RP:They Grow Up So Fast

From HollowWiki

Part of the Vakmatharas' Jar Arc

Summary: Senatorial Candidate Smyth learns that her best friend’s daughter and Goddaughter, Ava has aged into a young woman of fourteen due to the curse. They experiment with a Bardic spell that seems to work for one thing, but not the other… Only time will tell.

Smyth Campaign Office

Brennia had been working hard alongside her campaign manager, Corvo, and of course her bodyguard, Daermon, in the background. Brennia would be found at her own office behind a desk and looking to be hard at work writing vigorously with a quill in hand on some parchment. Working on speeches! Dearmon is standing within the office next to the doorway, quiet and stoic, but the occasional glance shared between Brennia and him causes just the hint of a smirk. Corvo was in the main area of the building working with volunteers, most of them Bard students, on posters and propaganda for Brennia. The moderately handsome six foot six avian dressed in a suit and dusky black wings hands back a proposed poster with a polite tone to his voice, “I think it should have less. Strike the eye, but simple and to the point? Yeah?” The student nods to Corvo and he goes about checking the work of others. The campaign office will be found through the courtyard in the back of the walled in area next to the greenhouse. The counselor, Miss Dewfoot-Barrows, has taken over some of the Dean duties of the college, but as usual she seems to feel new visitors to the vast college as if the structure is one with the hobbit and soon after any friends trying to pay Brennia a visit would be seen, she’d surely usher them to her offices through the beautiful courtyard. Surely, as dear and old of a friend that Artia is the hobbit woman would recognize her right away, welcoming her warmly because for a little while she even lived in the castle!

Artia’s world, once more, have been flipped, Odhranos has disappeared leaving Artia and Ava alone again. Wondering if Odhranos knows about the curse that has inflicted upon their own daughter. Aging her from months of age to a tall age of fourteen. Making Ava a five foot three, her hair long black curls to the length of her shoulders. Still one grey and one blue eye, pale pink full lips like her mother. Inheriting her mother's beauty, but no curves just a straight linky body. Being the daughter of the once Larket's Apothecary her mother dresses her well in a black flowing dress with sapphires stitches along in patterns of Ava favorite flower; a daisy. Artia herself dressed in a crimson velvet corset dress, hair left down and heels to make her a tall five foot nine. The two females arrived to the bard college where hopefully Brennia would be. Entering and seeking out Brennia to find her working on speeches, which causes a smile to spread the plump ruby lips. Ava recognizing her other mother, Brennia brought out a giggle, and a soft wave of wiggling fingers. "Bre-bre." The nickname she gave her coming out of a soft voice. Artia spots Daermon and offers him a nod of her head, a thank you would be lipped to the dwarf for showing them to Brennia. "Brennia, something has happened. Ava has age jumped, and comes ill at times. I was hoping you might had heard of something?" As Artia spoke, Ava couldn't help but to run to Brennia and wrap the tall avian in a warm loving hug.

Brennia had been instructed by Daermon to take a small break right before Artia was ushered into the campaign office. Dearmon was close to Brennia and handing her a glass of water, probably flirting, but no words were uttered as they were using their permanent bond to converse. Brennia’s hand gently moved Daermon’s gloved one holding the glass out of her way when she heard ‘Bre-bre’ and jaw dropped, “Ava-Marie!?” She spots the woman her child, err - correction! She spots the two women and pulls them into an embrace. There was a large jar sitting on a locked display case behind her desk and when Artia explains Ava has aged she glances over her shoulder and between wings at the damn object. Concern riddles her feelings which causes Daermon to set the glass down and in a comforting timbre to the avian he says, “Bren… It isn’t your fault.” Silence rests between them, a glance to him, until she looks at Artia and tears are rimming her eyelids. Her sultry alto timber was soft, “come in a have a seat, please. There is something I must explain,” she motions to the couch within the private office before the clicks of her heels bring her back around to the seat behind her desk. Will she lose yet another friend over this? She doesn’t know if her heart could bear it. Brennia was visibly worried as the enchanting wings behind her shift nervously about her, but temporarily stop when Dearmon took a glove off a hand and smoothed it down her velvety wings when he positioned himself to stand behind her chair.

