RP:The Rise of Karasu D'Chath

From HollowWiki

Summary: Following the near-fatal exorcism of the lich that used Karasu's body as a phylactery, emergency surgery is performed on Karasu.

Previously on Hollow...

The jar is shut with the last of the lich’s essence, and the orb in the demifeline’s grip grows dull in color until the room is plunged back into the darkness only punctuated by holy candlelight. With a spidering crack, the orb crumples in Karasu’s hands, sending shards onto the foot of the shrine. When she opens her mouth to speak, to ask whether they had won, blood spills over her lips and stains her lap. The point of entry where she had once been a living phylactery had become an open wound, leaving exposed muscle and torn veins in its wake around her neck. Precious air attempted to dance its way around the blood Karasu was now choking on. Despite the lack of another entity to taunt her as panic surged through her mind, somehow she still knew exactly what Mhad’xlyn would remark: “What good is a tool if I cannot use it? It may as well be cast aside to rot.” Karasu looks up as Quintessa suddenly rushes over to her to lift her up. When was it that she had fallen over, and why couldn’t she stop shaking? Between choked breaths, Karasu is able to give out a pained cry before her body goes limp. “Odhranos, tell Magik to find a healer!” Quintessa’s terrified voice, now lost of all composure she may have had before, is the last thing she hears before Karasu dips into unconsciousness.

Karasu opened her eyes, but where was she? They said to die was a journey from light into darkness, but here was light again. This was no quiet, endless sleep. She was flying, flying wildly through the blinding expanse without weight or effort. Diving, spinning, falling backwards and downwards into the mists of time, into the temples where her clan worshipped Sven, Hind, and Lore thousands of years ago. Her body moves forward of its own will, down the ruby-encrusted steps she had only heard of in tales past. At the bottom of the well, Xalious Felines lined the impossibly large room to guard a goliath figure at the back of the wall, it's face shrouded by a golden shawl. As Karasu drifts forward, the sea of ancestors parts. As her weightless form moves nearer to the goddess, Karasu tries to look around. The faces of her ancestors are blurred as they were in her memories, but she is sure that she once lived a lifetime alongside these warriors. "O’ Princess of the Swiftclaw Tribe, your end is not to be from he who tampered with Fate." The words reverberate throughout the temple's expanse, shaking the demifeline to her core. Karasu looks up at the goddess's golden eyes. The golden eyes glowed from beneath the shawl, drawing Karasu upwards and upwards, upwards until the temple began to disappear from her sight...

...Then there were flowers. Flowers everywhere. Touching her as softly as the sunlight breaching through the trees of the Sage Forest. And there was the sound of her friends giving each other instructions wildly enough to wake the dead! Blood soaks into the rocky slab Odhranos had conjured to keep Karasu flat as they moved towards Magik’s home in Sage.

Treehouse D'Chath

“No, I’m not leaving Karasu like this!”

“Meri, did you find anyone? Yes, Penelope is perfect, just hurry, please!”

Odhranos, we don’t know if that thing can put the orb back together or if it will know how to track it down, we need to get the shards as far away as possible, and you need to get back to Cenril as soon as possible. We don’t know where Kasyr went, so without the three of us, you're the closest thing those refugees have to an instructor. Just-- throw the shards off a cliff or something!”

There is a silence, and Karasu manages to open her eyes for a moment as Odhranos and Quintessa communicate their disagreement through glares. It is the Archmage that relents first. “Very well.” A hand is passed over Karasu’s head, and a whisper of prayer is given. “I can do anything.” The spellblade barely whispers in response. “I know you can.” As Odhranos makes his exit, Karasu’s vision blurs again.

Blood and black viscera pools under Karasu’s neck, remnants of the poison the lich had left as a parting gift to its living prison of far too many years. Muscle tissue is exposed nearly all the way around her neck, save for the very front of her throat. Footsteps approach, but the demifeline would be unconscious again before seeing who it was.

