
From HollowWiki
This Page has been marked as a NPC Profile.

This page describes an NPC character that is a part of Frostmaw . You may use it in your RP freely. If you have any questions about the character, please ask Hildegarde .


  • Name: Aodhan
  • Race: Fire Wyrm
  • Age: A year old, a fledgeling
  • Occupation: Firekeeper for Frostmaw tavern
  • Gender: Female
  • Homeland: Hatched in Frostmaw, original nest location unknown.
  • Details: Drargon, the keeper of Frostmaw Tavern, obtained Aodhan as an egg from an exotic dealer visiting the city--the egg serving as payment for room and board, as well as to remove the debt earned by gambling among the tavern patrons. Although Drargon possesses little knowledge on the care and maintenance of southern breeds, he knew enough about fire wyrms to place the egg in the center of the tavern's firepit, where the roaring flames kept it safely heated until it was ready to hatch. When the wyrmling did hatch, it was a relatively quiet affair and kept all the more hushed up by the barkeep, for fear he might have to be rid of the fire wyrm if it was discovered, due to the dangers of such a creature in a wooden structure. Since her hatching, Aodhan--meaning "Little Fire"--has kept the fires burning hotter and steadier than ever before, while being happily fed off tavern trash, up to and including damaged mugs and plates, empty bottles, broken furniture, and leftover food. Over time, Aodhan has grown in both size and daring, sometimes showing herself at the firepit's edge to snatch away a tavern-goer's food or drink. A few have made a game of feeding the voracious creature, to Drargon's distress, as the steady diet is adding to her growth spurts, bringing the eventual--and inevitable--eviction of Aodhan closer and closer. A warning has since been posted in Frostmaw Tavern against feeding the wyrm.