RP:Holy Dying Wizards, Batbird!

From HollowWiki
Whatever that creature was, it wasn't friendly, and you can be sure there are more around here. The wall of vines is still to your south, which is perhaps for the best due to the loud noises coming from behind it. Your encounter seems to have disturbed something quite large, but it too apparently can't get past the vines.

  • Jedediah, Golden Jersher, Perfectly Honest Businessman.

Summary: After a spell mishap leaves Svilfon near death in the middle of Venturil's wildlands, he's happened upon by the two worst rescuers any dying man could ask for. Satoshi, with her potentially deadly healing gift and the bought aid of the strange Jersher Jedediah, attempts to save her fellow Guild mate in exchange for helping Jed tame one of the flying dinosaurs.

Svilfon is laying still, partially buried in the dry sand below, which the wind has blown over his shattered body, claiming him inch by inch. The wizard is dressed in the tattered remains of his robes (Which seem to be a little pink, care of a certain queen's laundry skills), though strangely his hat seems unaffected by whatever it is that layed the poor human to waste. His hands are caked in dirt, but beneath the filth blood still drips, mingling with the granules of dust to leave clotted clumps all around him. He moans and groans as if he were caught in the middle of a dangerous nightmare, his eyes occasionally flickering beneath blood-sealed lids. His staff is nowhere to be seen, the first time since he was given it that it's not held in his hands, but one look at the limbs shows they are far too mangled to hold anything. Breath comes in short bursts, his lungs sound as though they too are caked in blood and dirt. He is close to being claimed by death, but something defies that cold bastard. Somewhere within his nightmares Svilfon fights still, though sadly it is a fight he seems to be losing. Dinosaurs roar around him, but that wall of vines seems to, at least for now, hold them at bay... But he attracts them, does Svil; his blood, lost in such prodigious amounts, calls them from far and wide...

Satoshi is likewise drawn by the scent of blood with intentions not unlike the searching dinosaurs, although her considerably smaller size makes the curtain of vines an easy obstacle to weasel through. The kit's nose sniffs as she casts her gaze about, dual-senses seeking the potent source of blood. She's hoping to either find a pack of those fascinating raptors mid-kill, or an easy meal for herself. She may be a vampire with bloodlust--and subsequent appetite--divinely removed, but she's also an opportunistic creature and knows not to turn away from a free dinner, no matter how hungry you're not. The tangy odor of blood leads her eventually to a crimson heap of sand, and it's only a faint crunch of bone beneath her foot that alerts Satoshi to the body's presence, so buried is it under gore and dirt to have been initially noticed. Fangs are bared in a reluctant preparation to feed and the foxkin drops to a knee, leaning over the torn body with claws of her good hand extended only to freeze mid-reach. That hat... The magus blinks, the amber flecks of her eyes gleaming with recognition. Cautiously, almost gently, Satoshi peels back a scrap of the man's tattered, blood-stiffened robes to reveal his marred face, and with a hiss the kit rocks back on her heels. "Hellfire. The wizard lives." Satoshi frowns slightly then before leaning in to sniff at Svilfon's form. "You're far more stubborn than I thought, hm?"

Satoshi isn't expecting a response. Honestly, she's simply amazed the man still lives with how much of his blood is -outside- of his body currently. But the groan she gets from him is at least encouraging, causing the kit to perk up a bit. "Y'know, I could try to heal you. I mean, I've only practiced on small cuts before, and that was a messy business but... If the healing doesn't kill you, the lack of healing would, non?" Satoshi's fairly certain she's talking to a dead man, which is good enough for her. If he's already doomed, she can't make matters worse, can she? Taking that as her cue, the magus shifts until she's kneeling at Svilfon's side and begins a soft, crooning melody. As the lullaby drifts from Satoshi, it calls upon the waters filling the plantlife and air, directing the droplets to gather in her waiting palms as a pair of glistening, cystal-clear spheres--she's remarkably unaware of the fact that her useless arm is actually moving currently. "First things first, I like a clean working surface~," she explains to the unconscious wizard, bringing her waterladen hands over his feet and turning her palms downward. The liquid clings to her frigid skin as her hands lower and begin drifting up his length in a painfully slow progression. As she moves, Satoshi's song continues in that lilting, soothing tune and the water obeys, sending out chilly tendrils to wash over the wizard's form, absorbing what dirt and blood it doesn't simply push off him. In little time Svilfon is rid of the worst of the soil, albeit the more stubborn aspects remain and a few patches of the now damp cloth have frosted over from the untrained 'healer's' magic.