“I can do anything...”

The owner of those footsteps? Magikrios himself. "Oh, Kara.." The elf is quick to turn around to see a couple students of his standing just outside of the treehouse door. He points a commanding finger up at them, "Get a fire going immediately, whiskey, bowl of water, and a rag. Now!" He wastes no time in scooping the motionless and bloodsoaked Karasu off of the stone slab and marches up the steps as the pyro students rush into the treehouse ahead of them. "Stay with me, kiddo. Stay with me." He repeats this over and over again as he quickly climbs the steps. Once inside, he doesn't hesitate to place her on the couch in front of the fireplace. The two students come rushing over. One of them starts to take the cap off of the whiskey then makes a motion to pour it on the open wound. Magik quickly grabs their wrist to stop them, "No no. That's for me." The student places the bottle of whiskey on the ground as the other drags a chair from the kitchen. He places the cloth and a bowl of water on the chair positioned just at the arm of the couch for easy access. After reaching the cloth, Magik presses it to the open wound to get a general cleanup of the area. He brings himself to a single knee to get a better look at the wound then looks about the common area, "Where's Nel?" Without waiting for an answer, his hand starts glowing white after tossing the bloodsoaked cloth in the bowl. He touches the wound for a second then removes it just as quick. "Wait for Nel." "You've healed her once. You can do it again." These words whisper quietly in his head to cause some uncertainty. Something just didn't feel right. However, the second whisper wins. He places his hand on the wound then looks to the side at the fireplace. "C'mon, Kara.." The flames grow hotter as Magik looks about the room again as he mind starts to race.

Meri was not at the treehouse when Magik and Quintessa bring in one very injured Karasu. Why? She had been urgently instructed to find a healer. While the blonde lycan did not have a full understanding of what exactly the emergency was, she wasn’t going to waste any time in accomplishing her task of locating Penelope. That task would be made all the easier because of a certain communicator that the Syndicate of Shadows had, on it Nel would hear one very concerned and pressing inquiry to know where she is. The blonde was hoping that she was somewhere in the Kelay area, perhaps at the clinic? The shorter the distance the better, so Meri desperately hoped that she was near. Meri’s horse would be swiftly readied for a rough ride, the poor beast being pushed to gallop the entire way to Penelope. Once Meri arrived at Nel's location, the healer’s gear would be loaded into Kadence’s packs and Nel would be helped onto the back of the horse with haste. There was no time to be wasted. None whatsoever. The ride back would be equally tiring for the gray mare, it would be another full gallop the entire distance. The poor beast was getting her exercise in today. Once the two arrived back at the treehouse, Meri would urge Penelope inside after helping her unload any gear that the doctor brought along for whatever disaster they were about to walk into. “Go, inside, quickly. I have no idea how bad it is...but it sounded really,” insert one naughty and censored word here, “bad.” While Meri wanted to join the bunch in the treehouse to see how she could help, she had to tend to her horse first. Kadence’s saddle would need to be removed and she would need to make sure her companion had access to plenty of cool and fresh water after that ride. The mare was both breathing hard and sweating profusely after that ride. It would not take Meri long to see to her horse’s needs and once she is sure Kadence will be comfortable in the stables, Meri will join the group in the treehouse. The blonde approaches the group but keeps distance enough that she would not be crowding or getting in the way. With a frown weighing at her red lips, Meri speaks to Nel, “If you need me to help? Just tell me how.” Otherwise, Meri’d just be here for Magik and Quintessa….not that she’s usually very good at the whole “emotional support” endeavor.

