RP:Druids of Frostmaw

From HollowWiki

Part of the Dissonance Theory Arc

This is a Warrior's Guild RP.

Summary: Krice and Kailani attempt to relocate a reclusive tribe of druids that live in Frostmaw. Promise of their aide was secured almost a year ago, Kailani and Krice reach out to make sure that they still have their support.

Snowless Training Yard

Kailani normally preferred to frequent the wilds of Venturil but Kasyr’s task had given her cause to travel out of the frozen tundra of Frostmaw. The druid did not arrive at the training yard foot, she in fact came by air. A large white griffon landed in the middle of the open-aired training yard and the blue-haired druid slid off the back of the beast that was named Grimclaw. Her traveling companion was not and would not be dismissed, as the woman has always found him to be of great help to her on adventures that she has embarked on. Kailani herself was bundled up in a thick fur-cloak to help keep the chilled temperatures of Frostmaw at bay. While she waited for those that were invited along for this endeavor to arrive, she leaned up against the griffon and snuggled into the white fur of his body for additional warmth. Hopefully today’s expedition would not keep her in Frostmaw for long, but admittedly they were at the mercy of the group of druid’s they were seeking out. They were a reclusive bunch, and while Kailani might have made successful contact with them once, that did not mean that they would be welcomed today. It had been a considerable amount of time since she, Orion, and Ralinde had secured the promise of their aid with Xicotl. Circumstances could have changed since then.

Krice , in contrast to Kailani, wore his usual black button-down, sleeves still rolled up, and a simple black robe with open sides for ease of movement. It wasn't nearly enough for the frigid climate of Frostmaw but he was abnormal in many ways, including his tolerance for otherwise deadly chill. The warrior arrived outside of the Training Yard and stood a couple metres south of the fence. He scanned his surroundings, apparently unaware of Kailani's presence--though how could he have missed the arriving griffon if he was this close--as he confirmed the safety of the perimeter. Against his left hip sat his customary black katana, sheathed but easy to withdraw in an instant, and his right hip bore a slightly longer katana, all white, just as readily positioned.

Kailani was quite serious and reserved by nature but she does manage to muster up a small, polite, and only briefly lived smile when she notices Krice’s approach. Grimclaw is less welcoming of the arrival of this stranger, almost looming behind the druidic woman in a protective manner until it becomes obvious that Krice is not a threat and Kailani intends to interact with the gray-haired man. “Thank you for meeting with me.” She does not stay stationary, taking the liberty of striding the distance between herself and Krice. That took her outside the perimeter of the training yard, but she did not mind. This was just a meeting point; they were never meant to remain within the yard for long. “My name is Kailani, I do not believe that we have ever formally met.” She offers no hand for shaking, instead opting to keep her limbs hidden in the warmth of her fur cloak. With a gesture of her chin, she motions for Krice to follow. The two of them would be traveling away from the yard and further into the frozen cold of Frostmaw. “As a refresher, I have been tasked with making contact with a group of druids that inhabits this area. I have spoken with them before and I think I have earned their trust during the last time that I made contact? Yet they did not see fit to make their camp known to me. They are a very reclusive bunch. Still, hopefully our journey in the cold will not be a long one. I hope they will make themselves known to us sooner rather than later.” Kailani was not often the sort of woman who spoke many words but in this moment, these instructions were viewed as a necessity. There is a high probability she would quiet down considerably as the two travel through the cold. She would not do so before making the observation of, “You do not seem dressed appropriately for the winter weather. Should I have any concern that you will catch a case of frostbite?”

Krice turned as Kailani approached, casting a thoughtful glance toward Grimclaw before the woman's words drew his eye once more. He waited for her to appear outside the ring of magic-induced sand and dipped his head in a modest nod. " Krice." If Kailani was a woman of few words, this warrior was her extreme opposite. He turned to follow her as she began walking, listening attentively to the description of the task given her. His mind immediately shifted from thoughts of unidentified druids to one more familiar female in particular, with whom he had several interactions in common for a friendship to bloom. " It's warmer than it looks," was the warrior's reply to Kailani's concern of his state of dress, referencing the fabric - though a little thin - of his open robe. If she was particularly perceptive, the druid would note that he was as light on his feet as an elf, the snow crunching almost imperceptibly under his boots. Assuming she had begun to walk now, Krice shifted to match her pace, albeit a little bit ahead - ever the protector even without obvious cause to be. " The druids of Frostmaw... Do they know of Xicotl?"

Kailani begins to speak considerably less after what she viewed as a necessary update is given. “Yes, they had at one point promised their aid to us. But that was almost a year ago.” Unless Krice had further questions, the trio would continue their travels in silence. Krice would be allowed to have the lead, even if it was only a couple of steps. Grimclaw would take up the rear out of protectiveness of the druidic woman but make no mistake, the griffon could easily make itself airborne and claim the front if any threat made itself known. Thankfully, their journey through the cold, flat, and bleak terrain would be without incident. While these grounds were known to be inhabited by less than friendly creatures, they would encounter none. And unless Krice had any additional curiosities? The bulk of their journey would be made in silence. One might begin to wonder how Kailani had any intention of finding these druids, given that she has already admitted that she has no idea where they might reside. What if she was leading them in the wrong direction completely? What if they ended up lost? Alas, the druid did not explain her ways. Even if she did, most would think her methods illogical. Hushed messages were being sent to the group that she was seeking, carried by the bitterly cold winds? Druids, they could be quite a strange bunch. After the two travel for at least thirty minutes, another figure makes itself known. It was the same druid that Kailani met with the last time. Loch, as he was called, but he would not introduce himself. His arrival was silent and full of mystery as neither Krice or Grimclaw would even be able to discern the sound of his footsteps crunching in the snow, nor would they be able to visually see that he was traveling on foot. No footprints were left. Yet there Loch was. It was hard to discern a majority of his features as he was dressed in thick furs and skins that hid a majority of his form. This druid was tall, though, and bearded. He appeared bulky in stature, but that could easily be attributed to the thick and warm clothing that he wore. “It has been some time,” the male voice states, “and you have picked different traveling companions to meet with us this time.” If his last sentence sounded critical and judgmental, it was. Strangers were not welcome amongst this group of druids.