Jedediah had been drawn out here by a very -very- different reason, although his reason was related in some way to the reasoning of the other reasoners about. You see, he'd been hiding out in Castle Venturil--with his boat safely hidden somewhere in the mountains, don't ask how he'd gotten it there--from a particular angry crossbow wielder who wanted to wield said crossbow angrily up Jed's backside. Mostly because technically the boat wasn't the Jersher's in the first place. Anyhow, Jed had been hiding in Venturil when he happened to look up and see some crazy things that looked sorta like big bats only with bird heads and he pointed to the biggest one he saw and said "Ah wun thay-ett!!" So he gathered up what resources he could find--borrowed, of course, and it's always better to seek forgiveness than permission--and set off towards the place where the big flyers were circling. Which happened, coincidentally, to be this place here. Where there was a man laying mostly dead and a fox-kitten-woman-thing tending to him. The jersher looked rather amazed and jumped backwards for a moment--he'd thought perhaps he'd stumble across a moose or something. But nope. This was a person. "Wayll haudeh!" he called out with a grin in a voice far too loud for this place. And he really hadn't been trying to avoid detection--unbeknown to him, there was a rather irritated iguanodon coming up behind him and it didn't like his voice. "Wut breengs yuu owt heer, laadeh?"

Satoshi flinches at the unexpected--and unexpectedly loud--voice, so lost in her concentration that she's missed his far from furtive approach. A grimace is given to the block of ice now encasing Svilfon's hand as result of her lapse in focus before she turns a baleful gaze upon the intruder and his disgruntled-looking giant lizard bringing up the rear. "Tone it down, Long Legs, or I'll tone it down for you," the magus hisses, fangs bared in obvious warning if her words don't prove enough--the expression doubles as a means to mask her surprise at the Jersher's appearance. She's seen some strange creatures before, but never a... frog-man. Especially a golden one. But the kit keeps her surprise carefully underwraps as she continues, "I'm trying to save this fellow's life, and since that's not a habit of mine, it's proving a little trying. Hindrances will be fed to the beasts snarling behind that curtain. I'll feed your pet lizard to them too, if he gets in my way." The kit gestures toward the vines and the saw-toothed snout currently snorting its way between two fat tendrils.

Jedediah blinked and paused for a moment--he hadn't expected her to respond that way. He puckered and made a motion of tying a knot around his lips, then frowned slightly--there was something behind him? He turned and leaped back with a muted cry of "Ahgh!" when he saw the (actually beaked, iguanodon was an herbivore~) snout of the three-ton animal behind him. "Wut in tahr-nay-shun -eez- thay-et thang?" he whispered, moving slowly around to try and hide behind Satoshi. He didn't want to get eaten by anything and she was ironically appearing to be the safest thing around at the moment. "Ahr thay-urr moh-urr thangs lahk et owt heer?"

Satoshi's not appreciating this frog fellow attempting to get herself between him and the beaked lizard, especially when such a position puts him between herself and Svilfon. "Oi~. Goldie, geroff! It's just a big, leaf-lizard. It's not going to eat you, unless you taste like leaves. But -those-", the kit sharply gestures toward the vines with her chin, indicating the broad muzzles poking through here and there occasionally, "will eat you in a heartbeat. Keep crawling on me, however, and what they'll do to you will be considered a blessed relief compared to what -I'll- do." Satoshi's growled threats comes to an abrupt halt however when the wizard manages another thickly-voiced moan, reminding her of exactly why she's here. With a strangled squeak, the kit refocuses on Svilfon and only pauses--water-covered hands poised over him--to give the Jersher a piercing look. "Ever played healer's assistant? If you help and this fellow lives, you'll be in the debt of the Queen of Frostmaw, Long Legs." She'd certainly appreciate him coaxing the iguanadon in the direction of the predatory dinos, just to get multiple issues out of her hair at once, but she can't make that suggestion unless the Jersher agrees.