The Ardelian had not been too far from the hut that Meri had been rushing to. Off in the distance, the woman sways on a nearby hammock, eyes closed with a pressed book to her chest. A soft day… until a fuzzy sound calls through her ear. Eyes snap open and Penelope sits up sharply. “Meet me at the hut.” The woman rolls out of the hammock on the dirt, leaving the lonely book behind to meet the psion. The healer only had so much time to grab makeshift supplies, but by the time Meri approached, Nel would be ready with the gear. Swiftly, Nel settles on the back of the horse with Meri and then they are off. “Let the Gods be in this one’s favor today,” was all the girl could really muster. Whatever it was, she knew people from the Shadows played on the dangerous side of life which made Penelope… afraid. The healer nods to Meri before moving to unload her supplies. A couple medical bags thrown over shoulders. The woman rushes through the doors of the treehouse before she stops short in front of Karasu with the neck. A soft curse word protrudes from Nel’s mouth at the sight, and there is a lace of fear the reaches her green eyes before it fades with a shake. Then… neutral. Automatically she kneels in front of the sofa by the fire where Magik sits as well. “Tell me she’s still breathing. Keep that pressure.” Eyes close briefly to think before she rips open her satchel pulling out another cloth and reaching to dip the cloth in the bowl that Magik provided. Although blood-stained, at least there was water. “If she’s not getting enough oxygen due to the blood loss, it can risk brain damage. Meri, you’ll be in charge of grabbing what we need. Magik, I need you as my second brain here.” The cloth is pressed against Karasu’s forehead as a coolant. “This’ll give us some time. I need to look at what is severed. Muscles, obviously, but the neck is dangerous because of the airway veins.” The throat looked intact, at least. This would be the perfect time for Nel to get a peek and see what was actually going on with the injuries Karasu had.

Quintessa is a tightly wound timebomb of anxiety. Her carefully crafted plans for her future, most of which involved having her lover, Karasu, right by her side, were at risk of crumbling right before her eyes. After months of pressuring the demi feline to volunteer for an exorcism she had relented, and now the spellblade was made to suffer for it, for Quintessa’s actions. The changeling felt terrible for her part in what took place, in what had resulted when their party ripped a malevolent being from Karasu’s physical body. The knowledge that it had to be done to save her soul did very little to lift the burden from her chest, her stress making it so tight she could hardly breath. Quintessa knew this was not the time to panic, however, so she took a deep breath and let the overwhelming emotions drift away from her like water down the drain.

By the time Quintessa finds her center Penelope had arrived and gotten to work, her expertise clearing showing as she threw out jargon that the warlock was able to vaguely understand. “It wasn’t meant to be like this…” The changeling’s voice was empty and hollow, despair filling the void her panic had left a few moments ago. Slowly Quintessa stumbles forward and drops to Karasu’s side, pale fingers moving to reach for her but recoiling before she touches her skin. “Mhad’xlyn did this. She was too powerful- too spiteful… I underestimated her and now my-” Quintessa pauses, her throat coiling into a tight knot as a fresh wave of guilt washed over her. Mismatched eyes flicker up to look at Penny for more information about what was going on. “Blood? She needs blood?” Quintessa patted her alchemy belt, already knowing the toxified dragon’s blood and silver-laced vampire blood she carried with her would not be suitable for this. “Where are we gonna get blood? Do I need to go get some? I can do anything-” Quintessa was ready to help, though she was clearly not in the right state to be assisting with anything delicate like that.

Despite her pale complexion and more than worrying wounds, Karasu seems to be thoroughly at peace in her unconsciousness. The gentle healing magic from Magikrios takes effect after a moment; muscle is replaced by scar tissue as her natural healing processes accelerate from the spell. The moment his hand moves away, however, something else seems to happen. The scar tissue blackens and peels away to reveal something black spanning across her wounds like roots of a plant. Blood seeps over the roots, aggravated by the magical intervention. The moment Quintessa speaks the name of Karasu’s tormentor, her head tilts back violently and her breathing starts to become impaired. Her body thrashes of its own accord as she unconsciously tries to remove the growing obstruction in her throat. From between her lips blooms a final parting gift from the lich: a familiar lotus for those so versed in poisons, so black in color that even the fireplace does not reflect off of its petals.

