RP:Signing of Kris as Larket Watcher

From HollowWiki


Meeting held in the Red Ogre Inn with Kris and Jacklin.

Discussion focused on the job interest of Kris and what role would suit her within Larket. Kris eventually signed on to be the Watcher of Larket during both a day and night shift.

Actual Meeting

Jacklin was seated in the far corner of the not-so-shabby Inn, tucked into one of the various booths lining the walls of the Red Ogre. In early hours, without a doubt, the Inn would have likely been filled to the brim with bards and various Larket citizens. Perhaps even the spare traveler or two. Yet in the beginning strands of nighttime it was quite the different story. The only sounds wafting throughout the Inn were arranged by the lips of Thomas, the bartender. Stacking dishes behind the counter he indulged in a round of whistling, of some foreign tune he likely didn’t remember the name of. A queer eye lifting to spot any newcomers that might wander in. Jacklin, in turn, tapped the heel of an armored slipper against the back of her seat. Quill jerking and twisting as messy words were painted across the face of a single parchment sheet situated just before her on the table. A quiet night for writing.

Kris action : had seen the post on the board in Kelay about jobs in Larket and the woman, who was changing her occupation, thanks to the addition to her family that was due somewhat soon, figured she would see what she could do. She had, of course, stuck to hanging around Kelay, hoping to possibly run into the Queen there; Parsithius did often spend his time there, afterall. But when she hadn't run into the woman yet, Kris decided to head to Larket, to see if she had better luck there. She carefully pushes open one of the larger doors, her pale eyes scanning the room with a quick precision years of spying has allowed her. She acknowledges Thomas as she begins to walk across the room, a hand resting on her ever-growing midsection. The woman stops just short of the booth, her gaze focused on Jacklin, taking note of her scribbling away, curiosity briefly in her gaze before her eyes flicker back to the woman. "I...am interested in acquiring a job here in Larket."

Jacklin purses thin lips with a tug of teeth, cobalt optics making a swift trek to where Thomas stood still drying the dishes. His own busy brow furrowing as, habitually, her pushes the sleeves up further along his forearm. Clearing her throat she dips quill back into inkwell and pushes the stack of papers offsides, “You look like a melon.” Though royalty by title, Jacklin had very little mind for manners. No regard for grace in the least. Thus, the elder feel silent in order to recall the formal training of etiquette she had learned early on. Quietly and slowly she began with what she presumed proper, “I think you should sit down and speak with me then. I’ve several roles that need filling.” Folding hands atop the table with index fingers pointed equally toward Kris, “I know you. Parsithius spoke of you often. But I’ve never seen you come around Larket before. In any case, are there any specific jobs that snag your interest?”

Kris can only grin at the woman's lack of etiquette. "I kind of do, don't I?" She chuckles softly as she takes the offered seat, a brow arching as the woman mentions Parsithius. Pulling down her hood, she tilts her head ever so slightly, a loose strand of her unruly, orange hair falling across her cheek. As she brushes the strand away she speaks, a hint of a chuckle in her voice. "Has he? What's the Knight got to say about me?" With her face growing slightly more serious, Kris turns to the subject truly at hand. "Well, my skills are...limited. I can fight, spy, and hunt. I was thinking something that would incorporate that, if at all possible."

Jacklin nods solemnly. If lack of better breeding was not apparent before, Jacklin slips another inept phrase from now-slack maw. “I don’t do much dealing with pregnant women. I hope that’s what you are and I’ve not called you larger without reason. Parsithius told me that, I think.” Her own slender shoulders dropped into a half shrug. The name of the Knight causing a quiet grunt before she again returned to the conversation, “Nice things. He said you were a nice girl. And I’m not one to judge so I listened.” Sliding the top slice of paper to the side so Kris can clearly see the writing, “If you can fight, hunt, and spy then I believe a warden role would work well. I need a Watcher. One who wouldn’t mind working a shift in the day and evening. Larket only has one entrance, ya know. But there’s some foul creatures in the forests behind us. Not exactly certain how you’ll do it carrying that thing around with you, though. Perhaps just a day shift? Whatever you’ll be apt to handle.”

Kris::Another chuckle escapes the woman passed chapped lips, her pale eyes briefly falling on her stomach. "Eh, yeah, I'm pregnant. Believe me, I wouldn't be the size if I could help it. It's impossible to do almost -anything- with a stomach this big." She pauses for a moment, considering the Knight. She then smiles and nods. "He's good man, Pars. I'm certainly glad to consider him a friend." The woman listens intently as the topic again turns to the job, considering the Queen's words carefully. She nods quickly, leaning in slightly with growing excitement. "That sounds fun. I'm sure I can manage it. Er, and I'll certainly be more useful once I've actually had my son. I'll find a way to be there for ya whenever I can, day or night." She grins, clearly excited to have a purpose again; her old one was one she has given up, due to many various reasons.

