
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a NPC Profile.

This page describes an NPC character that is a part of Rynvale Island . You may use it in your RP freely. If you have any questions about the character, please ask Mcracken .

Current Occupant, Deadeye Doolie's Shack, Rynvale

Omorfi appears to be a tall and strikingly beautiful woman who has lost her sight. Her eyes are perpetually veiled by a silken eye mask, yet she moves around her humble home with a liquid grace most will find surprising. Listening closely. one might hear her make soft clicking sounds, the secret to her ease of motion being a form of echolocation.

A closer look reveals her dark skin to have a faint blue- green tint. Her hands are slightly webbed between the first and third fingers.

Omorfi's hair is always covered by an elegant duku-style headwrap, and one of the ways to her heart is to bring her a length of beautiful cloth for making new ones.

She is a creature of consummate poise and conviviality, and loves to cook. Her home is always open to visitors, who will find a pot of fish stew or clam chowder bubbling on her simple iron stove at all hours.


Her duku is full of secrets. Few beings ever truly know any of them.

Some may glimpse a hint of her true nature, should they approach her home with ill intent-- and tend to keep this secret permanently.

Others may experience her more benign gift, on the rare occasions she deigns to tell someone's fortune (for which it's good manners to leave her a gift).