Magik's eyes go wide as he notices the black roots taking over. His thoughts immediately go to Mirshann and her current ailment as well. Like Magik did months ago, she was losing control of her abilities as well but her outbursts resulted in uncontrollable black roots growing everywhere where they attempt to suffocate anything they can grasp. "She..she needs my blood.." He looks at everyone gathered to make sure his thought process makes sense. Lycan blood in a feline? Sounds like trouble, no offense to Meri. He wasn't sure about how Kara would react to the fae blood of Tessa. Penelope had enough on her hands and would have to do the transfusion. That just leaves himself. It's obvious there's something about his blood that makes the bastard resist certain curses. This could be another curse broken by the D'Chath bloodline. He then looks from Nel to Quintessa, "It just makes sense to me..We have to try something or she's going to die.." Those fiery black eyes lock back onto Nel's while he waits for an answer from Tessa. At any hint of agreement from Quintessa, Magik is tearing a sleeve off of his shirt. As the lotus makes itself known, his eyes go even wider, "What the…"

It would not take long for Meri to join the worried group of people inside. While Magik may have already made demands that one of his students bring a bowl of water, a rag, and whiskey...Meri knew full well that they would likely need more, Meri would gather two more bowls, a pitcher of clean water, and an armful of rags. If there were any other requests that Penelope had? Meri would make sure that the healer got it. In between tending to her job of making sure that Nel had whatever item she might ask for, Meri would chime in with her agreement. Magik was thinking it, but she would be the one to say it. “Magik is right. He’s probably the only suitable candidate for this...It’s questionable how Karasu would react with either my blood or Tessa’s blood.” No offense taken, Meri knew full well the ramifications. “We need to do this and we need to do this now, so just tell me what you need…” Meri’s mind was already trying to work through this problem, what they might have in Magik’s house and where they might have it. However the blonde really only had basic knowledge of medicine, enough so that she would not bleed out if she was ever shanked on a more risky job. She was no expert by any means. Maybe Nel had something in the gear she brought along? If Nel did ask for anything, Meri would get it without hesitation. And when she returned from her task of fetching equipment, she’d settle into a spot on the ground right next to Magik. On the surface, it might seem like Meri was not worried about Karasu’s state or how this blood transfusion might affect both Karasu and Magik but that was only because Meri was masking it well. Inwardly, Meri’s mind was turning and spinning over the various what if’s. She did not want Karasu’s state to be worsened and she really did not want anything bad to happen to Magik during this process either.

Penelope furrows her brow as she watches the scar tissue turn a sickly black color. Roots span and blood soaks over the black. The Ardelian blinks in a puzzled state, for the human had never seen such a thing. “Uh.” No need to lose it, Nel. Bright green eyes then move to Magik as he speaks about his blood. A transfusion. Quintessa offers and the Ardelian calmly shakes her head at the changeling. “We can do this. But I do need you to take my spot, Tessa. Meri, you’ll need to clearly watch her vital signs. Basic stuff: body temperature, pulse, etcetera…” Did Penelope even know the name of the unconscious woman laying here? Her face flushes a little, but there is no time to get personal as she is already pulling back and reaching in her bag. “I always questioned myself why I would carry one of these. I guess I always thought of Xioctl and what was to come… Y’know, all those warriors. Didn’t think I’d have to do this for--” she cuts off and shakes her head. The girl then pulls out a tube that was hooked to a plastic bag. She pulls out a small leather pouch that is filled with about three needles of different sizes. Not the most ideal situation, but they would do it anyway. A strip of cloth is taken out as well from the medical satchel. She fumbles, placing the supplies together while the group converses over the situation. “You’re right, Magik. We have to do something.” Nel would wait for Tessa’s response because… it seemed the woman was close with the one who was unconscious. If Tessa gives permission, the Ardelian would get straight to work by making a tourniquet above Magik’s forearm and finding a vein to draw his blood.

