RP:Gneiss Punch

From HollowWiki

Part of the Dissonance Theory Arc

Part of the Time Heals All Wounds Arc

Synopsis: Kreekitaka teaches Penelope how to finally throw a punch, but this time, with some extra earthly ‘oomph’.

Sandy Beach

Kreekitaka had been called here by the guards to help out with some kind of zombie problem. Recently, he'd been more reclusive--sticking to the sea, experimenting with various alchemical theories, probably getting Up To various flavors of No Good--but when the message came through that his businesses might be in danger, he'd all but launched a full-scale invasion of the beach. What he had in place here wasn't quite as magnificent as his old dinosaur camp, but it -was- still a staggering amount of work to have been put in overnight. Huge shells had been rolled up the beach to be used as shelters, heavy stones had anchors driven in to them with which to tie an assortment of bizarre creatures to--some more arthropod, some distinctly saurian in nature--and a large region of the beach had been cleared for active combat drills, with warning signs hammered into the sand to beware of poisonous needle traps. The crab had taken every precaution to avoid having his camp set upon by zombies. Currently, one of those combat drills was happening--Kree had a number of his troops act as shamblers, while the others used blunted weapons to practice various strikes against them. Kree himself was mostly supervising--tossing a healing potion at someone if they needed it, or clattering his tail paddles to grab someone's attention and then demonstrating a more correct technique. It had been a while since these soldiers had fought on land, and Kree had the most experience with legwork.

Penelope was always at ease when she felt the sea breeze of Cenril. Cenril was… not home per say, for the Ardelian was from Ardelia, but Cenril had been second home when her family migrated to Lithrydel. Today was not a day to feel the sea breeze as home. Instruction was clear, and for Nel, it was second-nature to comprehend the order and do what she was told. The guard needed extra hands for combat drills because there had been some sort of zombie infestation, and the guards needed Warrior Guild members on deck. Why? Well, the girl wanted to ask, but it would not matter since she only knew to listen to suggestive demand now. Plus, perhaps, the guild leaders knew that Nel needed extra practice in the on-field front when it came to frontline healing. The girl shows up, a medical satchel around her torso, cargo pants, and a fitting black tank. The woman was petite. Fairly petite, and it seemed as if she did not… belong. Daggers were equipped in her waist-band while around her torso rested her white bow and arrows on her back. Though, the problem was, she did not even know where to begin. Well, unless it was for medical purposes. The girl is, unfortunately, a standing duck until a crustacean who seems to be running order comes near. A seaborn. A man…ish? Should Nel be intimidated? “Hi.” The girl reeks of mock-confidence in this situation, although a drill. Perhaps structure with combat was out of her comfort-zone, for everything that she had gone through had been on the spot. “Penelope Halifax reporting from the Warrior’s Guild. I’m a fellow healer. Figured I could help?” Sven, Nel, why the glazed stoic reporting? Just act natural.

Kreekitaka tilted his head a little at her as he approached, and as she explained who she was and what she was doing there. The uyeer, at nearly eight feet tall, tended to tower over most people ordinarily. This girl looked more or less like a child from his vantage point, and he had to both squat low and bend down to see eye-to-eye with her. His facial crushers clenched in greeting, and he extended an open claw for her to shake. "I am KreekiTAH!ka, king of HHHTHe ocean," or so he claimed, "an' I have TAH!oo question how far HHHTHe warriors have sunk if HHHTHey are now accepTAH!ing... chiujren." Glancing at her satchel, he added, "You say you're a heayer, HHHTHough... hm." That little grunt at the end was an approving one, though it held a sort of ominous edge to it. "Have you any information abouTAH! our common foes? 'Zombies', HHHTHey name HHHTHem. Some form of DAH!isease? An unDAH!eaDAH! creature? HHHTHe guarDAH!s were vague."

