RP:Finn Learns of Mahri's Arrest

From HollowWiki

Calwin sat atop a tree looking for anyone to draw near. He had been only waiting a few minutes after recieving the letter in reference to Mahri. His keen eyes searched for the one he was to meet.

Finn was waiting, leaning against the trunks of one of the greater trees in the deepest shadow. Distinctive hair was covered by a raised hood, and gold flecked gaze gleamed above the darkness of the half mask that rested across the bridge of his nose. The runner was an unmoving shadow, attention fixed upon the pathway along which the writer of the mysterious message might approach. Seeing no sign of activity, the male moved, stepping out into the moonlight, making a slow sweeping assessment of his immediate surroundings. "Dammit.." It was a soft curse. "The hell are you up to Rider?.."

The eyes of the runner lifted toward the tree line at the first indication of movement. The feline was a blur of lighter color against the darkness of the forest, and instinctively his own broad hands slid beneath the folds of his great coat to reach for the hilt of his serrated dagger. The eyes above the mask remained blank of emotion as they locked on the form of the feline when he was finally landed before him. There was some chill lurking in their depths though, a thought spared for the possibility that the bringer of the message might have in fact been the cause of the wolf’s disappearance. “Reckon we can’t be talkin’ about the same wolf mate..ain’t nothin’ pup like about that alpha bitch. Where is she?” Straight to the point the runner. He was a man for whom time meant money. As did resources..and right now, his Rider, and sometime lover was missing in action. Every day she was gone, was gold down the drain.

Calwin eased his guard with his dagger, but did not yet return them to their homes. As was precautionary he searched over the other man's form curious as to who he was and why he cared, but he made a promise to Mahri. Someone he concidered some sort of friend. "If you are the runner, who seeks their rider, then she would be found in Larket, though for what reason I do not know. However we do speak of the same wolf and she has yet to say other about me calling her pup." Cal smirked a bit still watching. He meant no ill will tot he man before him, but he would not fail to protect himself if situation called. "She said that she deserved to be there easily, but not for why she was put there."

Finn’s brow furrowed. “Larket..” It was the second time in as many days that the name of the city had been brought to the runner’s attention, and when Terra had spoke of her dealings with the city, she had mentioned arrest. “The hell is she doin’ in Larket, and why doesn’t she just leave?” he muttered huskily. The feline had mentioned nothing of incarceration. “You’re makin’ no sense mate. She deserves to be there? There where?” The feline would find himself pinned by that whisky gaze, though there would be little else about the man’s stance that would suggest that he was inclined to attack or otherwise cause trouble. His mind was too busy putting together the pieces of the puzzle. What in the gods names was going on with that dammed city?

Calwin caught what he had forgotten to tell and shook his head tiredly. it seemed stress of his life and his situation was drawing weakness and reverie to his mind. The feline's ears laid flat as he grumbled to himself. "She was imprisoned in the jail house."

Finn 's eyes narrowed slightly, and the body of the runner stilled before his silhouette was broken by the movement of a sharp nod the feline's way before he turned on booted heels to fade away into the density of the underbrush in the tree line. Everything else he needed to know, he'd find out from the wolf. Little thought was spared for what might be perceived as his rude departure. There was a mystery to be solved, and possibly, work to be done.

The Next Day, Lucy's Crossing Larket..

Skylei very rarely ventured into Larket. But today, greatly in need of a new pair of gloves since her others had met their death at the hands of a small child and an overexcited puppy, she had made the short trip from Sage to the crossing where she was admiring the wares upon the stall, "Are you sure that white won't get… dirty? I'll be wearing them a lot, y'know?" The half-elf quizzed the stall owner, quickly looking behind her to make sure that her filly, tied to one of the trees nearby, was as she had left her. "No, love" Replied Mary, "All ya'll be needin' to do is coat 'em in a little bit o'grease before you wear 'em and then they'll stay that colour forever." Sky nodded, unconvinced by the woman's suggestion, but very aware of her dire need for gloves of any kind; if white was her only option, white gloves it would be.

