Warriors of Venturil

From HollowWiki

The city-state of Venturil boasts an extensive military, fed by a martial culture and a glorification of battle prowess. Under King Eboric, discipline is rigidly kept, and even in times of peace the warriors are kept busy, training and serving as law enforcement throughout the lands.

The military is made up of a number of factions, however, due to the varied cultural factions that make up present-day Venturil. It is not unheard of for members of one group to train with and ultimately join a different military faction, but for the most part folk tend to adhere to the unique fighting styles of their families.

The Kuronii Factions

  • Western Kuronii
    • These humans settled in Venturil ages ago, forming some of the first inhabitants of the city. Their fighting style still retains some ties to their historical culture, but is much influenced by the other tribes of humans that have come west throughout the generations, leading to a well-rounded fighting style that utilizes spears, bows, axes, and the short sword common to all Kuronii tribes, the seax. Their armor is generally heavier than the other factions, with more plate available, due to the quality of iron found in their chosen homeland. Their round shields, too, make use of this iron, and are usually bolstered by strips of it riveted to the wood, both on the face and the rim. They are solid, well-ordered troops that often form the core of a Venturil warband.
  • Eastern Kuronii
    • Celebrated as the branch of the tribe that produced King Eboric, the tradition of these immense warriors was hardened in the northern part of Rynvale Island, where the tribe had to contend with ogres, dragons, and the occasional Archmosian incursion. Due to the proximity of the sea, they are skilled at sailing and shipbuilding, and tend to favor lighter armor, such as leather or chain mail. They too use round shields, fitted with a heavy iron boss at the center that is useful both in offense and defense. They fight with spears, axes, swords, and of course seaxes, scorning archery in all its forms, preferring instead to throw spears or axes at their enemy before resorting to melee. Being taller and heavier than their cousins, they often take the van in a line of battle, utilizing their size to smash open enemy formations.
  • Northern Kuronii
    • Brought from the wastes west of Frostmaw, the warriors of the north are perhaps the least disciplined of Venturil's military. Their constant struggle with the inhospitable landscape has resulted in wild, unstoppable fighters that often tend to berserk rages, wherein they move with increased speed and strength, ignoring pain and even fatal wounds, attacking anything that moves until the frenzy leaves them, after which time they are often weak and slow to recover. They fight with axes, swords, and seaxes, as well as clubs and hammers, rarely bothering to use shields. Their armor is traditionally fur, but since relocating to the warmer climate of Venturil some have switched to dinosaur hide instead, decorating themselves with the teeth and claws of the fiercest beasts. They are often used as shock troops, intimidating their foes with their wild behavior and savage appearance.
  • The Riddarnir
    • A branch of the Eastern Kuronii, these warriors are unmatched in their skill in archery and horsemanship, They, almost exclusively, make up the cavalry of Venturil's military, capable of riding unbelievable distances on their sturdy horses. In addition to their impressive archery, they also make use of swords, lances, and whips, making them into a versatile, dangerous addition to Venturil's forces.

Murum Mors

    • The Murum Mors, alone among the military of Venturil, are not ethnically related to the king. They come instead from Gualon, former gladiators all. They came into Eboric's service when he defeated Hadrian, their commander. Since that time they have served their new liege loyally, helping him secure Venturil and put down the resistance. They fight in lamellar armor, with ornate helmets and heavy tower shields. With spears and short swords, they form nearly unbreakable shield walls in battle, and can be expected to hold their position no matter the cost.