Crown Wars

From HollowWiki

The Crown Wars were a series of civil wars fought between factions of elves that began twenty five thousand years ago. In the original conflict the rightful heir to the throne of Sage was denied to an elf of a 'highbourne' family by the council of druids. The family's protests fell on deaf ears and for the first time in recorded history elves fought each other to the death. At the height of the conflicts there were five distinct factions fighting for supremacy, and some factions became increasingly desperate for outright victory. The end result was the sundering of the elves and the creation of several distinct elven societies including the Drow and High Elf races. The aftermath of the conflict is still being felt, with animosity being most acutely felt by tensions between the surface and subterranean elves but also in the cold war that exists between Port Rynvale and Sage.