Bloodstone Bracer of Thorns

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Bloodstone Bracer of Thorns - (Wrist Armor +25)
Creator: Kanna
Last Known Owner: Quintessa

Unlike other floral or fungal creations by the bard, this creation is lacking in vibrant petals and sparkling finishes. The bracer is every bit as imposing as its wearer, with a long branch of thorns tinted in a deep red delicately twisted to hold a beautiful bloodstone in place. The bloodstone is a deep opaque green, nearly black in dim light, flecked with spots of red that give it the bloody appearance that gives its name. Imbued with concentrated bardic mana, the bloodstone is always working to draw in excess negative energies and draw poisons and toxins from her blood. The bracer is made so that there are no thorns facing inward towards its wearer, but so that all twenty-six thorns face outwards. The branch has been soaked in dragon’s blood and absorbed into its very structure, rendering the thorns violently poisonous regardless of whether they are struck in close range or if the thorns are plucked and thrown like darts.


A parting gift to the person who brought Kanna into the Necromancer’s Guild, this crafted and given to Quintessa after her near-assassination at Kasyr’s hands.

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