Hollow Timeline

From HollowWiki

The Time Before Mortal Reckoning

-The Dawn of the first World

- The Lost Age, the time when the Gods were mortals and the world new.

-Hollow's first civilizations reach their zenith after the accumulation of all mortal knowledge. The beings transcend mortality and ascend to a higher state of being. These beings become the Gods. The original Hollow is destroyed and rebuilt into its present form by these Gods.

-The Gods create followers in their own image to further their influence over all planes of reality these followers were created from the very last few people to ascend and became known as the Ascendi who would later fall from their grace.

- 2 Billion years from present times "Dawn of the New World"

- The God Xalious creates the Xalious Mountain Range

The Age of the Elder Races

  • The Elder races form their civilizations.
  • 100'000 Years ago: The Saurian (Dragon) Empire is formed beyond Xalious Mountains.
  • 100’000 Years ago: The Avians move their civilization onto floating cities to protect themselves from the increasingly aggressive Dragons.
  • 75'000 Years ago: The Dwarven Clans are formed deep below Craughmoyle.
  • 75'000 Years ago: The Sylvan Kingdom (Elves) is created deep within Sage.
  • 71'000 Years ago: The city of Alithyra (Naga's) is created in the depths of the Xalious Mountains.
  • 70'000 Years ago: The city of Alithyra is frozen in time by the Ascended Q'na on orders of the Supreme Council of Gods
    • Q'na ascends to sit upon the Supreme Council of Gods
  • 70'000 Years ago: The Enchanted Kingdom (Pixie's) is formed deep within the forests of Sage.
  • 70'000 Years ago: The Royal Avian Empire is formed in a city within the clouds but remains hidden.
  • 70'000 Years ago: The Dragons and the Dwarf Clans engage in a destructive war in the west which leads to many parts of Xalious becoming bleak and desolate for years to come.
  • 69'000 Years ago: The race of Orcs makes Gualon their home.
  • 68'000 Years ago:The elves discover the tree spirits, they become friends with them and give them the name Dryad.
  • 67'500 Years ago: The Great Silverback becomes the chief of the entire centaur race in southern Hollow.
  • 67'000 Years ago: The war between the Dragons and DwarfClans reach a climax when a new race of Red Dragons destroy the hall of the dwarf king and bankrupt their empire.
  • 65'000 Years ago: The elves and Pixies encounter the dwarf clans for the first time a period of great peace, trade and prosperity results, this becomes known as the First Golden Age.
  • 64'000 Years ago: Gnomes and Hobbits are admitted to the Enchanted Kingdom as fully fledged members. A splinter group of Evil Gnomes fashion the first Illusion magic and create their own kingdom underground.
  • 60'000 Years ago: Ogres, Giants and Minotaur enter the world by via means of a magical portal.
  • 30'000 Years ago: The First humans appear, at this point in time they are little better than Orcs and are virtual barbarians.
  • 25'000 Years ago: The Golden Age comes to a crashing end when a dispute over the royal succession causes the Sylvan Empire to enter a state of civil war known as the Crown Wars.
  • 22'000 Years ago: The Saurian empire declares war on the dwarf clans once again after dwarves continue to whittle down their number the result is the mass migration of dwarves to the east and a war breaks out between the Elf kingdoms and the Dwarf clans.
  • 21'870 Years ago: As the war drags on the Saurian Empire is dissolved, there are too few dragons for a functioning empire, and many older dragons enter a long period of hibernation. This effectively ends the war in the west of Hollow. The war in the centre regions between the Dwarf clans and the elves continues to rage on.

The Birth of Man

-As the war between the dwarves and Elves whittles the power down of both races and eventually ends the Humans and the younger races such as the Felines reach civilization. Human cities are constructed throughout Hollow as their society begins to thrive, Drayen (Founded by a human tribe known as the Xera,( *It later became Cenril*., Baskar (Secluded Xalious Village), Triton (Larket),Nayrul (The ruins between Cenril and Kelay), and Crius (The City in the Nameless Desert). Are all founded.

-The Humans invade the southern lands around Gualon and take them for themselves forcing the Orcs, Giants and Ogres into the wilderness beyond.

-The elf’s teach the humans the power of magic.

-The Mage Tower is constructed in the Xalious mountains by a newly formed coven of Human and Elf Wizards eventually a town is formed around it.

-The floating city of Krizar is created by humans and elves with their combined magic. A special enchanted crystal keeps the floating isle aloft in the clouds.

-The Second Golden Age begins as peace thrives in the lands.

-The Dwarven clans invent gun powder.

