Arc:Waxing Crescent, Wayward Course

From HollowWiki
Arc Runners: Lanara and Tiber
Everyone is welcome to join, especially those that play as lycans or witches!

Tiber and Lanara had a rough year of near death experiences, drama, and betrayal from a menacing packmate. Against all odds, the couple overcame their obstacles, and realized that together they can face anything. Tiber turned Lanara into a lycan, as a life saving measure, and the lovers had imprinted. Shortly after, they had gotten hitched in secret, and together faced the troubles life tossed their way. Now, with all the difficulties of the past year tucked away, the Alpha and Luna are determined to work on strengthening the physical and mental fortitude of the Amber Lunation. It seems that new threats are on the horizon as strange occurrences begin happening to the Pack, family members, and friends! Can they pinpoint the culprit in time? Will the Pack be ready to defend their lives and their territory?

Chapter 1

"Alone, we can do so little;
Together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Chapter 2

“We cannot be separated in interest,
Or divided in purpose.
We stand together until the end." - Woodrow T. Wilson

Chapter 3

"Where there is unity,
There is always victory." - Publius Cyrus