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This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

Name: Jhaelyn Lithvyr

Race: Undead High Elf
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Golden blonde, reaches past her shoulder blades.
Eye Color: Originally emerald green, now a bright and glowing ice blue.
Class: Death Knight - Chilled One. Formerly a Paladin of Arkhen.
Alignment: Extremely chaotic, riding the line between light and darkness. 
Origin: Rynvale Island. Chose to leave at a young age to pursue a career in the Light.
Religion:Unfortunate servant to Vakmathras.

The Woman

Disheveled blonde locks stray here and there around a flawless, deathly pale face. A beauty in death as she was in life. As more of her armor cracks and breaks away, the evidence of her brutal murder can be spotted. While most of it had been healed when she was brought into unlife, the jagged awful bite marks of the shambling undead that tore and ripped at her flesh before her demise can be seen. Most litter her arms and leg and are a bit harder to see, but there are two distinct ones that show, seemingly patched over with an odd icy covering: one on the left side of her throat and the other on her right shoulder. She's prone to random outbursts of anger, or sadness, or feels nothing at all.

The Armor

For now, Jhae has taken to continuing to wear her paladin armor until something more suitable can be acquired. What once was a meld of silver and iron has now tarnished and blackened. A thick layer of ice coats each piece, as if acting as a sort of shield, though it has begun to chip away. The armor itself appears to be slowly shattering and will likely do so completely if the ice is ever fully removed as the extreme cold from the dead elf is causing it to become brittle.

The Weapon

A greatsword, one that might be too large for one of elven heritage, is always accompanying the female. After her assault on the undead of Frostmaw and subsequently her demise, the blade has become pitted and missing fragments along it's length. While broken, it is still usuable for now at least as it is much like her armor and encased in a thick layer of ice.


In essence, a Chilled One death knight is a melee cryomancer. Being newly reborn, her magic is more emotion-based than it is fully controlled. It takes quite a lot of effort to focus her skill, but in time she'll be able to master it should she either find a mage to instruct her or perhaps if she took it upon herself to teach her own self.

The Story

Once upon a time, there was once an elven maiden. So pure and dedicated to her cause was she that there were those that envied her. A paladin of Arkhen, Jhaelyn Lithvyr strove for greatness amongst her people. Of course, her good deeds came with a price. It drew the attention of the bravest of Knights. Not only was she good and pure, but the maiden's beauty surpassed that of the rest of the females in her sect. He proposed to her, but she denied him her hand. Her work as a paladin was all that mattered. The women that had been her allies became jealous, as the fairer sex normally does. They thought her ill fit to be the wife of the Knight and for her to turn him down only made things worse. The fickle females plotted her demise and soon it came to pass. In the form of a quest to Frostmaw to handle the undead, the maiden was sent with promise of backup, assurances of help putting her worries at ease. The maiden was overwhelmed and her body left to lie in the frozen wasteland of the North. She knew in the moment of her passing she had been betrayed.

An anger the likes of the which the paladin had never felt entered that pure heart of hers as she passed to the realm of the dead. The rage was so intense it simmered even in death, eventually finding the attention of a necromancer of the Lich that had once harassed Frostmaw. The dark mage raised her, summoned her back from the purgatory she was damned to and gave her free will. He knew she would bring about the destruction that the Savage Queen would've craved. The maiden had returned a monster. A product of jealousy and spite. During her absence from the living, the dark magic that had enveloped the land tainted her frozen form, fusing her with the harsh cold of the land. The unlife that she had been granted then was pledged in servitude to the god of death, Vakmathras. She would bring about his will on the paladins of Arkhen and wreak upon them a cold, merciless oblivion.

Current Events

Without the necromancer that raised her to properly help piece together her memories, things have become chaos in Jhaelyn's mind. The mission she was given has strayed from her mind mostly, different things easily a distraction for the former high elf. Damien has taken it upon himself to try to pull her back towards the light. Is that the right choice? Doesn't she want revenge? What's even the point? What'll happen when it's all over and done with? An invitation had been bestowed upon her by her fellow death knight, though she still knows not his name, to which she returned the gesture with a kiss. Something stirs in her heart and she's not sure what. For now, until the two meet again, she wanders the dark forest in Vailkrin, the very place of their first meeting.