-The race of Lycanthropes is created via magical means many of the humanoid’s are cursed or blessed with the ability to become animals especially wolves.

-The dragons see the humans are successful and interbreeding between humans and human form dragon’s results in the creation of the Draconian peoples.

-The human Xera of Drayen engage in a sudden and bloody war with the dwarves shattering the peace of the second golden age. The intervention of the elves and dragons to stop the humans result in stalemate and an uneasy peace settles across Hollow.

-The floating city of Krizar crashes in southern Hollow creating the barren deserts, this is due to human resources being funneled to their war effort and a large scale attack from the Avian Empire.

-A hidden war known as "The War of Shadows" is fought between the combined army of the pixies and elves against the Drow and their temporary allies the Shadow Gnomes.

-Kaizer & Solaris the dragon lords of old lead a revenge attack on Drayen with many ogres and orcs. They come across the Dark Immortals Elazul and Khasad for the first time. Elazul and Khasad are defeated by the four light clad knights, who are known as The Knights of Eurydel. (The Wanderers)

-Elazul and Khasad attack Crius as Kaizer and Solaris torch the Xera city with their troll and orc army. During the course of the battle the great Tower of Crius is felled.

-Elazul returns to the land and creates a race of Vampires using the human child Eilan as he frees Khasad he is confronted with Loraeth, Syvern and Hindus but the dark immortals manage to escape. (The Return of Elazul).

The Dawn of the Dark Age

-The Council of Hollow is formed and the position of the seven sages are created the members of the council are:

  • Tritan (Larket)
  • Gualon
  • Nayrul (Later destroyed by Ilzubale and replaced with Cenril).
  • Craughmoyle
  • Sage
  • The Remaining good dragons.
  • Enchanted Kingdom

The city of Cenril is not allowed a seat on the council for starting the war with the dwarves but is later admitted.

-(300 Years later).Arrecation arrives in the southern land with the seven demons of Hell and creates a hellish army to march upon Hollow at the head of.

-The Grand Council of Hollow meets in Sage to discuss how to deal with Arrecation whose army has begun its long march north. (The Rise of Arrecation).

-The Battle of Xarus Lake, the forces of Arrecation battle a battalion of Gualon troops led by Tyr, the Gualon forces are destroyed entirely.

-Arrecation’s army sacked Gualon and splits, the seven demons of Hell who followed in the shadows and an army of wicked wraiths led by Arrecation’s lieutenant who marched to the gates of Cenril.

-Arrecation and his wraithen army defeat a force of humans and dwarves that attempt to liberate Gualon after the battle Arrecation kills the dwarven king and begins a march to Hollows stronghold and the forest of Sage.

-An army of mages is defeated and the original mage tower in Xalious is destroyed by the seven demons of Hell.

-Two wraithen armies and the seven demons of hell march on the council chambers of Sage Forest the remaining members of the council are trapped there.

-Arrecation murders the remaining sages of Hollow but is then confronted by the descendants of Loraeth, Hinus and Svyen (Lore, Hind and Sven), who are accompanied by a large army of all the races of Hollow. Norodruin one of the knights of Eurydel eventually appears to aid the three heroes in defeating Arrecation. Arrecation’s body and power is sealed within the rune of Oberyl, his essence and soul is trapped within the rune of Nocturin.

-The Orcish horde makes Gualon their home once more although some humans remain.

-The Ogre Horde arrives at Rynvale and the battle of Rynvale is fought between the ogres and the sea elves. The ogres eventually break through and invade the north of the island destroying the ancient elven civilization known as the “The Sylvan Concordat”. Their capitol is torched and becomes the ogre homeland of Gamorg. The elves of the Sylvan Concordat go into hiding.

-Kaizer discovers the rune of Nocturin and becomes one of the three avatars of Arrecation. Solaris is touched by the blood of Arrecation left in the wake of Kaizer and Nocturin and becomes the second avatar of Arrecation. (The Prophecy of Damnation).

-(700 years after Rise of Arrecation) Ilzubale a common man of Baskar (The Secluded Village) discovers the rune of Oberyl. The rune twists his mind and he revives the ancient floating city of Krizar, he uses this as a weapon to take revenge on Hollow and obliterates Nayrul and Tritan (Which later is rebuilt as Larket). The three saviors of Hollow eventually defeat him but in the course of the battle the rune of Oberyl is lost and is later recovered by Aurican an Orc from Gualon. Krizar crashed beyond the northern mountains and is lost once more. (Rise of Arrecation Notes).