Penelope may have been a bit leaning on the phobic side of seaborn. The closer the Ardelian was, the more she realized that this uyeen was towering over her five foot two size. Then again, the woman does not flinch as he lowers, nor speak. Her stare is stern and steady as she stares into the gaze of Kreekitahka. The claw reaches out, and oddly she reaches out in return to shake it. This was one of the odder moments in her life. Not every day she shook hands with a being from the seas. “Kreekitahka, King of the Ocean.” Her graceful accent is easy. King. Her mouth forms into a smile, and as he mentions how the Warrior’s Guild is accepting “children” she keeps that remaining stern gaze while the smile lingers. “I don’t see any children.” Her tone was flat for a moment, but she soon recovers. When he mentions zombies, she tilts her chin. “Zombies. Flesh-eating, and… from the books I’ve read—you do not want to be bitten, for it does not end well. You’d be a zombie king, I’m sure.” Maybe. Who knew because… crustaceans? Nel was observant and liked to know the outcome of the hypothetical. “As for a cure, that’s unknown. I’m sure the guards have said the same thing.” Pause. “So all mighty King, I’m guessing they called you too guessing on the vagueness of guards. Where do you need me?”

Kreekitaka made a musical, percussive sort of sound as his paddles clattered down his back in waves, his legs shifting beneath him to bring him back up closer to full height. One claw hammered against his chest, which--perhaps strangely--had a breastplate of some sort of leather armor atop his already significant carapace. His legs were covered only by a kilt, however, and the shells that acted as water tanks on his back were anchored to something that ran underneath the breastplate. "FirsTAH!yee, any zombie HHHTHaTAH! beyeevs iTAH! can break my armor wiHHHTH a mere chomp is sure TAH!oo fin' iTAH!seff very misTAH!aken. An' secon'yee," his arms went to his hips, "how are you aTAH! hanDAH!-TAH!oo-hanDAH! combaTAH!.? If I'm TAH!oo have you in a pyace yikeyee TAH!oo be aTAH!ackeDAH!, I neeDAH! TAH!oo know you can prevenTAH! yourseff from being TAH!urneDAH!." Especially given what she'd just said about the zombies biting people. No reason to put a non-fighter in the middle of a warzone at the best of times; in the event that the horde could increase their number with the fallen, it was downright counterintuitive to just throw bodies at the problem.

Penelope finds herself smirking at his response. Not like she did not believe him, but the fact that she was standing near an eight foot tall shell of a being with armor had her in fits at the thought of a zombie “chomping” through it. “I’d be surprised, myself, sir.” It was true. It would be a new sight, to say the least. As Kreekitaka asks the next question, however, she squints. “Hand to hand,” her mind flashes back to Krice with teaching, and… they barely touched hand-to-hand combat. “You’d be surprised, honestly. Err…” The frizzy haired woman scratches her head. This is when the stiffness falls from her shoulders as the façade fades into… average Penelope. “Well, it’s complicated, really,” she was not lying. “I have great aim. Daggers I hit every time. Arrows, I don’t miss, normally anymore. In fact I can hit fifteen targets straight in a row,” she babbles on. Penelope usually talked a lot, if she got the chance, “As for my hands… I can wield to fire and sometimes earth…? But, uh,” well, here comes the face-palm part of it all, “I don’t necessarily know how to fight hand-to-hand. Like… throw a punch…?” Well, how in the hell was that possible out of everything she had learned so far?

Kreekitaka harrumphed at this, audibly, and his facial crushers flared. "HHHTHe unDAH!eaDAH! I am famiyar wiHHHTH won'TAH! sTAH!op if hiTAH! by a projecTAH!ioh. SomeTAH!imes even sTAH!abbing HHHTHem was noTAH! enough. HHHTHey mus' be -broken-. HHHTHaTAH! asiDAH!, whaTAH! happens if you run ouTAH! of knives, or arrows? HHHTHere is hope, however." The huge uyeer shifted his stance back lower again. "How DAH!oes your heaying work? Is iTAH! magic? Is iTAH! meDAH!icine? Some combination of boHHHTH? Can you DAH!oo iTAH! swifTAH!yee, whioh DAH!istractions abounDAH!.? You are fortunaTAH! TAH!oo have caughTAH! me in a training sorTAH! of mooDAH!--I have DAH!efeaTAH!eDAH! many foes wiHHHTH mereyee my cyaws, an' so I am sure I can hepp you geTAH! sTAH!arTAH!eDAH! wiHHHTH cyose combaTAH!."

