Keter's Newb Gold/Armor Guide

From HollowWiki

Getting Started

If you ever get lost during navigation of Hollow, there is a map posted at the following web address.

to open links in a new window, hold [Ctrl] while you click on the link.

Temple Map

This map is part of ``The Temple`` clan website.

  Note: This map is out of date. I am leaving it because it lists mobs/monsters to help statters, 
  but the rooms may be wrong. 
  The most updated maps can be found here: 
  --Josleen (talk) 15:08, 26 January 2016 (UTC)

General Money making guide for new players

For an Intro to Statting see: Keter & Thea's Newb Training Guide

Free Gold

Glowing Stone

From the tavern, go: 1s, 5w, 3n, 1u Type: search chest This will grant a glowing stone, worth 50 gold when sold to any mining center such as Masbane. This can be done once per day.

Rusty Daggers

From Tavern go: 1s, 5w, 4n, 4e, 5n, 1d, 1n, 1w, 1s, 1w, 1n You should be in Sewers Type: search skull You should find rusty dagger (You can only find this item once) Return with the reverse directions used to get there

From Tavern go: 2 s You should be in Kelay Shop. You start the game with 1 rusty dagger equipped, so including the one you find you should have a total of 2. Click ``Inventory`` then unequip the rusty dagger by clicking ``rusty dagger`` on the right side of the screen under ``Currently Equipped`` Now under ``Weapons`` on the left side of the screen click on Sell: All, next to the rusty dagger. You`re now 44 gold, 6 silver richer. Don`t worry about not having a weapon, the fishing pole can be used for melee, magical, and ranged attacks, and you should find one during the intro walkthrough. If you need another it is only 6.2 gold (see the ``Fishing`` section of this guide).

Jeweled Dagger

From Tavern go: 1 s, 5 w, 4 n, 4 e, 8 n, 2 w, 2 n You should be in Monster`s Lair Type: search wall You should find jeweled dagger (You can only find this item once) Go: 2 s, 2 e, 8 s, 4 w, 4 s, 4 e, 1 n You should be in Kelay Trading Post Type: sell 1 jeweled dagger You`re now 187 gold richer

In Summary

From Kelay Tavern 1s, 5w, 3n, 1u, search chest (Glowing Stone), 1d, 1n, 4e, 5n, 1d, 1n, 1w, 1s, 1w, 1n, search skull (Rusty Dagger), 1s, 1e, 1n, 1e, 1s, 1u, 3n, 2w, 2n, search wall (Jeweled Dagger).

To return and sell: 2s, 2e, 8s, 4w, 4s, 4e, 1n (sell Jeweled Dagger), 1s, 1e, 1s (Unequip current rusty dagger then sell both), 2n (and you are back to Kelay Tavern). To sell the glowing stone, visit the Mining section for more details.

Earning Gold


From Tavern go: 1 s, 8 w, 1 s, 1 w, 4 n You should be at Path to the North Type: learn mine Type: buy 1 pick axe Go: 1 w Click on inventory, then on the left side of the screen under Weapons click ``Equip`` next to pick axe, if you have another weapon equipped you`ll have to remove it by clicking on that item`s name on the right side of the screen. Once you have the pick axe equipped, you can start mining.

When you`re ready to start mining, click on Mine. You can only mine once per second, the easiest way to do this is to open an online metronome in another window and set it to just under 60 beats per minute, then click to the beat. An online metronome can be found here: Online Metronome

Once you get used to this, it will make mining go as fast as possible without the premium ``Quick mine`` skill. You`ll find things from time to time, be patient.

Each time you click, it takes 1 stamina; When you`ve run out of stamina you can fight a weak mob (one that only hits you for 1) and just click on wait over and over until your Stamina is full, or your health gets low, whichever happens first. When your health gets low, escape from battle. You can now return to mining; when your stamina is gone AND your health is low click on Rest in the Submit bar and wait until your stamina is full, your stats restore at a rate of 3 per minute of resting. When done resting click on ``get up`` to continue mining.

If you`re a class that can cure, and you`ve purchased the skill, you can cast cure to restore your health and repeat the process until your magic is gone or stamina is full. When your stamina is full, go back and mine again. Repeat this process until your magic runs out, then rest until it`s full again and repeat. Doing this can greatly reduce the amount of time you have to spend resting, especially as your cure, HP, MP and Sta get higher.

