Diadem Of Nature's Resurgence

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Diadem of Nature's Resurgence - (Armor - Head +15)
Creator: Khitti
Last Known Owner: Kanna

This diadem takes the form of a crown, crafted from yew and willow woods that were chosen for their connection to death and dark magic. Hellebore and belladonna sprigs are woven between the braided wood, which contrast the deep sage wood with slightly pink-tinted white flowers and dark purple deadly nightshade berries. The adorning flora have been enchanted so that the hellebore and belladonna berries can be plucked from it for weaponization. The soft pink flower petals harden into a metal-like state to be used like throwing stars. The belladonna berries dry when picked, making them useful in alchemical work or an emergency poisoning. Adorning the center of the diadem is teardrop crystal made of obsidian sourced from an otherworldly plane's volcano called Ashfall Peak.


After Kanna's sacrificial show of necromancy and herbomancy at the wounded Druid's Eternal Tree, Khitti had the item created for Kanna to aid in her waning magical ability, a direct consequence of Kanna's defiance of Alithyk Caluss.

Additional Information:

Bury me with this item when I die, thanks.