Penelope furrowed her brows, and sort of stepped back a foot at the flare of the crushers. The uyeer was miffed, it was clear. “Pure luck,” was how she got through most moments of combat. How she juggled what she did and slid past most fatalities beat her. Sure, time ticked, however. Time would come when the Warrior’s Guild would have to face the first invasion, and… even if future Penelope survived, it was not a guarantee that current Penelope would because… fate changed when future Penelope died. “My healing is nothing but medicine right now. I’m in the process of… figuring out if I have the abilities to heal by magic? It’s going to take a while. I can heal with most distractions, now-ish. I mean, patching up the old fashion way takes time,” she smirks sheepishly before inhaling. “-You- training with –me-?” Moss eyes look over the uyeer’s stature. “Uh, okay. Well, um,” the thought of getting punched by –those- claws made her stretch her back in a way of uneasiness. “Okay, yeah,” she sort of waves a hand through the air as if this was no big deal with a ‘pfft’ sound. “Do you want me to be a mock-zombie… or?” Was she joking? Honestly, as awkward as she was with this whole battle-thing, one would probably wish, but this was pure sincerity.

Kreekitaka had hoped for healing magic, but trying to unlock -that- wasn't a skill he was qualified to do. Instead, he was going to have to teach this the old-fashioned way. He shook his head. "No, in HHHTHis insTAH!ance, -I- am going TAH!oo be -your- opponenTAH!, so Io be HHHTHe... 'zombie'." He had no intention of -acting- like a zombie--if she was going to learn hand-to-hand, she'd do better against a zombie if she learned against someone actually intelligent. "Expyain your fire an' earHHHTH powers," he said, rolling his shoulders. "Whioh I have none of HHHTHose myseff, I have seen HHHTHem useDAH! before, an' may be abo TAH!oo show you ways TAH!oo incorporaTAH! HHHTHem inTAH!oo your punches. Speaking of which, hiTAH! me." Not even waiting for the explanation, or perhaps expecting her to explain while hitting him. He'd gotten as low as he could, with both three-digit claws snapped open and held in front of his body in a guard stance. "Your objecTAH!ive is TAH!oo injure me in such a way HHHTHaTAH! I require your assisTAH!ance afTAH!er. You won'TAH! succeeDAH!, buTAH! you are TAH!oo work towarDAH!s iTAH!."

Penelope widened her gaze at Kreekitaka. “You’re the opponent…” The woman repeats in a way that she cannot fathom because… he is a big uyeer. Now, if Kreekitaka had any idea how she treated her combat sessions with Krice, he would have an idea of what would be coming out of her mouth at his words. “Zombies don’t understand fire powers!” She criticizes, so she wanted to be in the moment. Penelope Halifax, however, would take what she would get. When his claws snap open, moss eyes observe open spots to aim for. “Well!” The woman begins as she throws her elbow back and throws her fist forward towards the claws of the crap in a quick jab that was rather poor. One that could possibly break bones if she was not careful. “I’m still learning how to control it all, but with fire… comes anger I’ve learned, not necessarily for all, but!” Another practice jab is attempted to be thrown, “A friend has helped me figure out what triggers the blow. Quite easy now to ignite, but figuring out how to control it all? That’s new, and I think it’s because… emotions are fresh. As for earth, it comes easier and… gentler.” Moss eyes observe the seaborn’s sature, and all she could think is to block herself with her elbow while crouching down to sock him in the abdomen—not like her throw was any good, but her stealth—well, that was something she was decent at for her short stature.

Kreekitaka glanced at her form, and at her fists, and pulled his claws back slightly as she struck to try and cushion the blow. When she made a strike against his abdomen, one claw moved in a circular motion to deflect her arm off to the side. Small tentacles shot out from the center part of that claw and made a move to wrap around her wrist, and the crab would make an attempt to pull her arm in front of her and hold her fist up between them. "I may noTAH! have fingers," he said, "buTAH! I have observeDAH! many peopoh of your kinDAH! fighTAH!. HHHTHis is noTAH! a fisTAH!. You'DAH! be beTAH!er off syapping me HHHTHan punching me wiHHHTH HHHTHis. HHHTHumb -ouTAH!siDAH!-." He couldn't exactly demonstrate with his own hand, given he didn't have one, but he could hold her wrist until he was satisfied that her fist actually looked like a fist. Once he was, he'd release her and take up his ready stance again. Better to let her practice throwing punches with those new fists of hers for a bit before nailing her with one of his own. "So we work wiHHHTH earHHHTH for HHHTHe momenTAH!, since you say you can commanDAH! iTAH! more. WhaTAH! have you DAH!one wiHHHTH earHHHTH magic? Keep trying TAH!oo hiTAH! me."