Jacklin chuckles softly at the sight of such genuine fervor from the face of Kris. “Parsithius is a good man. Any would be lucky to know him. He’ll do better things than bumbling around here.” Sliding the paper back to her side of the table she snatches quill from ink and begins to slowly sign another name to her list. “I think the knight might actually murder me if something happened to you. He would like to already, but that would seal the deal.” Lifting pen from paper she cast gaze up to Kris momentarily, “I’d suggest a regular shift during the day. At night it’ll be cut a bit to, ya know,” trailing off the elder jots a few more notes down on the parchment, “...but your full name is signed here if you would. This just claims you as a worker within the city-state.” With this, Jacklin returns the quill to well and slides both over toward Kris.

Kris nods in agreement with the first statement about the Outcast Knight, smiling ever so slightly. She arches a brow, however, at the elder woman's words about murder, chuckling softly. "Highly doubt he'd ever murder you, or even consider it for that matter. Though, I'm not sure if he's all that protective of me, to be honest." The woman shrugs, idly ruffling at her unruly hair as she glances down at the parchment. She nods, taking the quill in her hand before quickly signing her full name on the parchment. She returns the quill to well, just as the elder woman had done before her, and then pushes both that and the parchment back towards her. "So, when do I start, and what exactly do I have to do? So all is clear." She grins and nods.

Jacklin lifts a brow to Kris, “He’s a surprising man. Cares more for people than they think. The shiny exterior throws ‘em off.” Taking the signed paper she neatly stacks it with the others and, for the first time, actually supplies a quaint smile or sorts. “Wonderful,” was the gentle mutter as eyes scanned the paper a final time. “The job, of course. You need to know about that.” Gesturing out the window toward the main paths of Larket she affixes sight to that of Kris’ and begins an explanation. “You’ll begin at the Hall. Just making a quick run of the premise before moving outside. There’s the chapel, jail, training area, and a few shops that need to be checked during the run. Make note that the shop owners are there and alert. They sometimes wander off in search of liquor or food. Then you’ll move west to the Vibrance. Follow the river up toward the forest. This is where the most danger is found. Careful of the lumbering beasts there. They’re fast and not afraid to commit suicide if only to get a scratch on you. That’s about it for now. Our borders are fairly secure, but ya never can tell. Have any questions?”

Kris grins a little more at the woman, finding it hard to control another chuckle. "Too true. That stony look on his face doesn't help any, either." Kris' grin turns to a sheepish smile as Jacklin smiles, well, sort of anyways. She ruffles at her hair in that nervous manner, as she listens to the woman describe her job. She nods in the right places, her gaze occasionally flicking off to the side as she makes notes of what to remember and where to go. Finally she smiles, shaking her head slightly. "Nope, well, aside from, of course, how soon should I do this? Do I start immediately? Or...?" Her head tilts ever so slightly to the side as she awaits for the answer to this final question.

Jacklin rolls the stack of paper into a neat tube before tying them with a thick band of twine. Sliding from the booth seating she stands beside the table with eyes cast down to her new Watcher, “You can start anytime it pleases you. One more thing...you need to write a short report if there are any strange happenings on your patrol. Doesn’t need to be an entire journal, but a few notes will be nice to have to read over.” From somewhere within her person she fishes a pouch of brownish, nearly threadbare cloth and lobs it onto the table for Kris’ taking. “Here’s your pay for the week. You’ll receive a thousand gold for pay and more after you’ve been with us for a good while.” Pausing now she peered over at Thomas who, in turn, lifted his own hand in a sort of shaking action. In a most unsubtle of moves the Queen thrusts her own hand out for shaking, “Welcome aboard, Kris. Larket is pleased to have you.”

Kris nods slightly, pale eyes followin the woman as she stood. "Alright, sounds simple enough." She blinks at the pouch, gingerly taking it and tucking it away in her satchel. She slowly stands from her seat, hand braced on the table as she pushes herself up, the other resting on her stomach, cupped beneath it slightly. Once standing she takes the Queen's hand, grinning as she shakes it. "Thank you. I'm pleased to be aboard." She chuckles slightly.

Jacklin gives a final nod to Kris as she gathers the items from her chosen table, “We’ll speak again soon.” With a lazy one-fingered salute toward Thomas the Queen disappears out the Inn doors and back toward her office.

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