydel’s creatures.

Many may rely on natural remedies and practices for healing and spiritual growth. Herbal remedies, aromatherapy, or other natural techniques for promoting health and well-being. They might take great pride in observing seasonal holidays or practicing rituals that celebrate the changing of the seasons.

A follower of Hind may see all living beings as interconnected and interdependent. They may seek to cultivate a sense of unity and compassion for all creatures, and work to reduce harm and suffering in the world.

Clothing in earth tones such as brown, green, or beige may be favored, as these colors are associated with the natural world. Many followers choose clothing that allows them to move freely and feel connected to the natural world. This could include flowing dresses, skirts, or loose-fitting pants.

Followers of Hind often choose jewelry or accessories made from natural materials such as stones, shells, wood, feathers and even bone. In some cultures, Hind’s followers may fashion crowns of antlers, feathers, or other things found in nature that may be seen to others as macabre. However, most followers of Hind understand that death is a natural part of life, and therefore nature, and they embrace both.


The ways in which followers of Hind worship can vary depending on their individual beliefs and traditions, but a few examples of common rituals and practices:

Connecting with nature: Since Hind is the Deity of the earth, followers may connect with them through spending time in nature, observing and appreciating the natural world, and practicing environmental stewardship.

Honoring the earth's cycles: As Hind is also associated with the cycles of the earth, followers may honor the changing seasons and other natural phenomena through ritual and celebration.

Gratitude and offerings: Followers may practice gratitude and present offerings to Hind for their blessings and guidance. Offerings could include natural items such as flowers, herbs, or crystals, or they may be symbolic offerings such as prayers or acts of service to the environment.

Honoring sacred places: Some followers may honor specific sacred places or natural landmarks as places where Hind's presence is particularly strong. They may offer offerings or engage in ritual practices at these places.

Divine favoritism

Hind has been noted as more interested and fond of mortals than most of the other Gods of Hollow. While they has a soft spot for nearly all mortals, druids, dryads, rangers, witches, and all nature-loving folk are her most favored.

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