Penelope jolted in surprise at the tentacles that shot out to wrap around her arm. Green eyes go steady and breath falters slightly at the teacher who criticizes her form. Her fingers fumble until her thumb is on the outside of her fist—mostly out of nervousness—and the tightness of knuckles feel new with that thumb. It made sense. Once she is released, she sort of stumbles back to get her stature again. The Ardelian inhales with her eyes closed to piece herself together before opening to get her form again. This time, her fists are correct. “Well, with earth, it is fairly new,” she inhales before stepping forward to punch him, this time, the correct way—at least form-wise—this time it needed more force. “I can,” she grunts, “listen to the earth’s vibrations, navigate; make the earth grow. I haven’t considered using the earth to… fight necessarily! Fire comes with frustration which normally when I’m in combat, that’s my first instinct because—aggression and frustration. I did watch these terramancers, however in the desert… and they were pushing the rocks to hit us. It was… wow!"” She practices another punch before automatically attempting a kick to sweep the seaborn off its legs? Probably not.

Kreekitaka barely reacted to her punching him--the form was correct, but she just didn't seem to have the -oomph- needed. His claws shifted position slightly, enough to block her hits from hitting his torso, and when she went to try and sweep his legs he shifted his weight forward, buried those sharp points deeper in the sand, anchoring himself further to the ground, and then used her moment of being off-balance with the leg-sweep to shove at her shoulder with a claw and try to knock her onto her back. It would be only the work of a moment to extract his front legs from the sand, and taking a step forward--assuming she hadn't gotten back to her feet yet--he'd aim one of those feet at her torso, using its sharp point to make a nonverbal point of his own. Tilting his head a little in thought, he said, "So you can move iTAH! wiHHHTH your minDAH!.? ExceyenTAH!. Use HHHTHe sanDAH! arounDAH! you. Wrap yourseff in iTAH!, move iTAH! wiHHHTH boDAH!ee an' magic TAH!ogeHHHTHer. Make HHHTHe earHHHTH your carapace an' cyaw, yike any oHHHTHer parTAH! of you." Easy enough to say, but how well would she be able to put it into practice?

Penelope might have bruises on her knuckles in the morning, but what was a little pain? With the towering height of the seaborn, and the claw that knocks against her shoulder, it is no surprise that Penelope Halifax is on the ground. She is short in stature and does not have a lot of bulk in the way of strength. The thought of the Ardelian being in the Warrior’s Guild was almost a joke, and soon in the matter of weeks, she would be battling with the rest of the lot of warriors as a frontline healer. There is a grunt as the sharp pointed foot presses against her chest to keep her down. Moss eyes glare at the crab-man, and that bubbled personality seems to dwindle. It was a look of challenge as he expressed his thoughts at her. Use the sand. She stares at him for a long moment from the ground. How would she use the sand? All she could really do is feel vibrations in the earth. Kailani and Edith cloud her mind. Energy. Find the energy. Fingertips sift through the sand as she feels the looseness of minerals, but with each particle there is a hardshell. Carapace. Shell. There is a ‘pfft’ that escapes her lips--one of almost defeat--until the girl closes her eyes. Magik had taught her to connect with emotions when playing with the elements. It was one of his tips and tricks. Suddenly, the sand begins to shake and then the sand begins to part, specifically where she lay. The sand was like quicksand and the Ardelian seeps through the ground from underneath his foot. Her body glides like a mound through the sand and she moves about five feet before she breaches the surface again. The sand is cleared away from her. Some loose minerals tangled in her hair--all the while her face looks like a dopey kid who just found five silver on the ground. The girl is slightly out of breath because this was all very new. “Whoa. Looks like we will try again.” She smirks in a breath before launching forward towards him again. Time to really throw some punches and find some new tricks up her sleeve.

Kreekitaka had to be careful and shift his weight back in order to avoid falling into the hole she'd just made, and when she popped back out he clenched his facial crushers in a sort of pleased curling motion. Yes, good. Mobility was key, and she could use that to avoid being grabbed or pinned by zombies. But could she -strike- with it? "I agree." As she launched towards him again, he shifted his stance once more, clamped his claw shut, drew it back, and leaned into her next punch so as to try and deliver a massive uppercut blow of his own. If she could use the sand as her defense, like he'd suggested, he expected to hit nothing but a wall of earth--or perhaps miss entirely as she'd be able to evade him again--and be struck in return by a boulder. Hopefully he hadn't just, like, accidentally maimed her face. That'd be a difficult one to explain to Lionel later.

