
From HollowWiki
This page describes a character who is dead or retired from Hollow.

This Page has been marked as a Character Profile.


Name: Karga Uizka 
Age: 100 Years old
Born in: Unknown
Race: Lycanthrope
Class: Monk
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Black
Height: 6'0" 
Weight: 175 lbs.
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Netrual

Character Information

About: Karga comes from another land, far off from Hollow. A human turned lycan, Karga was a monk, living high up in the hills. He was known as the 'Drunken Monk' due to his contant drinking. But, he was one of the best fighters that they had; a master at Drunken Boxing. One night, after drinking at the town just down the hills, Karga was attack by a group of lycans. Clearly not in his own mind, Karga put up his fists to fight them. He was able to fight off most of them, but having such a large ego, Karga let down his gaurd, allowing one of the downed lycans to slice up his back. Waking up with a huge hangover and large gashes on his back, Karga feld his home with his few things. After a long time of walking, he came to the land of Hollow, where he makes his home today.

Appearance: Karga looks like a human in his 20's. His eyes have a gray tint to them, which complment his black, unkept hair. He has light skin and stands at about 6 feet tall. It had been a long time since he had changed into his lycan form, so he can not remember how he is like in that form.

Status: Currently living and roaming around the world of Hollow. But mostly stops at bars to take in a drink.

Clothing: Karga wheres common clothing: a brown shirt, cotton pants, and boots. He is currently working for money to replace the robe that he lost during his lycan attack.

Clan: Karga dose not belong to any clan, but he is not sure if he should find other lycans.


  • Drinking
  • Drunken Boxing
  • Talking
  • Easy days
  • Music


  • Hangovers
  • Working


Karga carries around few weapons with him:

  • Crude Dagger
  • Pick axe

Karga is also a master of a fighting style called Druken Fist Having been taught the style during his time as a monk, Drunken Fist made Karga a heavy drinker.


  • Rhoswen
  • Cuki
  • Shateie