Quintessa’s mismatched eyes flicker up to Magik when he offers his blood willingly, no hesitation in her expression as she weakly nods her head. “It has to be you,” Her sentiments echo his and Meri’s, even her limited knowledge gained from studying the D’Chath bloodline- the one tempered by Lyastri heritage, proved this to her. “There will likely be unforeseen side-effects but we don’t have time to test it out…” The changeling meets eyes with Penelope and she nods her head in her direction as well, shifting to take her spot as directed and although Quintessa was far from being a healer her knowledge of anatomy gained from her years of studying necromancy was more than enough to synergise with the skills of those gathered here. Watching the Ardelian work, preparing to press the needle into Karasu’s flesh, the warlock cringes internally in unconscious sympathy as a small phrase slips under her breath, “She doesn’t like needles…” The whisper wasn’t meant for anyone in particular, just an involuntary utterance as she averts her eyes from the needle back to Karasu’s face. “Come on, Su-su, you’ve been through too much to die like this- not now, not when we’ve finally won… not after we finally beat that bastard Kaaname and freed you from Mhad'xlyn…”

As the group converges on the spellblade for the makeshift surgery, a pale hand reaches out and forces the black lotus free from Karasu’s throat, roots and all. “That bitch.” Despite a brief mewl of pain as blood drips from the roots of the plant, Karasu’s head relaxes and her breathing stabilizes. Her eyelids flutter open long enough to see Quintessa departing with the black lotus in hand. “Where are you going?!” She hears someone snap. The familiar alto voice growls back, “Dispatching some friends to Venturil. Either Kaaname or Mhad’xlyn was trying to get Kanna arrested there, and we need to make sure they’re on our side before they can move again. Meri, take over.” As the brief interaction happens from the departing Quintessa, Karasu’s eyes roll down to the needles in Penelope’s hands, and her pulse quickens again, her eyes shooting open. “No, no, no, no needles…” She mumbles weakly as her hands curl into shaking fists, making a vein that much easier for Penelope to find. Her eyes shoot up to Magikrios and Meri as they hover over her, her teary red-violet eyes full of terror for the few heartbeats that she is awake. It will not be long before the adrenaline from having the lotus torn out recedes just enough to force her back into a compliant state of semi-consciousness.

Magik tried his very best to not interfere with whatever was going on outside of the needed transfusion but gave Tessa a subtle nod before she stormed off. He didn't want to get his blood pressure up too much just incase something happens and suddenly there's too much blood everywhere else besides in Karasu. He scooted just a little closer to offer Nel his arm. He gives his arm a couple taps then looks to Karasu. There's a few quiet shh's, "You're gonna be okay, Kara.." With Karasu passing out, he looks to Meri then to Nel, "I think it's better if she's out for this. We don't know how she's going to react." He takes a deep breath then continues, "If she rejects the blood or the blood rejects her..I'll put her down so she doesn't suffer.." Great. More trama for the Lyastri. Might as well have it, right?

Meri would take over Quintessa’s position without question, Karasu’s life was currently on the line after all. For a moment, Meri considers vocalizing that Quintessa should stay, at least until Karasu is stable. Was this task really more important than being with her love? She is also quick to think better of it, let’s not cast any doubt on the success of their endeavors. Karasu would live, she had to, especially in Penelope’s more than capable hands. Magik is the one that says exactly what Meri is thinking though – we don’t know how Karasu is going to react. The thought fills Meri with nothing but dread, knowing that everyone in the room would end up with trauma. Magik especially. Karasu was basically a daughter to him. With a shake of her head, Meri tries to keep focus. If she let her mind wander too far from her task then Karasu could suffer for it, especially since Meri is not adept at healing. These things are not second nature to her, she needs to concentrate and focus lest she make a mistake.