-The Rune of Oberyl is passed from Aurican to the elf Rudra who then becomes the third and final Avatar of Arrecation.

The Second Dark Age:The Avatars

-The three avatars battle the three saviors of Hollow before setting up base in the Palace of the Forsaken deep within the confines of Hell.

-(1000 years later) Kaizer and Solaris return to the surface and form the Forsaken Knights, this ushers in a new dark age and wars are fought near endlessly between the forces of Hell led by the Forsaken and the avatars of Arrecation clans such as the Wolf Pack fight against them. Eilan the original vampire joins the Forsaken Knights by the avatars side.

-The Cateran Rebels are formed by Slit and they and the Forsaken Knights battle for control of Hollow continuously.

-Alexander Asan'ti becomes known as "The Knight of Hope" and with the aid of his Runeblade oppose the avatars of Arrecation. Many flock to his banner, one of which becomes a close friend: a warrior woman known as Xaka. The result of their friendship is the founding of "The Seekers of the Inner Flame", a clan that fights against the many evils of Hollow.

-Vgfh discovers the weapon known as "The Flaming Claw", he then founds a clan of the same name to defend it's power. Later he "dies" and is reborn as an ascended being.

-Kaizer and Solaris become dread lords and become even more powerful and evil. A female vampire who is a member of the Forsaken Knights named Jade marries Solaris is soon elevated to a similar level of power.

-Elazul and Khasad return but become trapped within Kaizer and Solaris. (The Awakening)

The following events happened within the same time frame and criss cross each other.

-Xaen and Arrecation arrive in Hollow and are confronted by Kaizer, Kaizer removes three jewels from the heart of Xaen and gives them to Jade. Kaizer and Arrecation are then absorbed by the fires of Hell, and Hell is once again sealed.(The Sealing of Kaizer).

-Jade gives Solaris the three soulstones, and he gives the stones to the ones who will become known as the Angels: Blaze, Lyra and Saltire.

-Solaris and his wife Ciadra die. As a consequence Elazul is set free to roam Hollow once more.

-Elazul manages to return to Hollow now by means unseen and resides within the body of an elf known only as Algorath.

-Solaris is revived and returns to his original form of Shael leader of the royal avian empire and manages to re-seal Elazul once more earning the scorn of many of the vampire, undead and dark races in the process. (The Fall of Solaris)

-Thirteen seals are let loose within the world, each holding a distinct piece of a puzzle which would unlock an almost unstoppable dark lord if all thirteen were brought together. This task fails, yet the seals remain in the world although they are slowly forgotten over time.

The Age of Mortals

-The Vampire Lord Dante begins the first war between the elves and the vampires. The elven race is devastated, miles of Sage Forest are torched. The power of the Druid Temples is weakened and begins a long decline. The result of so many elf refugees in human towns causes the population of half-elves to soar.

-A great disaster befalls Hollow Cenril is destroyed and rebuilt. A time of change results in new areas being explored and previously forgotten races reappear in great numbers. (Hollow2)

-The first mortal since the rise of the first ascended, ascends.

-Alexander defeats the remnant of the Forsaken Knights, effectively ending their age of prominence within the world.

-The Drow begin raiding from their bases in the Underdark.

-Necromancy becomes more common as Ryeanna Drakenheart uncovers the Black Library under Vailkrin.

-Vyrick the warlord king of the vampire kingdom of Modova invades Larket and begins a war in the north of Hollow between his vampire & dragon armies and the defenders of Hollow. Vyrick is ultimately defeated by Immanuel, who becomes tainted and is killed by Lionel O'Connor.

-It is around this time that a powerful new organization known as Eternally Damned rises to its temporary reign. Upon its creation, its leader, Cira, challenges the entirety of Hollow in proclaiming that she and her cohorts have initiated a war with every last being inhabiting the land and that she has already been victorious. Lionel O'Connor, in peak form as a jaded hero of the realm at this point in history, rises to the occasion and battles nearly non-stop her followers. At some point in the nearly one-man war, Cira is controlled by Irilandra, Kaizer's mythical daughter, and nearly wipes out mankind. Eventually, through a close alliance with a few of his closest allies, such as Donovan Keane and Shogo, Lionel stops Eternally Damned and restores a short-lived peace to Hollow.

-Elazul breaks free of his sealing once more and returns to Hollow in force summoning his "children" the vampires to his side. Khasad joins his brother and unleashes the dragon lord Karueborn upon the Underdark, crushing the drow and rendering them powerless.

