Stinking Hellebore

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Stinking Hellebore

Stinking Hellebore
Respawn: 1 hr.
Level: 10 Attack: 261
HP: 6800 MP: 3400 SP: 829



Max Drop: 400 gold, 1000 silver, 1000 copper
Many cultures in the Western Lands, from the minotaur tribes to the human byrgs, tell of parables using the stinking hellebore as a metaphor for deception. The hellebore is beautiful with its drooping cup-shaped flowers that bloom in spring. The flowers are a pale yellow-green that give it the luster of yellow apatite crystals, often with a purple edge to the five petal-like sepals resting on strongly upright stems with leathery leaves. While alluring, the stinking hellebore is toxic in every sense of the word. The roots have been harvested for treatment of nervous disorders, but great care must be taken with administering dosages. Most rational people know better than to touch anything containing hellebore root without it coming directly from the Lithrydelian Healer's Guild. Touching the plant's leaves or stems can burn flesh down to the muscle, and stepping on ground above the far-reaching roots will trigger the hellebore to expel pollen into the air as a form of self-defense. The pollen clouds contain concentrated poisons and an appalling stench to mammals in order to deter creatures from interfering with its propagation.

Written by Kanna