
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This page is currently under construction and is always a Major Work in Progress!

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.

Character created on Monday, November 9th, 2015 (11/9/2015)

In-Character Description

In-Character Statistics

Full Name: Kestarial

Gender: Female

Race: Mermaid (Race) (Seaborn)

Class: Bard (Bard)

Skin Color: Turquoise Sea (Green)

Hair Color: Ruby Red (Red)

Eye Color: Aquamarine Ocean (Blue)

Fin/Tail Color: Crystalline Blue

Age: A Lady never tells and a Gentleman never asks!

Height: A Lady never tells and a Gentleman never asks!

Weight: A Lady never tells and a Gentleman never asks!

Size: A Lady never tells and a Gentleman never asks!

Homeland/Birthplace/Residency: Homeless/Outside/Any and All Bodies of Water/Oceans/Underwater/Beaches/Islands/Shores/Rivers/Lakes/Gulfs/Ports/Ponds/Swamps

God: Zaytor, The God of Water (Patron of Rynvale)

Goddess: Selene, The Goddess of the Sea (Matron of Rynvale and Daedria)

Ascendi: Daedria, The Harp and Mask

Alignment: Good/Neutral

Orientation/Gender Preference: Bi/Any Gender

Strength(s): Water, Sound & Healing

Weakness(es): Lightning, Wind & Earth

Clan: Not Disclosed

Guild(s): None