Ava smiled widely, as so did Artia as the three females hugged each other closely. But Daermon’s words caused Artia to break the hug as she leaned back to look to him, Ava hand traveled down to hold Brennia’s hand. The vampire picked up on the tears in her best friend’s eyes, “Okay..” She said sounding confused at what was going on, looking to Ava she smiled to her. The two having been long running friends, the only friend to stay at Artia side ever since they met. Even trying to help protect her from Irenic. Ava looked to Brennia’s wings and with closing of her eyes, she had her own wings of soft grey. Ever still smiling in Brennia’s presence. Artia did as instructed moving to have a seat, crossing her long pale legs. Ava on the other hand, “Excuse me, I am going to the kitchen. I am hungry!” Artia offers her a nod, “Not too many sweets.” Ava crossed her fingers behind her, with a giggle moving away. Once Ava was out of sight, Artia turned to Brennia, “I don’t know what happened, I haven't seen Odhranos to ask him if he might know anything. At times she is bubbly, happy, carefree, then the next she is easily angered the adjustment to her aging hasn't been easy. I’ve been having to teach her a lot of things quickly, but she is smart young lady and has picked it up quickly. If she gets angry or upset she turns pale and becomes ill. And the ill is happening more often, it happened a few days ago. We stopped in at the ranch to let her see her father. He wasn’t there so we crashed for the night, woke up to a young lady screaming only to find Ava had grown and broken her crib and laying on the floor nude. I been researching libraries trying to find a cure to help her mind adjust, and find why she is ill. And why this happened.”

Brennia rested her forehead on the palm of her had while Artia explained and once her friend was done she looked up and wiped her cheeks, “I’m so sorry Artia. You must feel angry and robbed of many… many precious moments.” A few blinks of Liberty blue eyes was suppressing more tears from forming and a deep breath. “Um… At the beginning of the near year someone left a gift for me, “ Brennia’s voice was still so quiet and soft, “it was an object of unknown origin and had been dormant all of these years, but I knew nothing of it. I just thought it was a beautifully dark artistic piece and until recently I kept it within my professor’s office within the college.” A look of genuine worry and heartache started to show on her expression, “there was a full moon and I heard this singing, it was beautiful and lead me to the gift. A jar. I opened it and it fell, but I was not prepared for what was inside or what it could do…” Dearmon made his way around Brennia’s chair and he leaned against her desk before her after taking her hand within his. “It is all my fault, I’m sorry Artia. I’m so sorry.” She tore her gaze away from her friend and down to her own lap, too ashamed to meet Artia’s gaze now.

Artia didn’t like seeing her friend this way, thus moving to hold her close to her, “Not angry, I am just worried about Ava. Ava is born of two magical parents and a unique gene code, it was a possibility. Just the aging hasn’t helped her mind that much, she is having to grow up fast now to adjust to her age. I am guessing she has aged to fourteen as she has already had a menstrual cycle too. Was not fun, she thought she was dying. I am going to send a letter off to Odhranos to see if he gets it, I think he would like to know what’s going on with our child.” Pulling her arms back as Brennia spoke to give her some space, wiping any stray tears upon her cheeks. Just as Daermon moved in to comfort Brennia, listening closely to the words the fell to her ears. “Brennia, it’s not your fault you didn’t know what it would do. But now we need to find out a cure, help me?” By then Ava walked into the room with a mouthful of chocolate, seeing the scene before her she quickly swolled all it down, “Mama, Brebre, everything okay?” Artia spoke quickly, “Yes honey, we are just finding out more information to help you. That is all. Brennia knows what caused it.” She kissed Brennia cheek, “You think I would hate you? Never. It was something you had no control over. What other things was released?”

