RP:House Rules & Homework

From HollowWiki

Part of the Welcome To The End of Eras Arc

Summary: Finding a quieter place to talk, Kasyr offers to answer questions and concerns the newest member of house Azakhaer may have, while also trying to gauge her wellbeing. Meanwhile Rumiko learns a bit more about the city she loves, and the Houses within it.

Vailkrin Council Room

As the highest point of the castle, this room has the best view of Vailkrin one can achieve without taking flight. With that in mind, the room's walls are panes of stained glass. Through some magical means, the glass doesn't discolor the view for individuals within the room, but it doesn't allow for those that manage to fly up to the windows from the outside to peer in. Similar to the chandelier in the great hall, lanterns float high overhead near the ceiling, their light produced by glowing stones encased within. As is common with many rooms for planning and strategy, the largest and primary table is the focal point of the council room, and a map of Vailkrin with lands beyond it is burned into the surface rather than carved. The markings on the round table are a bit crude, but they're kept up to date by swapping the rounded panel the map is burned into out for a fresh map as needed. In the interest of maintaining clear lines of sight from every wall of windows, the large table doubles as a bookshelf., with the entire stone base of the table doubling as shelving for so many books and paperwork that what don't fit in the shelves are piled neatly either on the table or underneath it. Smaller tables are set at the four cardinal directions, but all seats are pulled to the main table for meetings. Here the sound of music within the castle is clearest, as if the sounds of the City of Undead have traveled and transformed into melodies that can only be heard within the room.

Kasyr, in that moment, is mildly grateful for the current state of Vailkrin and the continent at large. After all, the relative paralysis of diplomatic entreaties meant this particular branch of the castle was more or less empty, and the servants had their hands full fielding petitioners in an infinitely more rigorous manner than the norm. It's with this relative privacy in mind that the swordsman leads the way up the stairs, before he hip-checks the door to what is effectively his office. Specifically, to a smaller desk that had been planted at the north end of the room. This humble furnishing clashes with the rest of the room, in part due to its meagerness, but mostly due to the disarray of papers and empty coffee mugs which litter its surface. It's here that he meanders towards, if only to take a seat. "So-"

Rumiko followed in relative silence; she'd been mostly mute since that night he'd pulled her back from that more permanent form of death. It wasn't because anything had stricken her voice, but more so the nymph was still getting used to the heightened level of sounds around her, and offering her own noise was almost too much. She was thankful for the quietness of the space in which they moved, shown mostly by that shift of her hands no longer readying to cover pointed ears should things grow too loud. The room itself was given a slight glance, but decor was never something that interested her. An arch of her brow came for the oddity that was Kasyr's chosen seat, and Rumiko found a place before it, though made no attempt to sit. She'd done that enough. "So."

Kasyr may have squinted then, looking for some hint of humour or mockery in the mirrored reply, before deciding otherwise. Instead, he begins to sift over what he wants to say, what he should be saying. Quintessas' ominous words, the as of yet unknown implications, also weigh heavily - ultimately culminating in him leaning back in his seat forcefully enough that it begins to tilt on its back legs, even as he adopts a more thoughtful look, "I suppose I'll start with, how are you feeling?"

Rumiko wasn't usually the mocking type, though she also hadn't been the tearing out a heart type. Interesting the way some things change. The longer she stood in the quieter room, the more relaxed she became visibly; shoulders rolling, slight expression returning to her features. "I didn't realize how much the noise was affecting me." That wasn't really the answer to his question though, but it was more than a single word. Progress. "I am still trying to decide. Off. Stir crazy." The nymph had been thankful for the evening out, even if she had been on edge for most of it. Her gaze lowered then, still crimson eyes staring hard at an imaginary spot on the floor as she forced herself to say what she though he really wanted to hear. "Grateful." Had she mentioned that before? She didn't think so.

Kasyr nods slowly in response to the shift in Rumikos' status quo, though, he may have winced faintly at the mention of 'stir crazy'. That need to do something. It resonated with him a bit too much, even now. Still, there's a faint feeling of concern that remains when her attention redirects elsewhere. "Oh. Well. That's-" Good? He sounds about as awkward as she does. His lips purse, before he offers an exasperated look to no one in particular, "I'm glad. That you don't resent me." Yet. "But I meant, more. The hunger- et, I guess- your mindset. You were very... out of sorts." That was certainly a kind way to describe it. Those calico ears of his were currently flattening back, seemingly pinned down by the weight of his own words.