-Donovan Keane, paladin to Xalious, organizes a wide-sweeping resistance to the Empire of Dissolution using his clan Hand of the Chosen as the chief emblem of the rebellion against the Brothers and basing the operation in Larket, the city with the greatest sympathy to his cause.

-The Battle of the Blood Fountain is fought in Vailkrin between the army of the dark immortals and the defenders of Hollow. Khasad and his victorious army take Vailkrin as a base on the surface, and subsequently capture Alexander Asan'ti and Lionel O'Connor, two of the three chief champions of light.

-Donovan engages Khasad in solo combat and miraculously survives, marking the turning of the tide against the Brothers. He also successfully restores Runeblade to her former glory and frees Alexander, earning the title 'Knight of Faith' in the process.

-The apocalyptic Battle at Trembling Tree ends with the eternal defeat of Khasad, Elazul and Iseldor. Hell is effectively sealed forever - its bond is breakable only by one more powerful than Khasad, and there are no known creatures with that might - and Donovan and his army stand victorious. Lionel and Donovan are rewarded with virtual immortality, meaning they will never die of old age.

-The Timelord Vuryal arrives in Hollow...

-Ryeanna Drakenheart and the Cenril Merchant Guild open commercial and passenger services to the island of Rynvale.

-Donovan Keane becomes governor of the Port Town of Rynvale and immediately incorporates his clan, Freedom's Call, within the government so as to forge Rynvale into a stronghold for those of the light.

-Thirteen seals are once more unleashed within the world, this time drawing closer to their aim of unleashing the dark lord within their puzzle. The seals, known for tainting those who bear and use them even in the name of good, are still a factor to this day.

-The Eldritch Cabal and Flaming Claw wage war for the occupation of Cenril.

-Darnerian Hawthorne Keane, son of the hero Donovan, completes the quest of creation and receives the most powerful relic on the mortal plane – a creationary shortbow with the ability to make or unmake anything of his choosing should its arrows strike true. Darnerian changes his brother, like him aged unnaturally due to the Seal of Time, into a child once more, giving up his own chance of reverting in the process. Donovan intercedes with Xalious to spare Darnerian from continuing to age due to his selfless act, and the request is granted but at a cost: Donovan's high-mortality is transposed onto Darnerian, causing Donovan to deteriorate more rapidly.

-After several weeks of posturing and a few duels the forces of Vuryal the Timelord begin the second Undead War. Larket is invaded by forces led by Vuryal's number two Lasher. The Second Battle of Fort Freedom.

-The Second Undead War ends a few weeks later when the Time Lord Vuryal is betrayed by one of his generals Imar. The undead uprising dissolves and Vailkrin falls into chaos. Vuryal is trapped in a mystical gem by Imar and the dreamwalker called Jhessail, while Lasher is unmade -- he could not be killed as he was a revenant, but by unmaking him he was essentially blotted from existence -- by a bolt from the mystical shortbow of creation wielded by Darnerian.

-The servants of the Elder Gods, demi gods in their own right, arrive in Hollow.

-Donovan's deteriorated state leaves him in no position to carry on his duties any further. As such, he and his wife Cailyn, as well as their son Drystan, depart for his homeland, leaving Darnerian behind with a quest, and Shen in charge of governing Rynvale.

- The Cult of Pleasure reform and in an event known as "The Long Night" create an uprising in the Undead Province of Vailkrin. Afterward Ryeanna Drakenheart ascends to the throne of the province and becomes the Lich Queen of Vailkrin. Shortly afterward rebel groups and others claim the province and conflict ensues.

-Vuryal escapes imprisonment from the mystical gem.

-The ascended Vakarash and Kanos fight a war waged with their followers as the weapons. The result of which leads to many of them being banished to the sub plane known as "Hell". The war ends in stalemate with huge casualties on both sides.

-Darnerian entrusts the shortbow of creation to the hands of the ascended being known as Vgfh while the former embarks upon a journey set out for him by Donovan, one which was grueling and taxing but enables Darnerian to emerge a much more well-rounded person and someone who can contribute to society.

-Vgfh evacuates the main forces of the Flaming Claw from Cenril, and sends them to the west. Vgfh is sent to the west by the higher gods to investigate personally the instigators of the conflict there.

The Age of Warlords

-The Empire of Archmosia is founded an agreement linking the darklands of Trist'Oth and Vailkrin with Venturil. The empire is ruled jointly by Ryeanna Drakenheart and the timelord Vuryal who had taken the form of a shadow gnome.

