
From HollowWiki


Respawn: ??
Level: 19 Attack: 1675
HP: 48365 MP: 5729 SP: 5149


Max Drop: 4906 gold, 0 silver, 0 copper
Named after a popular fictional creature, the name was found to be quite fitting for this recently discovered terror of Vailkrin. While in its passive state, this jet-black creature appears to be a normal horse for all intents and purposes. It has been observed grazing on grass and other undergrowth of the areas directly around the Black Pond. When the sleipnir feels threatened or is touched by another creature, however, its form changes drastically. Its four hooved legs expand into eight substantially longer, pointed legs that allow it to climb up trees and hold its body underwater. The sleipnir will rush their target until contact is made. Its short-bristled fur will excrete a sticky silk-like substance that prevents escape. Once ensnared, the sleipnir will run with its prey into the depths of the Black Pond to drown them. If one is encountered in the wild, it is highly recommended that you turn back the way you came rather than attempt to go around it.

Written by Kanna