Penelope looks at Quintessa at the mention of Karasu not liking needles. Her lips tighten, but most patients were not fond of needles. Especially children. Not that Karasu was a child, but Penelope had experience. “I think in case she wakes up, someone better keep her steady for this process.” Karasu groans and the Ardelian observes the way she clenches her fist. A vein pops and Penelope dives in to press the needle forward to connect the Lyastri with Karasu. The blood begins to absorb from Magik’s end into Karasu’s. Moss eyes watch steadily and a gentle hand presses against the woman’s shoulder to keep her suppressed just in case. Who knows what will happen next…

The moment the blood enters Karasu's bloodstream, the spellblade bucks, her body immediately attempting to reject the foreign substance. Karasu can feel weight keeping her arms down. "Sto--AAAAH!" The demifeline screeches out. She was on fire, she was dying! Where Penelope's needle is transferring Magik's blood into Karasu, the vein starts to blacken, working it's way up towards her heart as Karasu screams out. There was some solace to be had in the fact that the treehouse was warded, lest all of Sage come to investigate whether a banshee had appeared. When the black reaches Karasu's chest, her scream is cut short and the spellblade goes limp, her hair stuck to her sweaty skin. Her unfocused eyes stay unblinking as they face the fireplace and the fireplace for a breath, then two. The fractured mar of Mhad’xlyn on the left side of Karasu's face blackens and sinks into her skin, cementing itself as a permanent reminder of her time as a tool of destruction. The wound spanning her neck blackens similarly, stopping the flow of spilled blood as the D'Chath blood bonds with it's newest hoste. Suddenly, Karasu sits up straight with surprising strength and lets out another scream. This one is not one of pain, though, it is one of fury. Black flames erupt from her throat, threatening to scorch the roof of the treehouse. As the air runs out from her lungs, the black fire changes to match the marred red-violet her eyes will carry forever. The transfusion was successful, but the spellblade will never be the same. When the flames dissipate, Karasu hangs her head, still in a daze. "Dad...?" Karasu calls out weakly for the memory of a figure that never existed in her life, her eyes unfocused.

Magik slowly caresses Karasu's with his left hand for two reasons. First, why wouldn't he? He was trying to comfort her in any way possible. The other reason? There was that neat little trick that he can do with an arrow and his palm. It'd make for a quick euthanization if need be. The gods know he was praying he didn't have to put this poor kid down. Magik could not keep his eyes set on one single thing during the whole process. After Karasu's first outburst he keeps looking between Meri and Nel while he thought to himself, "We're doing the right thing, right?" Of course. They wouldn't just let Karasu just die without at least trying something even as crazy as a blood transfusion in which the host has an incredibly strong connection to fire magic that literally lives within his blood. As the blood got closer to Karasu's vein, his hand stops moving and is laid to rest just above her forehead. Magik watches Karasu carefully. He's looking for any hint that the D'Chath blood is rejecting its new body. What are those hints? Well, he'll just have to play it by ear. It's not like this the thousandth time that he's put his blood into someone else. Karasu's second outburst puts Magik's sense into overdrive. He removes his hand from her head and watches the black flames spill from her throat. Was the black fire a good sign or bad? Black was his color. Was the D'Chath blood too much for her to handle? He quickly reaches up to change his hand position, this time placing his hand on the back of her head. He might have to call it and end this now before she starts suffering. The elf whispers quietly, "I'm sorry, Kara." There's an uncomfortable pressure growing in his palm as he watches the black fire try to scorch the ceiling of the treehouse. No worries there. What pyromancer that had a history of uncontrollable fiery outbursts wouldn't fireproof his home in at least three different ways? Magik presses his hand tightly against the back of Karasu's head. This has to end. Karasu and the D'Chath blood are rejecting each other. Before Magik can release that arrow from his palm, the red-violet flames start spitting from Karasu's mouth. Magik quickly removes his hand from Karasu and lets the black arrow release towards the ceiling where it embeds itself violently. Magik's eyes light up at the sight of Karasu's uniquely colored flames and breathes a sigh of relief. As Karasu hangs her head, Magik scoots onto the couch next to her and wraps an arm around the young feline, pulling her close to him, "You're alright, Kara. We're here." He then looks to Meri and Nel, mouthing "Holy sh.."