Penelope keeps in mind what Kree said. Move with the sand or earth. Let it connect magically to her. Eyes that were once green are now a hazel tone, for she was finally connecting to the elements and growing stronger each time she practiced. One thing that was a benefit for the girl is that she was a quick wit. Pitiful at the start of anything related to combat, but a trouper once she caught on. Her launch again is met with a slide of sand before she leans into almost throw another punch his way. Though in a blink, she realizes that the claw is pulling back again to strike against her face, so instead, she lifts both of her hands. A wall of sand then builds up for Kree to knock his claw against the earth. It’s okay, Kree, the face is thankfully saved. Then, something clicks: he just hit his claw against the earth. Bingo. The shield of sand that is being held up with arms straight-forward begins to suction to her arms after he strikes. Now, the woman has a layer of pebble armor around her knuckles and forearms. Honestly, the rock made it hard to be flexible in most circumstances, but sand was a little better. Either way, that thick sandy armor, after throwing her own elbow back, then forces its way forward in another attempt of a blow against Kree, aiming for his torso. This would give a little more ‘oomph’ if it hit right.

Kreekitaka was never happier to have a strike not connect than just now. And when he moved to put his forearm between his torso and her fist, this time he was actually pushed back and had to brace himself against the impact! His legs scrabbled slightly in the sand, which would give her a moment to follow up with another hit, which, if she took it, would be met this time with an open claw and a shove against her fist, followed by his claw snapping shut like a trap. "Very gooDAH! You can use HHHTHe earHHHTH as extra mighTAH! an' gain much power HHHTHaTAH! way. YeTAH!'s see if you can cushion a yanDAH!ing now," he added ominously, then flicked his arm up and released his grip, intending to launch her spinning, straight up into the air. Recovering from a fall was a supremely important technique, which he knew from personal experience, and while it was unlikely a zombie could or would hurl her skyward, maybe it'd help build her confidence for launching -herself- sometime.

Penelope was in the heat of the moment, so of course she took the next strike if she could. The claw traps around her. There was a sense of relief that she finally got the hang of a solid punch--literally. Well, until he flicked his arm up. The woman is suddenly flipping, and there is a small “ah” that comes out of her mouth and a curse word before she shuts her eyes tight. ‘Here we go, Penelope. You’re going to break a bone.’ Unless, she landed on her feet. Somehow. The girl then instinctively tries to push her body weight forward so she can forcefully stick her feet down. It’s just sand, right? The Ardelian is almost coming to a landing, hoping for the best, and the sand is on her side today. She does not know how she does it, but the sand is somehow pushing itself up as a soft pillow for… well, not her feet to land on, but her tush. The sand disperses once landed. It was close enough. Maybe not the most graceful landing, but at least she did not break anything important. Hazel eyes open and they search around her to find him, so she can lash a glare up to the crab-man. “What the hell!” She outbursts. She was a little frazzled. “Are you insane?!” Yes, but smart.