-The Cult of Pleasure launch a surprise raid on the Xalious tower to steal ancient artifacts they claim the mages order holds at the expense of the people of Hollow. The tower is defended by a large group of volunteers and members of the Emerald Guardians. This action draws strong criticism from other factions. The tower is badly damaged by fire but is left standing.

-Rheven is appointed the King of Venturil, handed to him by Vuryal after the chronomancer killed off but one of the royals of the city. Miia, the princess, daughter of Aryanna and Jesserios, is spared but taken into custody by Vuryal, though he allows her to be a figurehead for the city under Rheven. During this time, Jacklin is appointed General in Venturil.

-The Enchanted Kingdom of Pixies is assaulted by a band of ogres and their brethren, led by the Gamorgian Warchieftain Gruz. Failing to completely destroy its walls, it is, however, left in ruins.

-King Khaand who had earned the title "Hammer of the Goblins" passes away under mysterious circumstances deep within his underground palace. Rumors arise that he was assassinated by another kingdom. Fertangle of the Temple and his lady wife Myrall ascend to the throne of the Dwarven Kingdom of Craughmoyle.

-Tristram a draconian warlord claims dominion of the orcish homeland of Gualon, many of the residents and clans who call this province home are forced to vacate the area. The Eldritch Cabal takes up residence in Vailkrin and their leader Tenebrae becomes the landlady of it's infamous drinking hole The Hanging Corpse Tavern.

-Demont Roussai a self proclaimed revolutionary seizes control of Cenril and captures it's mayor bringing the large city under his control including Hollow mainlands only functional port.

-Kealynn a painted dragon of the Ethereal Destiny clan becomes the Empress of Xalious Province by convincing the mages order of the need for strong leadership. Soon after she is approached by Tristram and the province mysteriously becomes jointly ruled by them both...

-Vgfh returns to Kelay deeply troubled from his investigation in the west. The war there taking a turn for the worst when the attackers break through the defending armies lines through the use of a series of portals.

-Darnerian returns to find his homeland thrust into chaos, with disease rampant and invaders trying to instill their version of order. Vgfh returns the shortbow to him and he begins to battle the Preklek invaders as much as possible. Darnerian and the acting governor of Rynvale Shen, among others, find the cure for the disease and begin distributing it to those in need.

-The Empire of Archmosia begins to rise in power and members, led by Vuryal and Ryeanna. Their lands now include: Vailkrin, Gamorg, Venturil, Trist'oth and now Gualon. The Archmosian Elite Guard clan has formed, a sister clan to the Cult of Corruption lead the charge. Demont aligns Cenril to the Empire a short time later.

-Darnerian Hawthorne Keane and Lionel O'Connor forge an underground rebellion against the Empire of Archmosia. The Torchlight Rebels arm themselves against the Empire, staging an insurrection through propaganda, raids, destruction and general mayhem. Darnerian defeats Demont in hand-to-hand combat and captures him, ceding Cenril back to Flaming Claw's forces. Vuryal disputes the fall of Cenril, leaving it a contested area. As a consequence of Darnerian's actions, Vuryal cracks down on the very cities he claims to rule peacefully by closing the Hanging Corpse Tavern and declares open season on the Rebels.

-Venturil formally secedes from the Empire. King Rheven states that it is not to defect to the Torchlight Rebels, though they still mark Venturil's departure as a telling victory in their cause against the Empire, which appears to be showing signs of weakness.

-Emperor Vuryal, Imperatix Ryeanna, and a force of those comprised of the Empire's Elite level the city of Vailkrin in response to the underground resistance and supporting of the Torchlight Rebels.

-The failed return of the Dread Lord causes the premature collapse of the Empire of Archmosia, local forces scramble to take control of their own destinies and several areas of Hollow fall into chaos and anarchy while others forge their own path to the future.

-The Awakening, a meteor shower of some strength in the northern sky heralds the arrival and apprentice of new races. The High Elves open their sections of Rynvale to the public and begin to travel to the other area's of Hollow. The Avian's descend en mass from their floating empire to explore the world below and see if much has changed since their temperature. The Trolls, having become the dominant force in their native southern jungles strike out into Hollow looking for new realms to conquer and new beings to consume in their endless hunger. The Preklek forces muster and settle in Hollow, cut off from their homelands they are now forced to dwell among the 'lesser' races to their great disgust. The Shadow Gnomes also make themselves known again as they now have perfected their magic and prepare for vengeance against their kin. Once trapped within a temporal prison The Naga have finally escaped and are ready to fulfill their purpose of wiping out the races their creator deemed unworthy. Finally there is the Fermin, hideous rat man created for a single purpose to end all of humanity and bring civilization as was previously known to an end...