Rumiko's gaze remained on the floor, though she wasn't sure if it was from shame or something else. The mention of how she acted in the midst of that first hunger gave her a reason to wince slightly and her hands came to lace together before her. "Is... that not typical?" It was likely the only admission that she did, in fact, remember that half-crazed, bloodlust she'd fallen into. Even sated as she was now, there was a part of her that had almost enjoyed reveling in the snap of the elf's neck, or the warmth of the heart in her hands. Fingers flexed reflexively before she pulled them behind her, as if she were ashamed of the red she'd already washed away. "I am feeling more myself. Closer to... well before." Before she'd nearly died on his doorstep, as it were.

Kasyr is grateful Quintessa isn't here, if only because of how closely she'd be scrutinizing this back and forth - making notes like an apprentice studying for an exam at the tower. "It depends, really. It's not uncommon, exactly. You just-" His thoughts flicked back towards her predatory gait, the tension that ran through her like a bowstring begging to be released, "Less out of sorts than some. A bit more dangerous than others, c'est tout." He leans further back in the chair, his foot hooking around the desk to keep himself balanced. It'd be simple to leave it at that, wouldn't it? His tongue runs over one of his canines, before he makes a chiding 'tsk' and continues, "Runs in the bloodline. Part of why you were instructed not to pick any fights at the faire. We're not exactly good in the whole...restraint department."

Rumiko would have agreed, if the thought about the changeling had been mentioned aloud. Not that the nymph didn't like the changeling. Being the subject of ones study was not something on her bucket list, though she had a feeling she had not yet seen the end of that more scientific side of her 'cousin'. Crimson eyes flicked upwards to watch her sire lean back further still, and she wondered for a moment what would happen if he fell. Would he hit the ground, or somehow land gracefully? "More dangerous?" Of course that would be the part that caught her attention. "Little ol'me?" A twitch betrayed that smirk she attempted to hide, though if it was humor or pride, she wasn't quite sure. "Only fight I picked was with that pinata." And she nearly decimated the entire thing and ruined the surprise inside. That was a point of pride. All the noise and all the running children, and she hadn't given chase. Well, nearly. "No?" It was then she looked to claim a seat, foot hooking around the leg of one to pull it where she wanted. "Do remember, I was at the summit. I thought you restrained yourself quite well against Macon." It could have gone much worse.

Kasyr may have rolled his eyes at the smirk, though it was briefly mirrored. "I'm sure it had it coming." That said, when she redirects the conversation towards his own behaviour, his humour ebbs away, "Partly, it's practice- though it does lend itself to the severity of my responses." His balancing act with the chair ends, the sound echoing through the room, "But, Macon is, en fait, a point of importance. It wasn't just a matter of restraint. House Azakhaer, et this now includes you, es oathbound not to cause him or Larket harm." There's a pause to let that detail sink in, before he continues, "The reverse applies as well, with some rather damning consequences- which is why I was particular about our behaviour in the sheriffs office." Intimidation had been fine, but he'd been cautious not to cause any real damage. In any case, "So, No killing Larketians. You can consider that an order." There were obviously more to tackle, but- he'd give her a few moments to process things.

Rumiko listened as the almost lighthearted conversation returned to seriousness. "Practice." Another mirrored word, though she followed it up more readily this time. "How long have you been practicing?" Meaning, how long had he been a vampire. In a perfect world, questions such as that might have been asked *before* being sired, but when had her life ever gone according to plan? The echo causes her to flinch ever so slightly, though she recovered well. "That's why we chose Cenril prisoners." It wasn't a question. "Does that include anyone that lives in, or works within Larket? Or just those brandishing their banner?" It might seem she was trying to skirt the rules, but the nymph was simply thorough. Or, trying to be. Ankles crossed as she learned back in her chair, though not so far that the legs lifted, "What of other lands? Or is Larket the only one with needs of caution?" Where there any other oaths or treaties in place that she needed to keep in mind. Better to learn early.

Kasyr actually has to think about Rumikos' question. It wasn't a question he'd cared to ask himself often, nor was his state of being prior one free of troubles. "A decade et a half, peut-etre? There was a brief stint of mortality in the middle, as well." Younger, no doubt, then what most people reckoned. So many others had assumed he was centuries old- but he'd simply been some morbid interpretation of 'lucky'. There's something behind that thought- a queerness that doesn't seem to add up, slivers of something that accompanied the various times he'd died- but he doesn't dwell on it for too long. Some things were better left alone. "While I had a sire for a bit, it wasn't long before I was left to my own devices. Not far off from a stray, en fait. It's part of why I run my own House so differently." He can't be certain of the sort of smile he's sporting in that moment, so he simply rolls his eyes at noone in particular, his gaze ultimately slipping away, "Anyways- that's an astute observation, oui. The specifics is an oath of Non-Hostility between our house, Macon, et the city of Larket. In theory we have some leeway, but- it's best not to play around with it. I'll leave that to people who aren't part of my house." He can't help but brighten up a bit when the fae continues to question away, that sort of curious caution a trait he can't help but value, "Technically, no. But, given what you are now, acting recklessly could incur problems for me et the rest of the city. Which is the reason why I lay down this order with my fledgelings. Try not to kill unnecessarily when feeding. Between avoiding that, et not getting caught by witnesses- it helps to maintain a veneer of 'civilized vampires', who aren't as dangerous as their predecessors. It also avoids issues like thralls. There's been instances, in the past, where freshly turned vampires were capable of making these."

