
From HollowWiki


Respawn: ??
Level: 19 Attack: 1700
HP: 50386 MP: 5920 SP: 5149


Max Drop: 5000 gold, 4000 silver, 8100 copper
Tengu are one of the more advanced creatures that can be found throughout the Venturilian plains. Believed to be a close relative of the modern day Avian, these humanoid figures stand between four to six feet tall when fully developed (approximately 1.25 to 1.75 meters) and sport corvid-style wings on their backs. It is unclear how sentient these creatures are due to their severe aggression towards non-tengu, especially when suspected that someone is actively seeking their nest. Tengu are often seen using weapons discarded in battlefields as conduits to control the air elements, making them natural aeromancers at birth. Like other avian species, tengu can be differentiated by sex; males will generally sport bright red or blue plumage with black patterns across their feathers, whereas the females are uniformly jet-black.

Written by Kanna