Mining is very, very slow and tedious, but if you`re patient and have lots of time, you can mine 750 times per day. The 750 is reset at midnight Hollow time, to find what time it is in Hollow, Type: time Then click submit to find out what time it is; Hollow is real time, so whatever time difference you notice from your local time, if any, will stay the same from day to day.

When you are tired of mining, or you`ve mined your 750 limit, go 1 east, to the Path to the North, you can either click on inventory and then click on sell all for each of the items, or you can type: sell # ``item`` (i.e. sell 5 gold dust) For how many of each item you want to sell; selling in the following increments will yield slightly more money than selling them individually;

Increment Selling Table for Mining Proceeds

Sell command Normal Price Amount added from selling in noted increment
sell 2 bronze chunk 4 copper apiece adds an extra .5 copper per
sell 10 bronze dust 2 copper apiece adds an extra .7 copper per
sell 5 crystal 1 gold apiece adds an extra 8 silver per
sell 10 diamond 2 gold apiece adds an extra 7 silver per
sell 5 emerald 3 gold apiece adds an extra 6 silver per
sell 5 gold chunk 7 gold apiece adds an extra 2 silver per
sell 2 gold dust 4 silver apiece adds an extra 5 copper per
sell 5 iron ore 7 silver apiece adds an extra 2 copper per
sell 2 platinum chunk 31 gold apiece adds an extra 5 silver per
sell 2 ruby 4 gold apiece adds an extra 5 silver per
sell 2 silver chunk 4 silver apiece adds an extra 5 copper per
sell 1 glowing stone 45 gold apiece no bonus for glowing stones


From Tavern go: 1 s, 3 e, 2 s, 1 w, 3 s, 1 e, 1 s You should be at the ``Odd Watering Hole`` Type: learn fish Type: buy 1 fishing pole (if you don't already have one)

Click on inventory, then on the left side of the screen under Weapons click ``Equip`` next to the fishing pole, if you have another weapon equipped you`ll have to remove it by clicking on that item`s name on the right side of the screen. Once you have the fishing pole equipped, you can start fishing.

Click on ``fish`` Every three seconds you can click on the ``continue`` button to fish again; it uses 1 stamina each time just like mining. Though it takes longer, it has no limit, so if you really really have a lot of time you can mine your limit then fish until your heart`s content. From time to time, you may "lose" your fishing pole while fishing, but it is not actually gone, just unequipped. You'll have to go back into your inventory and equip it once again to continue fishing. When your stamina is gone, follow the same directions given for mining to restore it. When you`re done fishing, you can click on ``Inventory``, and ``sell all`` of each item at the Odd Watering Hole, or use the

sell # ``item``

command given in the mining section and sell the items in the following increments for slightly more gold:

boot 5

carp 5

eel 5

fishing pole 3

giant salmon 5

golden ray 2

ruby-clawed crab 5

salmon 5

sand striper 3

silver flask 5

silverfish 2

small shark 2

RP Dueling

If you`re a very competent duelist and you have acquired a fair bit of gold you`re willing to risk or have a friend who will sponsor you, taking part in an RP duel for stakes (or RP Duel Tournament) can be a great way of gaining gold quickly. It`s not uncommon for people to duel for 5,000 gold or more if you or a willing friend has that much to risk that is.

Stat Training

The most efficient use of your time to earn gold is by stat training against mobs. Some mobs drop more than others, and stronger mobs generally drop more gold than weaker ones. In the beginning, you'll make most of your gold from selling drops you receive from killing Drunken Fools, though eventually if you continue to train, you'll earn hundreds of gold from each mob you kill. To learn the nuances of stat training a brand new character, read Keter & Thea's Newb Training Guide.

You have Gold, now what?

You should already have a fishing pole from the intro walkthrough, but if you lost it fishing, or need a new one, then buy a fishing pole to train with, 6.2 gold and hits with every type of attack (melee, ranged, magic).

You'll notice that many mobs attack you as you walk around Hollow. There are a few items that you can purchase, which will dramatically reduce the number of times you get attacked. The first item I recommend buying is the Cloak of Lesser-Protection, it costs 534.17 Gold, so it will take at least a full day of mining plus the free gold methods to purchase it. This item is sold in a shop 1s, 1w of the Kelay Tavern. It does not protect from all mobs, but it will decrease the number of times you are attacked dramatically.