Rumiko had spent a large portion of her youth in servitude, passed around like an object rather than a person. While many of those internal scars had healed over time, some of the mannerisms remained, manifesting in the stillness as she listened, the dropping of her gaze as she focused on the words, and the need to follow rules and have guidelines. It was the latter that had created that curious nature. "That sounds dreadful." Whether it had been choice, abandonment or death, Rumi couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to have no one to guide her. Would she fall back into that hunger-driven ferality the next time she needed to feed? How awful that must have been. The frown curving her lips would likely betray her thought process, though it wasn't long before her attention rose once more. "Are there many others?" She'd meant in the house, not fledglings specifically, though made no attempt to clarify before jumping right into her next question, "Assuming I will eventually be allowed go out unaccompanied," To feed, again no verbal clarifying, "Are there established safe places to do so? Neutral grounds, as it were?" Places where one might find more willing 'prey' and less attention.

Kasyrs drumming on the table. He isn't sure when he started, only that he stops when the awfulness of the situation is acknowledged. "Mmm. For all her faults, Tenebrae et her lot were a much needed safety net."" He likely would have ended up far worse were it not for her. The swordsmans' hands skirt over the desk, plucking an empty coffee mug from amid the disarray, if only so he can begin tracing his thumb over the lip of the cup, "I've outlived or outlasted most of them. Perhaps Dami might still be around- but their fervent desire was to live a quiet life. Likewise, Iintahquohae is around- but..." His eyes flick up towards the fae, and there's a certain degree of severity there, "Much like Dami, she's earned herself quiet. Don't breath a single word of me, or house Azakhaer to her. If you want to look out for her, or befriend her, that's your perogative - but do not try et drag her back into this. She has her own life." A piece of the mug cracks, before shifting away beneath his insistent fiddling, "Plenty of options. For the hunt, bandits are always easy pickings - walking the roads at night can lead to some overconfident souls choosing the wrong mark. Mercenaries et bounty hunters, though trickier, live their lives by the sword. If one dissapears, it's simply a job hazard. Animals are another simple source, if you're in a pinch, et if you're not ravenous- its' not too difficult to let one go." That said, her expression still seems expectant, waiting for more options, " For the non-lethal route, there are individuals who either enjoy being fed from- thrill seekers et the ilk, as well as those who'll do so for coin." He pauses to think for a few long moments, before finally adding, "Personally, I often hunted in the underdark. It's more dangerous, but the twisting tunnels, and fractured patrols meant it was easy to find isolated individuals- and dissapearances happen all the time. Good for hunting as a group, though the dangers outweigh the benefit for the unwary or new." And it wasn't an ideal time for it, in case something did go amiss.

Rumiko had heard of Tenebrae, but had not had much to do with the woman. It's for that reason she simply nods her head to accept the response. For all he must have endured, it would seem she would be lucky enough to get a better start to this new state of being. It wasn't until that chipping of the mug that she reacted again, this time with her gaze yet again dropping and fingers curling inward within her lap to send a chorus of pops as her joints gave protest. The nymph hadn't heard of Dami nor Iintahquohae, and with the seriousness in his tone and the sudden weight she could feel in her chest, she wasn't sure she wanted to involve herself with either. The rest of Kasyr's explanation earns a slight dip of her head, and Rumiko made a mental note to try and keep a log of how often those first brushes of hunger were felt. "It has been a long time since I ventured into the Underdark. Something about being so far underground always unsettled me." It was doubtful that much had changed, though the idea did spur another. "Do you have any staff with a heartbeat?" It took a moment for the question to register in her mind, "Not to.. I mean I don't want to hurt them." Brows furrowed as a hand rose to touch the center of her chest, "I noticed the dried flowers in the hall, but I couldn't... feel them." She didn't mean with her fingers, and the confusion was still evident when crimson eyes turned upwards once more. "I didn't notice it until today, but for as loud as it is on the outside, the inside is too quiet."

