Tome:The Seaborn Creation Myth

From HollowWiki

OOC Note: This tome is likely one of a few different creation myths for the Seaborn, as is usually the way of things with religion. It is not mandatory for a Seaborn or a follower of Selene to believe this. This tome has been given admin approval.

As told by Mcracken.

The Seaborn Creation Myth

In the days when Dwarves and Dragons first went to war, wreaking death and destruction across the lands, the great goddess Selene watched this chaos unfold and felt deep sorrow for the innocents who suffered.

Fearing that this terrible rivalry may succeed in destroying all that was natural and good, the goddess turned her bright face away from Lithrydel, so that none may know her secret acts. Even Arkhen was denied knowledge of her secret, even the great Triune of Sven, Lore and Hind. None knew where she was or what she wrought, and many disasters befell the lands in her absence. Without Selene’s wisdom to temper him, Arkhen burned hot with ire and when he turned his face from the lands no light shone to ease the souls of those below.

In that utter darkness she descended to the oceans’ deeps and there contrived to make a people whom these wars engendered by hatred would not destroy.

Turning her Dark Face toward the abyss, Selene wrought the mighty Krakens, and charged them to be the protectors and mentors of the sea. To the first she gave many gifts, the greatest among them the potential to grow vast and wise in aeons of time so that he, and those of his ilk as pure of heart, may keep the memories of Lithrydel and its sea-people alive.

Next, she created the Mer-folk— swift, fierce and forever free. The first mermaid would be directed by Selene towards a sunken meteor of cosmic metals, so that the mermaid may create a powerful trident with which to defend the Seaborn from only the most frightful foes.

After this, Selene created the graceful Cecaelia, and to them she gave eight dexterous limbs in place of tails, that they may delight the sea peoples with their artistry. But too she gave them power against fell magics, and flexibility and guile so they might become the secret watchers of the sea.

Then came the Sea-Gorgons, alike to that parthenogenic snake-haired race on land so beloved by the goddess, but given writhing tentacles in place pf serpents. The first Gorgon was gifted with the matiasma, the ability to petrify foes with a glance, which was shared with all her progeny down through these many ages, and with it the potential to become powerful seers that may sense peril coming.

In her darkest hour she made the indomitable Kelpies, and bestowed on them cunning, strength and guile, and silvery bridles woven from strands of her own hair so they may rise from the waters and smite enemies on the shore.

Looking upon her creations thus far, Selene loosed a cry of joy and from this sound the gentle Selkies were born. She gifted the first of them, and all her lineage, with healing power and the ability to calm a raging mind, and gave them skins they may shed to gain human form so they might appeal to what goodness and truth remained in the hearts of those who walked the blighted lands.

Having finished her secret task, the goddess instructed the Seaborn to keep to themselves and protect each other and the oceans from harm. She readied to ascend to her proper place once more but at that moment a tiny crab swam before her eyes, and on sheer whim she created the Uyeer. Strong, clever and resilient she made them, opportunistic and fierce. She gifted them the power to tame lower life forms, making them the beast-masters of the sea so that they may harness these creatures in defence of their home.

Satisfied, the moon-goddess rose and once more shone her silvery light on all the world.