Jedediah was just scared now, through and through. Firstly, there was a huge reptile out there that seemed to have it in for him. Secondly, there were other hungry reptiles out there that wanted to eat him. Thirdly, there was a highly annoyed fox-woman here in with him and she was threatening worse than what they could do to him. He made a choked-sounding "eep" and his eyes rolled--the Jersher was not used to this sort of situation and he moved away. Unfortunately, he moved the wrong way and with a hiss a raptor swung a claw at him. He -just barely- managed to escape severe laceration but the hiss alarmed the iguanodon and with an odd honking cry it decided to run back to its herd. Jed shuddered and huddled down, whispering odd nothings to himself. Eventually, however, the question and "Queen of Frostmaw" bit semi-registered and he looked back up to the woman. "Hmm? Dijja seh sumthin', laadeh? Ah wuz... cahn-temp-layt'n' owr puzehshun."

Satoshi closes her eyes and takes a slow breath in an attempt to cool her temper. Svilfon will only end up skewered with icicles if she tries healing him while angry, and as much as Satoshi loves ice, she highly doubts kabobing the wizard will do anything to improve his health. Slowly, counting under breath between each word, the kit replies to the Golden, "I said... if you help, and he survives... I'll repay you. As Queen of Frostmaw. ...Why are you even -here-?" The fox frowns as she stares at Jedediah, trying to determine by look alone why such a flighty creature is out in a dangerous area like this without any knowledge of said deathtrap. This is certainly not tourist country. Svilfon's mangled form can attest to that, can't it?

Jedediah flinched at a noise outside their wall of vines, and then focused more on what this person claiming to be the Queen of Someplace was saying. He relaxed a little and composed himself. "Ah've nevv'r relleh dun much heelin' mahsaylff, buwucha need, 'mah kween'?" He had a slight smirk on his face at the last two syllables--he wasn't one to take people at their word, just like he wasn't a person to be taken at his. "An' ah caym heer ta fahnd a batburd 'n' catch et 'n' hay-ev it ta rahd arownd ahn." He pointed up just as one of the smaller ones was visible through a break in the trees. "Lahk thay-et onleh beegurr."

Satoshi follows the Jersher's point to the soaring pterosaur and curls a brow thoughtfully. "You want one of those? It'd be easier if you had a set of wings to get you up there. Unless," she pauses to peer closely at Jedediah's legs, "you can actually -jump- that high?" It's not out of the question, honestly. She's seen some amazing feats by various races, and this fellow is a total mystery as far as racial abilities go. Nonetheless, Satoshi's willing to turn this to her advantage if she can. Giving a firm nod, the foxkin takes her hand away from Svilfon long enough to pull a thin chain necklace from beneath her coat, showing the pair of insignia hanging from it: one being Frostmaw's snowflake signet and the other the Eyrie's winged amulet. She has no way of knowing such things are likely meaningless to the frog. "I have the means to help you with that, -if- you can help me with him." Satoshi nods to the dying wizard, doubtful an untrained mage-healer and this jumpy stranger have the power to save him. She's still going to try, doubts or not. The reason for her healing gift won't her to give up, nor is she willing to abandon the Eldermage's apprentice and a fellow Guild member.