Kasyr isn't sure if what he's feeling is pity, or perhaps an empathy to mirror his own. On a certain level he doesn't -want- to know, to think on it too hard. It helped to simply go through the motions, and her questions let him stay on target. "If it's something you'd like to do, let me know. There is business there I intend on pursuing over the coming months, especially as I find more necromancers who are ready et willing to help. And if you need help with a hunt elsewhere, I will endeavour to make myself available- though it seems Quintessa es also eager to do the same." There's a hesitance in that latter part, his expression growing thoughtful, "I think her desire to become a part of my house has only grown with this recent development. But. I suppose we can deal with that when next she convenes with us, since it sounded like she had her own business." And it meant he could put off considering what it would mean for her, whether by dint of temperment, or the trials it would set in her path. Could she even bear the idea of being bound to him? Rumikos' query is a welcome distraction, "There's a number. I don't really care much to favour whether I employ vampires, humans, undead, or anything else in between. If they're a denizen of the city, or have its best interests in mind- that's enough for me." Which has, historically, led to the occasional assassination attempt, but- would discriminating have done much to stave that off? "..Eh. Er. I'm sure you could make an inquiry to one of the administrators, " those poor souls fielding petitions, "when they're on their break." The exact of her question is still lost on him, in part due to his own unfamiliarity with her abilities- but it seemed important to her. And on that subject, "I know I already asked how you're feeling- but, it still seems important to ask again. More specifically- do you feel like yourself? My ties to my sire, for how I thought, were distorted, to say the least."

Rumiko offered another nod. Pushing herself to overcome that which made her uneasy seemed to me a common theme in herv life over the last few years, what was one more thing? "If you have let me know when you next intend to travel, I feel it would do well for me to visit again." To get out and do something other than worry about what she might do, what she was not capable of. Dangerous. The word sang through her mind in the changlings voice then. "The Houses. They are akin to families, then?" He had mentioned bloodlines before, so she felt it a logical question. "She seems fond of you." It was a quieter observation of Quintessa, one that stemmed from several conversations both with and without the swordsman present. Whatever had happened between the pair was not a subject the nymph was interested in, past idle curiosity. The changeling was, last Rumi knew, engaged to her niece. "I will make it a point to seek them out." Though bothering them with more requests whilst on their breaks seemed almost cruel. It was a shame she hadn't realized that missing piece at the fair. There had been plenty of beating hearts there, she'd heard them. The final question gave her pause, and she took a moment to really consider what was asked. After a long moments silence, she nodded to herself. "For the most part. Other than the quiet, I feel like myself. As much as one can, I suppose, given all that has happened." The nymph wasn't hearing voices, seeing specters or losing her temper, at least outside that time right after her rebirth. A hand rose to twirl a bit of ebon hair hanging along side her cheek, and another frown formed. She hadn't yet attempted to reset her glamour. Perhaps she would give herself that bit of homework to do.

Kasyr nods in silent agreement to Rumikos' request to travel alongside him, though her remark on the other houses elicits a more overt response, "Some of the houses are more akin to a hierarchy- microcosms of the aristocracy that's held Vailkrin in sway for so long. Others are organizations. If you'd like, I can provide you the various notes I've gathered over the years, so you can better adapt to your new home. Consider it a study project, si tu le veut." The mention of the changelings fondness leads to his attention flicking in just about every direction except Rumikos' face, "It's complicated. Nor would fondness survive with what it would do to her existing relationships, j'pense. Better she work at salvaging those. Saving who she can." Anything past that? They can deal with it then. He bites down on his lip, and sets that contemplation aside, "Good. While I expect you to act within House Azakhaer et my own best interests- I still expect you to do right for yourself, as well. " There's a thoughtful pause, before he finally adds, "Is there anything else you'd like to know, or does this suffice for now?"

Rumiko cursed herself for not bringing something to write on. "Notes would be appreciated. I would hope to eventually continue being useful, and knowing more of the city outside the dark forest would be a good start." Study project accepted. If the nymph noticed the shift in his demeanor at her comment, she left it be, simply offering a dip of her head. Wasn't her business either way. "I think that should be enough to keep me busy for a time. Though I'll be sure to collect any other thoughts, in the meantime." She'd a feeling he would check on her from time to time. She stood then, hands smoothing the layer of skirting she wore to be sure everything was in place. "Anything else you require of me?" It seemed fitting to return the offer to answer questions, even if he likely had more important things to get back to. King, and all.

Kasyr can appreciate the faes' diligence, though he does feel the need to add, "I'd prefer if you didn't talk about the inner workings of our house, or the differences in our particular strain of vampirism. That uncertainty es an advantage that we should fiercely guard. Even Tessas' scholarly impulses could likely be weaponized with time. Something that makes me grateful for-" He shakes his head slowly, grappling with a lingering sense of uncertainty, "Well, I simply hope things are better. In any case, I'll deliver some notes to your room later, once I've finished gathering myself. In the interim, I wish you happy hunting." A different sort of victim- but, someones break being infringed upon is still a painful experience.