Finn checked the reins of the great black softly, urging the horse into a slow walk as he approached the intersection. His gold flecked gaze made a carefully assessing sweep of the area. He had not failed to note on his journey into the town that there was considerable military presence, a constant of patrols and guards on duty stationed here and there, and he was nowhere near the jail house. A thoughtful frown furrowed his brow. That did not speak for a slack presence of the law at the heart of the city’s law keeping operation itself. Getting his partner out of jail, if it came to that, would be no easy task. “Gods’ blood Mah..you would choose bloody Larket..” he cursed softly at the female who was the source of his predicament. It was the soft nicker of greeting emitted by the Black to the filly across the way, that would draw the attention of the male towards the stall specifically-and to the burly guards who hid in part the woman whose voice tugged at the threads of his memory. He was in his ‘legal’ guise. Everything about his appearance screamed mildly profitably merchant, if one that might turn a lass’s eye. It was his guise on this reconnaissance venture, hopeful that a merchant on business would raise fewer eyebrows than hooded and masked figures skulking in the shadows. Thus it was that a pleasantly bland expression was plastered on his face as he dismounted and approached the stall with the stallion on a lead. “Mornin’ officers..” he muttered, “Just lookin’ to talk a lil trade with the lass..” he qualified perhaps unnecessarily. A brusque nod was his only answer, but he could feel observant gazes boring into his spine as he approached the Halfling. Ah, the girl from the hideout. That could be..problematic, given his attempt at an honest cover. “Couldn’t help but overhear ma’am..” he murmured just softly enough for Mary to have difficulty making out. “Bu I reckon if you ever get out Rynvale way, I might have somethin’ in stock more you your likin’” Perhaps she’d forgotten where she might know him from.

Skylei looked to the male, furrowing her brow. His voice was familiar, but from where? For the time being the Halfling simply assumed he was one of the many she had spoken to, perhaps enjoyed a drink with in one of the many taverns that littered the land. With a polite, "Excuse me" to Mary, she moved a little way away from the stall so that she could speak with the oddly familiar male. "Rynvale way, eh? I'm out there a fair bit~" Though Sky felt she had no reason to distrust the male; he looked like a perfectly respectable merchant, she wasn't giving away any information until she could be sure where she knew that voice was from, "You got a shop out there? Or d'ya just operate from there? Or maybe you're even a merchant sailor~ y'get a lot of them Rynvale way" She knew she was asking a lot of questions, but she was grappling for something, anything that would help her remember where that voice came from. It was irking her terribly, yet she daren't ask if they'd met before.…

Finn’s shoulders relaxed a smidge. He could read the niggling uncertainty in her eyes, she knew she knew him, but not from where. If he played his cards right memory could be reformed by suggestion. “Aye..” he said softly, that instinctive and charming smile tugging at the corners of his tanned lips. “To all of the above. I live above the shop that I run there..and I do own a merchant vessel that does most of my collectin’ for me, save for the rare occasions when I venture out myself to look for rarer items.” he said quietly. His tone was mellow, all polite courtesy and if he had not already admitted himself of the merchant class, the female might have been forgiven for thinking herself in conversation with some young lordling. Some habits died hard though, and the runner’s whisky gaze slid over the slender curves of the female with idle, masculine appreciation before lifting to meet her eyes directly again. “Think I’ve seen you at the Barrel a time or two..” he lied blatantly. “Never forget a pretty face..” A flash of white accompanied the comment.

Skylei bit down on her lower lip at this explanation and compliment. It had been long since she bothered to object to the compliments thrown her way; yet each and every one was taken with a pinch of salt and quickly forgotten. The explanation seemed more viable, of course. She had spent many an afternoon in the tavern he had named, "Aye, perhaps. Though I can't say I remember your face…" Either way it didn't matter~ "I'll be heading out Rynvale way soon enough so how about I come and see you in this shop of yours some other time. I got places t'be and people t'see, and I'm sure you have too." She dipped her head to the 'respectful' merchant, "For now, Sir, I'll bid you a good day." Turning away the half-elf turned her attention to untying the filly.

Finn would respond only with a dip of his auburn head, before a soft “I’ll be seein’ you around then..” escaped from the runner. He allowed her her departure and remained a few moments more lingering to chat with Mary and make a few purchases in effort to keep his cover intact. It would be some long moments later that the form of the runner would swing back into his saddle, a knee pressing into the stallion’s ribs to nudge the horse east along the streets again. The jail would be his next and final stop.

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