The Kuronii

From HollowWiki


Race: Predominantly human
Location: Venturil
Standard: A crowned bear, rampant

General Information

Once sundered into three separate and far-flung tribes, the Kuronii are now being gathered together once more under a single banner by Eboric Pendasson, warlord and former King of Venturil.


This ancient tribe of humans first rose to prominence following the First Golden Age, when war ruled Hollow. The Kuronii, large of frame and warlike in nature, hired themselves out as mercenaries to whichever side payed the best, and so fought their way back and forth across the known world, growing in wealth with every battle.

Upon the rise of the Second Golden Age, the warrior tribe found itself rendered useless by the wide-spread peace. A culture so used to war cannot easily abide a lack thereof, and so tensions within the tribe grew, exacerbated by an increased population.

Some few generations before the end of the Second Golden Age, the restless Kuronii were ruled by the king Sigemund, who fathered three sons: Aethelred, Alimer, and Ine. Upon Sigemund's death, the three brothers contested for his crown, a struggle which resulted in the tribe splitting.

Aethelred, the eldest of the three, took those of the tribe loyal to him and headed east, finding odd bits of mercenary work in Gualon and the lands now known as the Nameless Desert, before passing through what was then Drayen (now Cenril) and setting sail further east, eventually settling in the northern part of Rynvale Island, where they stayed, locked in a never-ending struggle with the ogres of Gamorg.

Ine and Alimer struck westward with their followers, but had a falling out in the Xalious mountain range, which resulted in Ine taking half of the remaining Kuronii and continuing westward, passing over Craughmoyle into Venturil, where they take root, becoming the builders of the barrows that still dot the western landscape. Plagued by the ferocious beasts of the west, dinosaurs and dragons and worse, the Western Kuronii still managed to prosper, although further splits occurred throughout the generations, resulting in offshoot cultures such as the Riddarnir.

Alimer, meanwhile, traveled further north along the Xalious Range, before turning west, taking his followers up into Frostmaw, before the passes were closed off by ice. There they found work as mercenaries for the frost giants, fighting against the indigenous elven population in the west of their land. While encamped near the icy plains, they were ambushed by their foes, and were decimated in the ensuing conflict. Those that managed to escape fled westward into the remote, frozen regions of the land, while those less fortunate, including Alimer himself, fell in battle, and eventually became absorbed into the ice. The survivors scraped out a living in the snows of the mountains, isolated from all except the wild beasts that served as their main food supply.


Warriors of Venturil


(under development)