Brennia pulled herself together more when Ava came back into the office and have the young lady a warm smile. Brennia didn’t shy away from the platonic kiss and even gave one back, “not hate, but maybe a strong disappointment in my reckless actions.” A soft sigh, “I feel so idiotic for all of this, but I am trying to atone for it. I’m actually running for Senator of Schezerade because, among other things, the Chamber of Raan seems to not care about what’s been happening because our curse isn’t impeding much.” At Artia’s next question she replies, “there was a mummified larynx within the jar. I’ve pieced it back together,” she nods towards the display case over her shoulder. “It started here, all residents of Schezerade are allergic to the sun.” She rolled up the sleeve to her blazer which revealed scars where boils left from the sun decorate her tattooed caramel skin. “Frostmaw is plagued with a never ending severe head cold. Cenril people are vanishing. Rynvale is a dehydration where no matter what they drink they are still thirsty. Alithrya residents have developed an irrational fear of water. Vailkrin are plagued with ghosts who keep reliving their last days every night, it can be quite confusing and irksome to the residents. I went there one night and ended up finding out how this jar was made when they sacrificed a Bard for it.” She glances over to The artifact, “I’ve been trying to learn of Vakmatharas and come up with a cure ever since.”

Artia offered a grin, “How many times have I been reckless Brennia? This is like your first time being reckless, everything can be fixed just depends on what can and how.” Ava sat down in chair, listening and being quiet for the time being. Until Brennia was done speaking, “So a jar did this to me? Does it stop aging me? Is this as old as I will get?” Artia sighs, “Baby girl, this is as old as you seem to be getting for the moment.” She then looks to Brennia, “I will help, as this curse is making her sick and...I worry for more than that.” Ava jumped in, “When i get ill, the last time blood started coming out of my eyes and ears. I couldn’t breath. We worry I won’t survive unless the cure is found. Mama is refusing to believe that, but I feel it.” The mother sighs, brushing hair out of her own face, “I saw the ghost, but i thought because of the holiday coming that was why.”

Brennia nods, “this means a lot to me. Thank you. I’m afraid it’s worse.” She clears her throat gently, “the only bit of information I could find on the jar was an old slab and etched into was a prophecy… ‘Arh'Nuk will be swallowed by our own shadow when and night will never be darker. Raven’s caw will be the maestro of chaos.’ And that it’s a tool to the god Vakmatharas.” She pauses and sort of fidgets nervously. “I had a summit recently and invited all of the area leaders to be a strong voice in assuring citizens that we care and are on the case… My opponent, Vermillion Draft attended like I hoped, but he made an awful scene of things, saying beware the raven and repeating that part of the prophecy. Right before that I saw the face of one of the necromancers who made the jar within Vermillions and I think he’s possessed by him.” She glances to Daermon again for comfort and strength before leveling with Artia, “remember that herb you helped make for me to keep Inky subsided. Apparently the power of the ink tied itself to the power lent to me from an enemy of my father… She was a master Bard… Named Raven.” (End)

Artia looks to Ava, “Ava dear, why don’t you go grab us all some drinks? These are things you don’t need to worry yourself about, go get the drinks and then go to the garden but not any further. Understand?” Ava nods, allowing her wings to change and leave. “Let me make sure I understand you right? Mr. Draft knew about this object? And yes I remember the herb recipe very well,” pausing, “Beware of the Raven, and the bard that is link to your ink now..” she sighs, “Is named Raven?” She went silent as Ava brought drinks for the four of them and she left, as soon as she did she spoke back up, “Do you think you are set up?”

Brennia shakes her head lightly, “no one knew. He only mentioned this because he’s being possessed by Orra, but it would explain why the attacks he’s been sending my way have been more sinister and sloppy. People forgot about the jar a long time ago and chalked it up to myth. If rumors about him are true, he probably likes being possessed as long as it doesn’t interfere with his money. He’d have a full blown fit if he knew it was the spirit of a man that used to be a vampire though.” Artia should know by now avians are racist and enemies with vampires. “Yes, after I learned the truth of how my ink was made from my father’s own ledger account, Raven remembered who she was and showed me her last memory of him using her to make my mother forget about what he planned to do to me. Then he had her sent to execution island, but he didn’t realize she transferred her Bardic power to me as a toddler.” She looked wary now, “Artia? I don’t want Ava to lose anymore time… Would you let me experiment a Bardic cure on her tonight?” Striking blue eyes seek to connect with Artia’s, hoping she will trust her. “We will just go into the main hall as if we are going to listen to me playing the piano like old times and she will be none the wiser.”