Kreekitaka shrugged at her question, crossing his arms, his paddles rippling slightly in a manner that was somehow unmistakably smug, despite its complete lack of ability to map onto humanoid body language. "If I coulDAH! perform HHHTHen whaTAH! you have jus' DAH!one now," he said, squatting a little again to look at her more closely, "I woulDAH! noTAH! have been unabo TAH!oo use my yegs for severoh monHHHTHs once. Knowing you can survive a yong fa--fa--" Facial crushers flaring with frustration as Kree was just unable to pronounce the word correctly, he paused a moment to compose himself and try again with a different word, "-DAH!escenTAH!- is very imporTAH!anTAH!." He reached to the weapon holster on his back and hauled from it a club made from bone that looked to be roughly the size of Penelope herself. The weapon was slightly curved--moreso towards the tip--and the inside edge had a staggered double row of shark's teeth embedded into the shaft. The outside edge of the curve held a plate of solid metal, and the hilt prominently featured a large saphhire. It was a truly monstrous weapon and clearly designed with utter brutality in mind. "Now you know HHHTHaTAH! if you neeDAH! TAH!oo escape from a situation in which HHHTHe onyee way ouTAH! is up," as he spoke, he took a few steps back and started swinging the club around himself, slamming the ground with the metal side, the soft sand helping to mute the impact's noise but one could clearly see the saphhire starting to glow more brightly with each successive -whump-, "you can DAH!oo someHHHTHing yike HHHTHis." At the lowest part of his last swing, he braced it with his other claw and used one of those little tentacles to press the sapphire. Every hit had been building up power, storing a portion of the kinetic energy for later use. And now that he'd triggered it, the weapon's enchantment released that power in a colossal explosion that sounded like a massive thunderclap. Sand flew in all directions, but most importantly... because the jawblade was pointing -down-, Kreekitaka himself went -up- like some sort of crab-shaped rocket. As he flew, he started repeatedly hitting his claw with the metal plate to build up more charge, and as he was falling back to the earth he pointed it down again and fired it off once more with a similar--though not quite as violent--sort of sound, a second blast released to help slow his fall enough for his legs to withstand the landing. He still did his best to tuck and roll, using the motion to drastically extend the amount of time his body spent absorbing the impact and thus reducing the overall force imparted to his relatively small feet. Lifting himself back up, he rolled his shoulders and put the weapon away with a pleased rumble. "Beyow HHHTHe surface, HHHTHaTAH! sorTAH! of HHHTHing is much yess exhiyaraTAH!ing."

Penelope frowned at the smugness that flowed from him. As the club is being pulled from his back. One that was similar size in her own height. The woman had been tired, and the woman was nervous she would have to take on more dodging and punches. His lesson then comes into play and she slowly nods. This was just another part of what combat and preparation was. The first attack… she would have some clue of defending herself if she needed. She would be able to put up hand-to-hand if she needed, as well. The club is then swung which pulls Nel out of her learning moment and the weapon hits the sand. A stone begins to glow and for a moment it reminds her of Kyori, but this was no Kyori stoned sword, no… this was ‘boom’! The sand flies and particles pelt her face and she squints to keep the sand out of her eyes. The girl jolts backwards and scrambles in the sand to watch him skyrocket into the air. A lot of practicing Cenrilian men pause to watch the crab-man with eyes of impression, and one young guard gets jabbed with a blade in the thigh at the distraction. Mediocre mistake. Kree then makes a graceful landing with the tuck and roll--way better than what Penelope did. Some guards clap at Kree and Penelope finds herself hesitantly clapping too. “Much less exhilarating to go below the surface? I don’t know, I kind of felt like a mole, myself.” The girl shrugs, but she has a smile plastered on her face. A part of her wants to try to push the earth beneath her for her to fly up, but she is not sure if she wants to try that yet. Building more confidence -was- the next step, and that meant that she would have to practice more before the first attack. “Anything else you want to say or teach me before I go help him that kabob over there?” She did have a healer’s duty to attend to. That man over there with the dagger in his leg is flailing for medical attention while the person who stabbed him is actually... laughing. Yikes.

Kreekitaka gestured to the ocean waves in the distance in an attempt to clarify. "HHHTHaTAH! surface. Your TAH!unneying trick was exceyenTAH!. If I haDAH! your powers, I'DAH! use HHHTHem in simiyar ways." When it seemed her other duties called her, he shook his head and waved her on. "Keep pracTAH!icing an' experimenTAH!ing. Keep whaTAH! we yearneDAH! in minDAH!. MobiyiTAH!ee an' striking force are where you oughTAH! TAH!oo focus, buTAH! be aware of ways TAH!oo snare your opponenTAH! aoso, yike I ensnareDAH! you. Io be here TAH!oo spar wiHHHTH if you feeoh you neeDAH! some inspiration." He clenched his facial crushers to her again as a sort of salute, lifting his topmost paddles, then--assuming she was headed off to take care of McStabbed, turned around to check up on his own troops fighting each other and make sure nothing similar had happened closer to the water.

Penelope looks over at the sea and her lips make an ‘o’ shape. Then, there is a small smile on her face. One of her own smug ways because she was finally opening the door to new abilities. Practice. Experiment. That was what she would plan to do, for the crab-man enlightened her to try new things with her druidic powers. The Ardelian then stands and brushes the sand off of her. “Thanks, Kreekitaka. It’s been… enlightening.” Truly. A gracefulness washes over her before she gives a firm soldierly nod back. The girl then pivots and moves to McStabbed to do the routine patchwork of healing.