Jedediah made a dismissive noise at this suggestion. "Nah. Ah cain't jump thay-et hah. Wutchoo theenk ah ay-em, a flee?" He snickered, and then raised an eyebrow at the insignia--they meant nothing to him. But--and here he had a rare moment of clarity--if she was willing to help him if he helped her somehow, then perhaps this might work out after all. "Arraht, ah'll haylp. Wutchoo need frummeh?" He still didn't believe she was any sort of queen or anything but hey. Take help where you can find it~

Satoshi returns Jedediah's question with a blank stare. Just where -do- you begin on this sort of thing? Clean the wounds? Check. Secure the patient? He's... pretty secure in his unconscious state, but better safe than sorry. "Hold him, in case he... y'know, tries to kill me or something for saving his life?" The magus' voice is slightly on the panicky side as she gives the directions, now that it's dawned on her just what she's getting herself into. Poor Svilfon, being blindly healed by a clueless fox and skeptical frog. Either way, what's started is started, and with a deep breath Satoshi renews her abandoned song and sets her focus on the worst of the wizard's gashes. "I'm going to... try to close these? Speak up if you see too much ice, hm? I'm pretty sure ice is bad for wounds..."

Jedediah chuckled, nodded and knelt down by the unconscious man, gripping an arm with one hand and keeping another palm on his chest. It would likely be clear to any experienced -anybody-, healer or not, that Jed hadn't the faintest idea what he was doing. At her request regarding ice, he tilted his head a bit to one side and gave the woman a funny look. "Hau much ahss ee-is tu much ahss?" There was another noise from the bushes and Jed flinched but tried to hold steadier. After all, he didn't want to look scared now. Not when there was a really amazing mount that could be gotten out of this deal.

Satoshi said to Jedediah, "More ice than wound? I think that counts as too much. Now then~, -be quiet-." The sudden flinty tone of Satoshi's voice isn't directed at the Jersher, but rather the tiny Compsognathus that's snuffling at the edge of the bushes and watching them. Beneath the kit's murderous look, the reptile meekly squeaks and retreats back into the shrubbery to a delighted nod from Satoshi. Without further ado, the kit sets to work, trilling her soothing tune to the waters chilling upon Svilfon's burnt upper body. With her wordless music returned, the liquid begins to glow a faint blue that seeps into the damaged flesh and makes minor repairs along the way--while leaving a coat of frost in its wake. Satoshi stares down at the wizard with unerring concentration, so focused that she doesn't even notice she's speaking aloud, words weaving into her melody, "I'll prove ice doesn't just destroy. It can save. Just you watch..."

Jedediah watched carefully, giving a nod to her response to his question and trying very very hard to not fall asleep to her music. So far he didn't see too much ice, according to her description, but if he lost concentration himself he might fail to do his job. And then how would he get her help in obtaining his ride? "Yer duen' fahn, laadeh," he said quietly to what she said. "Heez heelin'." Suddenly there was a look on his face as if he'd gotten an idea--maybe if she could produce multiple notes at once the healing would go faster. He fished out a harmonica from his chest pocket and wordlessly offered it to her if she wanted it--of course, Jed being Jed he hadn't any clue how to care for this harmonica so it would likely sound like a donkey trying to inhale a parrot if it was played. But he thought it might help. Not because of her singing, but because he honestly couldn't tell that his instrument was broken.

Svilfon is caught still within the thralls of his terrible nightmare; the final remants of his own spell that has not faded over time. He is burning, ants are crawling beneath his flesh, his very soul is being consumed by the darkness he unleashed. That'll learn him for casting spells from a deadly necromancer's book. Regardless, in the depths of his comatose madness he feels something shift: The dragon that was burning his flesh changes shape, becoming a demonic ice beast, freezing him within its icey breath. He begins to shiver, held still only by Jed's tight grasp. His breath almost stops, before his eyes snap open and a primal scream is torn from him. It echoes throughout the twisted wildlands, sending the more gentle of the dinosaurs fleeing. He surges up as far as he can, pale blue eyes drowning in deranged lunacy flicker about until they settle on Satoshi. The wizard stops for a moment, shock stunning him to immobility, before the onslaught of his agony causes his mundane features to contort into a grimace of pain, "It... hurts..." Svilfon coughs, causing a small splattering of blood to dribble down his chin, "did... my allies survive?" He turns his head, looking for Jolie and Cornelius, but instead spies Jed. His eyes widen again in shock before he mutters, "Effin' hell." Those pirates, ruining his language, "What sharkbait is this? Are you an... angelic frog?" He seems so stunned the mixture of icy cold and horrendous pain is almost forgotten, though his eyes still show he is flirting on the edge of madness. "And is that... a harmonica? The bitch was right..." Who he speaks about is unknown, "I was sent to Hell.."