Artia put her hands together, fingers interlacing. Her mind full of worry for her daughter, was this her destiny for her past cruel ways? Lose each child before birth then finally have one in her arms to lose to a curse? She shook the thought out of her head, not possible she would not lose Ava. If anything she would sacrifice her life to save Ava’s if it ever came to that, a mother's love to their daughter is unmeasurable. Drawn back out from her mind, looking back to Brennia keeping a close ear out for Ava in the other room keeping track of her heart to measure the distance she went from Artia. “I’m sorry, who is Orra? I bet you can’t wait to tell him it's a vampire haunting him.” Artia couldn’t help but to snicker at that thought, wondering how bad he would flip his nuts if he knew. Brennia went on, and hearing how her father did that to her caused a hand to rest above her undead heart. “Oh Bre, I am so sorry..we both have been through so much.” Looking back into Brennia’s eyes with her own cyan blue, “We can try..I just don’t know if when this is fixed she ages back to how she should be, or stay this way? I think if she was aged back to how she should be, it would make her mind very bad off. I am at a lost for this..for once I don’t know what to do.”

Brennia looks just as concerned, but smirks when she mentions of telling Draft about the vampire, “I won’t go within fifty feet of that man if I can help it. Orra was one of the main necromancers who created the jar long ago.” When she was questioned about what will happen to her daughter when the curse is lifted she looks worried once more, “I am not entirely sure, but we must try? Especially with all the bleeding.” She finally stands from her desk and Daermon makes his way to the door to hold it open for the women. “Let’s?” She motions to the doors out, “we should find Ava before Aevo does.” Surely the lycan would hit on such a beauty and this got a soft chuckle out of Brennia at the thought. Once inside Brennia asks a few students and one or two guild members to help her, but before they start they all hum the same octave and connect their powers together while they wait for Artia to come inside with Ava. As soon as they do Brennia beans a bright smile to the young woman, “Ava-Marie. I wanted to play you a song that I used to sing to you when you were a baby. You seemed to enjoy it then, for old times sake, will you listen?” When she answers yes Brennia nods and takes her seat at the piano to begin the song.

Artia nods, “Agreed avoid that man, and if it was a necromancer that help make that jar...why don’t we go to Larewen? She is a master Necromancer, she might be able to help and she adores Ava so maybe we can be even more hopeful?” With a deep sigh, “Yes, we need to try I don’t know how long she has as she complains of body aches from the rapid growth.” Artia stands as well, offering a smile to her long time friend Daermon, wondering what was going on with the two. Knowing very well Daermon is very much a flirt, but always a dear and wonderful friend to those he loves. “Aevo? Why does that name sound so familiar...I swear I know him. Is he a lycan?” She awaits for the answer to her question before she heads outside to bring Ava inside. “Ava, Brennia has a surprise for you. It’s something very special you two share.” Ava seemed to know, and brightened up walking ahead of her mother to get there. Artia strolling in behind her, frowning deeply as she wasn’t sure the results that would happen from this or even if anything would happen. Ava rushes up to Brennia, beaming with the widest smile ever. Placing her hands together against her mouth as she giggles, nodding a yes, “Yes, yes please! I miss your singing.”

Brennia was careful to let the song end graciously, but when she looked at her own hands the scar from a previous boil due to the sun was gone. She didn’t to read too much into it before she watched Ava closely for change and when there was none she put on a brave face and suggested, “let’s retire to the dining hall and join the students for dinner?” Once Ava heads towards the kitchens she gives Artia an apologetic look. Before slipping her arm around her friend's shoulders, “I won’t stop trying. I believe I could get there now that I have your help.” She meant it and it was a genuine sentiment as Daermon follows them a few paces behind the pair.