All that Meri could do in this moment was support both Penelope and Magik so that they could keep Karasu alive. When Penelope points out that they should keep Karasu steady, Meri is on it. Shortly after Magik’s blood enter’s Karasu’s bloodstream, the feline begins to buck, and Meri goes wide-eyed. She’s looking for clues from Penelope for clues on what to do right now, trying to balance keeping her steady but also not hurting her. Meri does not have to worry about that for long, not after Karasu suddenly goes limp. If Meri was unsure of what to do before, she is beyond confused now. Instinct is telling her to release her hold on Karasu completely, giving Nel all the room that she needs to study her patient. Remembering Magik’s stories of that time he was really sick, Meri murmurs to Nel, “Maybe be ready to move.” Or maybe this warning was more for Meri, who was the only one of the bunch that was not a pyromancer. Thus you know, highly susceptible to severe burns. Meri’s warning has put her on edge; the second that Karasu sits up, Meri jumps back and falls right on her tush from the surprise. Or fear that she might end up being one roasted lycan. This fear is intensified when Karasu joins the ‘I can puke up fire’ club, releasing a torrent of black flames that color-morph into violet right before Meri’s eyes. There was a lot more going on, but this is what Meri’s mind latches onto at the moment. The blonde does not actually process that Magik is mouthing anything toward either her or Nel. Meri almost had her face melted off, thanks. Karasu’s alive though right? Magik can check. Or Nel. Meri’s not moving from her spot on the ground quite yet.

Penelope watches the blood transfer to the girl on the ground. Everything turns wrong when Karasu’s vein turns black. Concern reaches the Ardelian’s eyes as the healer had never seen such an occurrence with a blood transfusion. Was the transfusion quick to reject and reach her kidneys? It seemed odd, and when the woman starts to reject with a buck, Penelope actually leans in closer. “Mer, hold her down,” but really, there was confusion in the blonde’s eyes. This was strange… for everyone. That faint… ‘Maybe be ready to move’ echoes through the air, and with a blink Nel moves back and the flame erupts from Karasu’s mouth. Penelope falls back as she watches the black heat blow. Penelope had never been able to breathe fire out of her mouth. Was this an unlearned skill? Was this hurting the woman before her? Green eyes also look confused from the nurturing perspective, and eyes look to Meri and then Magik. Then, Karasu is limp. Confused. The arrow is pulled from a hand, and Magik coils around the girl. Penelope seems out of sorts at what she just witnessed. Another check in the healing journey of learning. The mouthing of ‘Holy sh-’ comes from Magik’s lips, and a wide-eyed stare reflects from the Ardelian. Holy poop was right. Penelope also is not moving from her spot yet next to the psion.

The worst of it was over now, and Karasu would live. It was only one transformation of several unpleasant transformations to come during the following moons, but for now, it was done. Karasu tenses when she realizes that she is being held, her eyes opening in alarm. The figure she had thought to be her father in her stupor was Magikrios, not Kaaname. Though… wasn’t Magik acting more like a father to her in the past few years than Kaaname had in two decades? The will to argue about such a trivial breach of personal space leaves her body as she exhales, unaware of how tense the room was because of the display of magic she had just shown. In the next room, she can hear the authoritarian tone of Quintessa giving orders to some poor underling, and it soothes her as much as the crackling flames and the pulse of a mortal next to her. Karasu turns her head and takes Penelope’s hand with her right hand, and Meri’s hand with her left. She tries to say something comforting in the moment, but all that comes out is a mumbling of affirmations. As she takes a deep breath to try again, the fatigue overtakes her for the final time tonight, and the blood-soaked Karasu D’Chath falls into a very deep rest. Oh well. She tried.