Satoshi isn't even aware of Jedediah's offer of an instrument, so deadset on Svilfon as she is. However when said point of focus abruptly screams and sits upright it's enough to send Satoshi tumbling backwards with a startled yelp. For a long moment the kit is left blinking with bewilderment at Svilfon while he rambles, and only after a pause does she manage to squeak out, "H-he lives. He lives!" She hasn't killed him! Scrambling forward once more, Satoshi places a hand beside Jedediah's and urges the wizard to lay back. "I assure you you're not in Hell. Would -I- be in hell, with all that damnable fire and such? C'mon, Pointy Hat, back down you go." Satoshi tries on her best reassuring smile, although it comes off a tad too fanged and predatory. "I'm trying to see if I can't save your battered tail. I still have a friend of yours to possibly kill, and you promised to be there to stop me so... let's make sure you're there, hrm?" Satoshi trails off then, staring at the hand pressed to Svilfon. The same hand that's been a deadweight for months is now moving of its own accord as if it never suffered the irreparable damage it did, and it's giving off a steady white aura beneath her sleeve and gloves that seems to stem from the little sphere of Elemental Ice lurking in the folds of her currently useless sling. For a moment the foxkin's forgotten her task, and even the other two present, lost in a span of pure bewilderment and muted delight. "I-it works..."

Jedediah was also startled quite badly when the one he was in charge of keeping still attempted to force his way into a sitting position, but moments later he applied a good deal of pressure to the man's chest in an attempt to force him back to earth. He let the two ramble on, not speaking for once--he figured the one was wounded and could be spoken to more throughly later, and the other was busy healing and wouldn't appreciate him talking. So he just held the pointy-hat one down with a neutral expression. Inwardly he was getting impatient with this whole scenario but he could suffer through it if it got him that batbird thing. That is, until the queen decided to stop in her tracks and stare at her hand. Then he allowed a flicker of annoyance to show. "Ah theenk weev ustai-eblish'd thay-et."

Satoshi is gonna use her now working hand to punch Jed in the face!

Svilfon is easily pushed back down by the ice magus and the frog. He tries to smile at Satoshi after her light-hearted words, but it appears more a grimace of pain; showing the poor guy has lost a few more teeth since he was last seen. He mutters a reply, though it's clear his grasp on reality is fast slipping once more, "It works!.. Oh wait... you're not going to give me icy limbs are you?!" Before he can even get a reply, he lapses back into his former comatose state, though this time his breathing seems more natural, and the look on his face, though far from peaceful, at least shows he is no longer drowning in the depths of his own conjoured madness. Occasionally he mutters in his sleep, though the words seem to revolve around him strangling a certain annoying parrot, and something about pox-faced bilge-rats. But he is at least on the mend.. kinda.. and it seems he will survive, thanks to an icey vampire and a golden frog...

Satoshi gives Jedediah a look that could very well kill a creature of lesser constitution but refrains from explaining her delight as she peers down at the once more unconscious Svilfon. At least he's only on Death's front lawn now, instead of the doorstep. Once again the dulcet spell picks up and she presses her hands to a pair of oozing gashes, arcane words and sheer stubborn will demanding the waters of Svilfon's body to draw the wounds closed. What lurks beneath the sealed wounds is likely a (proper) healer's nightmare, with severed blood vessels and other internal injuries halted by icy blockades and loopholes, but Satoshi knows she has no skill in righting such wrongs herself. She's opted for delaying the damage--hopefully without causing more--long enough to drag the wizard back to Venturil, where a trained healer can take him off her hands--and Jed's webbed... things. "C'mere, Long Legs. We get him to the city in one piece, and we'll go catch you a batbird." Without waiting for the Jersher's agreement, Satoshi ducks beneath one of Svilfon's arms and begins hefting his dead weight with her own undead strength. This is going to be a long walk...