If you don't plan on Stat training and will mostly be RPing, I recommend saving up for the Recall skill, found in the Central Training Facility (1s, 3w, 2n, 1d from the Kelay Tavern). It will allow you to warp into most cities without having to walk there. It uses half of your stamina, but for people who don't stat train, that will only take a few minutes of resting to regain. If you just type: recall, it will send you to the Kelay Tavern. If you want to go to a different city, [Type: recall city] The different cities are as follows: [ venturil, craughmoyle, xalious, underdark, larket, rynvale, cenril, vailkrin, gualon, frostmaw, enchantment, kregus, chartsend, schezerade, gamorg, alithrya, vhys ], the city names must be lowercase. If you type the name wrong, it will default to just "recall" which sends you to the Kelay Tavern example: recall underdark

If you will be stat training: Buy armor; start cheap. This list will get you up to 65 AC for a total of 49210 gold, I know that sounds like a lot right now, but it's really not in the grand scheme of things for Hollow. Just buy the pieces one at a time as you get the money, starting with the cheapest armor and working your way up.

As your AC gets higher, you can fight mobs that drop more gold without taking more damage. Eventually, as your HP and other stats get high enough you will be able to afford stronger armor and no longer need to fish or mine to make gold; training on the right mobs can yield far more gold than mining or fishing ever could, but it`s a necessary evil when starting a character. You generally want to train on the strongest thing you can fight, that hits you for only 1, doing so will usually yield the most gold. For those who can’t cure themselves, the cheapest way to restore health is to buy Shiny-fur lotion (8 copper / 10HP) at the Fermin Apothecary, 1s, 3w, 2s, 2d, 5n, 1u, 1n, 1w, 1d, 1n, 6e, 1d, 1n, 1e from Kelay Tavern.

Cheapest AC Armor List:

This list was selected to place items into a certain price range. There are a large amount of alternate choices at Taylebeck's Tougher than Naga Outfitters. View that page on the wiki for cheaper (if lower AC) item selections, or consult the wiki for other armor options.

Item Name AC Gold Price Slot Shop location Directions from Kelay Tavern
Mark of Experimentation 3 1225 arms Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Mark of Experimentation 3 1225 arms Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Mystical Silver Band 3 1330 fingers Fin's Fantastic Emporium - Xalious 1s, 8w, 1s, 3w, 2n, 1d
Mystical Silver Band 3 1330 fingers Fin's Fantastic Emporium - Xalious 1s, 8w, 1s, 3w, 2n, 1d
Seashell Bracelet 4 2525 wrist Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Seashell Bracelet 4 2525 wrist Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Bone Tongue Hoops 5 4525 face Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Rune Detailed Leggings 3 1205 legs Fin's Fantastic Emporium – Xalious 1s, 8w, 1s, 3w, 2n, 1d
Turtle-Skin Flat Cap 3 1400 head Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Jagged Edged Shield 3 1750 shield Black Shadow's Armory - Trist`oth 1s,3e,1s,3e,2n,1w,2n,4e,1d,2w,2d,1w,3d,2w,3n,1w,1s
Drow Chainmail 3 1600 body Black Shadow's Armory - Trist`oth 1s,3e,1s,3e,2n,1w,2n,4e,1d,2w,2d,1w,3d,2w,3n,1w,1s
Barbed Fish-hooks 4 3000 ears Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Barbed Fish-hooks 4 3000 ears Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Suctioned Slimy Toe Pads 7 10725 feet Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Iron Lined Bark Choker 5 4525 neck Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Webbed Scale-Covered Mitts 5 5350 hands Taylebeck's Tougher-than-Naga Outfitters 1s, 3e, 2s, 1w, 4s, 1e, swim watering hole, 1n, 1w
Piwafwi 3 1970 shoulders Black Shadow’s Armory - Trist`oth 1s,3e,1s,3e,2n,1w,2n,4e,1d,2w,2d,1w,3d,2w,3n,1w,1s

A slight note: To exit Taylebeck, the command is swim watery tunnel.

You can also use the cheap armor dropped randomly by the Drunken fools when you kill them until you can buy better armor. If you don`t have any of the leather ``Drunken fool`` armor, you could try asking around for some, it`s not particularly valuable to older players, and many players will part with it to help a new character get started. They are the leather sleeve, leather tunic and leather pants; you can combine any two of them for 1 extra AC, I'd personally recommend the tunic and pants since the leather sleeves will be the 3rd and 4th armor pieces you'll buy. If you get duplicates of the armor by killing the Drunken Fools, or more than two of them total really, you can sell them in the Kelay Shop (2 South of the Tavern) to make more gold.

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