Jedediah shrank slightly beneath her glare--if she really was a queen he'd likely regret those words later. He made an odd sucking sound as he pondered that look--should he apologize? Then he felt the chill on his hands again as she went back to work healing the man. No, perhaps another time when that wouldn't be a distraction. "Arraht," he said when she asked for his aid in--what was it, lifting him? Clearing a path? Being bait? Imagination immediately jerking away from that last concept, he decided to opt for the safest option which was to help try and lift the man, and positioned himself... into position, aiding the lift. "Thee-iss ee-iz wutchoo wunned meh ta du, raht laadeh?"

Svilfon moans and groans a little as he's lifted, but for the most part remains as a dead weight between them. He continues to mutter about piratical things, but he seems far less distressed than he was earlier. His slightly pink robes hang in tatters from his half-freezing, half bloody body, but his hat still remains on his head. Free of dust and as pointy as ever. As they begin to drag him away he only leaks a little blood. It seems the kit-vampire has done her job well... for a vampire, anyway. And a usually violent one at that!

Satoshi said to Jedediah, "Bingo, Goldie. On y va~." If the frog can use an odd accent, she can steal a line or two from her equally odd husband. Which is to say... oh look! There's Venturil's clinic. Let's hand the wizard off to a capable healer--who's staring with genuine alarm at his frozen wounds--before heading back into the dangerous wildlands. Once there, the kit offers her frigid hand to Jedediah--the other hand has gone back into a dormant state since she's ceased healing, oddly enough. "I'm Satoshi Azakhaer, and I owe you a batbird."

Jedediah had no idea what "on y va" meant but hey. They started walking. And this time they must have been stealthy enough to avoid the disgruntled iguanodon and all the raptors. However, with their bird's--err, pterosaur's-eye view, some of the flyers would continue tracking them through the air. They knew from experience to stay far enough away from the castle to be out of bowshot, though. Once at the clinic, the Jersher shook her hand. Surprised at first at its temperature though the amphibian hadn't exactly the warmest hands himself, he nonetheless shook it firmly and smiled. "Ah'm Jedediah H. T. Crawhurst an' yayess. Yayess ya du~."

Satoshi giggles with childish delight as she rubs her hands together. "Excellent~. Wrangling a beastie is always fun, especially the flying sort. So... do you want a little 'un to teach easier, to try your froggish luck on one of those biggies? I've a friend waiting up there," the kit gestures toward the clouds, "to lend us a ha-... to help us, either way. Take your pick."

Jedediah smirked. "Ahm nawt shurr hau long ah--erm... wheel wun ta stay heer. Mebbe nawt laung atall. So ah wun a beeg wun ta rahd. Th' beeg'st kahnd. 'cuz thee-in, mebbe peepl'll taek meh see-ree-us-leh~."

Satoshi tactfully refrains from retorting with "Not if you talk like -that-" as she looks skyward, seeking out a particularly large member of the circling flock. "Be ready. You're about to have a big one drop in on us," she warns before the clouds above all but explode in a burst of color and sound. An immense length of emerald scales and bright, rainbow-hued wings plummets from the skies directly above the wheeling batbirds as it emits a panic-inducing roar. The flock scatters instinctively from the dive-bombing couatl, the largest of which begins a freefall toward earth in an attempt to outpace the winged serpent. It never even occurs to the tiny-brained creature why it has chosen to dive rather than dart sideways, but when a natural-psion like a couatl is urging your instincts in a specific direction, it's easy to make peculiar moves. Like setting yourself on a crash course with a waiting frog and fox.

Jedediah let out a good number of curses as the couatl attacked and sort of fell backwards in a scramble for shelter. "Tahr 'n' feth'r meh, wom'n, but wut 'n' th' naym o' all thay-et's ho-leh izzat thang an' hau d'you hayev th' pow'r ta tayell et wut ta du?!" As he noticed the large pterosaur diving towards them, he managed to climb back to his feet and stand shakily next to the foxkin.

Satoshi grins a decidedly foxish grin, obviously delighted at the way things are panning out, and carefully sidesteps a number of paces. "He's a couatl and his name is Emiur. He's my companion. And your companion is almost here. I hope you have a rope or somesuch." As the kit finishes speaking in that matter of fact tone, the flying saurian abruptly flares out its wings in a sharp breaking motion and brings itself to a clattering landing between Jedediah and Satoshi. The pterosaur clacks its beat uncertainly while its beady eyes flit from the Jersher to the kit and back again. Directly above, the feather serpent coils tight circles, not permitting the batbird from returning to the air as he places further mental pressure upon it, willing it into a slow obedience. ~You may desire to assert yourself to it soon, Master Crawhurst, before it rebels my persuasions,~ the voice pulses from the couatl in firm, yet surprisingly gentle, waves that deliver their meaning directly to willing minds, avoiding the effort of vocal chords in a snake that possesses none.

Jedediah leaped to the side as the forty-foot wingspan of the massive keel-jawed creature flared out and buffeted him in a powerful gust. He braced himself and nearly fell over but the incredible animal didn't quite knock him over. The ornithocheirus had a body larger than a man's, and a beak longer than its body, with pointed teeth that looked quite good at catching fish or perhaps scavenging carrion. The jersher, upon seeing how big it really was in person, quavered just a bit but then readied himself--yes. This was his now. His look of nervousness slowly replacing with a wide grin, he fished out the "borrowed" rope from the "borrowed" bag that he'd been carrying on his back. He bounced forward and up--quite high, really--and snaked the rope about the creature's neck, holding it to the ground with his weight now. "Ah thaynk ya fer haylpin' meh," he said, giving both the qouatl and the woman a nod and salute. "Ah... hau du ah 'ussurrt mahsaylff'?"

Satoshi exchanges a look with the circling couatl and nods, apparently understanding what wasn't said aloud. "Show it who's boss. It's simple-minded enough, and Bright-scale's up there is making it a tad moreso to give you an easier time." Nodding, as if this is the most obvious thing in the world--and maybe it is when you live by nature's laws and not humans'--Satoshi simply steps back to let Jedediah do what must be done. And to admire the interesting sight of a golden frog-man clinging to a rope looped around the neck of a behemoth of a 'batbird'.

Jedediah pondered this, stroking his chin. "Sho' et huu's bahss, hmm?" He circled around to the front of the thing and looked it in the eyes hard for a few moments before yanking downward hard on the rope. The ornithocheirus was incredibly awkward on the ground and fell over at the tug, huge elongated head falling at Jed's feet. He put one foot lightly on its snout and tilted his head a little, then frowned slightly. "Ah theenk ahm duin' thee-is rahng. Shulln't ah be givin' him rees'n ta stay 'round meh rath'r'n tellin' 'im wut ta du alla tahm?" That was when he figured out how to combine both and he lit up with a grin. "Nev'rmahnd. Ah gaht 'n' ahdeer."

Satoshi merely bows at the Jersher's words. "This is your show and your companion, thus it's your choice. See through your idea, Goldie~." Emiur remains silent while focusing upon slowly removing his mental persuasion from the beast's mind. The couatl will never admit it, but he's nearly spent from the flight out here with Satoshi, along with the double-duty of a feinted attack and psionic override of a large animal.

Jedediah grinned at this, taking his foot off the creature's head and running around behind it, dropping the rope as he did so. "Ah'll du thay-et. It envahlv's flaht, tho', so ah gehss ah'll see ya 'roun', Satosheh." As the last of the mental persuasion left the creature, it got to its feet, let out a cry that sounded like a hornbill crossed with a peacock and spread its huge wings. Just as it thrust down, Jed leaped on its back and, surprisingly, the huge creature had the strength to lift them both into the air. With one final salute, Jed turned his attention to the flight ahead of them--he put pressure on the creature's neck in different spots, trying to figure out how to steer.

Satoshi bids Jedediah a fond farewell with a hearty salute and only waits around long enough to determine if she's going to get to see a frog pancake in the streets of Venturil. Emiur at least is kind enough to send feelings of well-wishing and encouragement to the pair before he departs with the foxkin, scolding her for her violent daydreams.