Krice had little else to say. Kailani's answers were concise - without unnecessary fluff, and thus he learned all he needed to in the moment. As they walked, he was silent and relaxed in his study of their surroundings. While he knew even less the location of the druids they sought out, he possessed sensitive channels of awareness completely foreign to regular humans. Without appearing so, he listened for sounds that seemed disjointed from the atmospheric hum of Frostmaw, looked for shadows out of place, inhaled for scents a little removed from the ice and occasional tree that wafted on the breeze. Just a moment before anything changed at all, the warrior lifted his chin at the slightest angle and murmured to his traveling companion, " There's a scent..." He was unsure of it, though, too vague to identify but just present enough for him to notice. When Loch made his presence known, Krice slowed to a halt and waited. While he wasn't partial to being judged or looked upon unfavourably, he understood the man and did not begrudge him his caution. Kailani would be left to lead this interaction while the enigma thought back on all the other signs not revealed as Loch came to them; no footprints, no sound.

Kailani shifts her gaze to Krice, half-expecting him to take the lead on the conversation….but she quickly realized that this was a foolish hope. Krice was not Orion nor was he Ralinde, both were considerably better at conversation than Krice and Kailani were demonstrating. It was with a sigh that Kailani finally goes against her natural instincts. “Yes, I am sorry,” while Kailani apologizes for the shift in the company that she brought, she offers no further explanation. “It has been so long as there has been confusion within the warrior’s guild, due a shift in leadership. This confusion has resulted in the threat that is called Xicotl being neglected for far too long.” Another glance toward Krice is given, this time because the blue-haired woman is trying to gauge his expression to figure out if she was missing anything important. To be honest, Kai’s involvement in this matter has been minimal at best. It was easy for her to confuse the facts and miss important details. There was nothing but silence from Loch, who had yet to even properly introduce himself to Krice. The Frostmaw druid just stared on, listening in an unimpressed silence at the explanation that Kailani was giving. “Krice and I are here to see if we can still count on the aid of your druids to help us with the threat of Xicotl.” Since her glance alone probably would not get Krice to reveal if she was in fact missing any important details, she vocalizes her concerns. “Am I missing anything important so far?” While the humanoids talk, the griffon keeps a steadfast watch on the area, his keen gaze scanning for the threat of any predators. There were no threats to be seen across the tundra, the probability that any creatures did not want to chance an encounter with the large griffon was high.

Krice attuned his senses outward to their surroundings, splitting his aural attention between Kailani and Loch, and the frozen wasteland around them. He was quiet initially, seeing no need for him to speak when it was Kailani the other male addressed. The warrior listened to her explanation, seemed agreeable with her assessment if his lack of changing expression was anything to go by, and only spoke once she had finished saying her part. In order to impress upon the other male - clearly one of the druids they sought - the serious risk to their future, he said, " You offered to aide the resistance against Xicotl. You're not obligated, but know that if you don't, and we fail, your people will be next. No one is safe. This beast consumes all." His gold-streaked eyes did not waver from Loch's, but just as intensely as his focus was the overall sense that he was not a threat to the druids, nor that he harboured any ill feelings toward Loch. The situation was dire. " A year has passed, but Xicotl is now on the move."

Kailani had nothing else to add to the conversation. So when Krice finished trying to impress the importance of the situation onto Loch, the blue-haired druid remains silent, keeping her gaze locked on the other druid with the hope that he will say something. Speak Loch does, though his tone of voice remains stoic to the point of almost being cold. “You are correct. No one is safe. It is not just to people that are currently in danger from this Xicotl, as you call it. Have you noticed the absence of wildlife in this area?” It was true, Krice and Kailani had not really been able to observe even the slightest signs of any of Frostmaw’s usual beasts. “Those it has not consumed already and turned into those….” Loch seems to be struggling for a word to call what he has seen. It was not just people that were being made into thralls, but anything that Xicotl consumed. “My people are already suffering as a result of the presence of this beast. Creatures that have not already been consumed by your Xicotl have fled the area. Survival instinct. It has made our way of life all the more challenging, we have almost nothing left in this area to hunt because of this beast.” While Loch speaks of his people, his tone of voice softens just a bit and undertones of concern can be heard. All of that fades as Loch goes on, “We will still make good on our promise...but I hope that you little group of warriors will figure out your plan of action soon. I do not think Xicotl has been as dormant as you have been assuming it has been during this last year. If action is not taken soon, then these lands will be forever changed. There is the potential of creatures going extinct entirely...and the people that do survive this threat? Life will only be more difficult if things do progress in that direction. Neither man nor creature will not be able to hide from this threat forever.”

Krice hadn't wanted to leave Xicotl unchecked for a whole year, but there were things in his own life that kept him completely away from society and defense - not the least of which was recovering from a God's undeath poison, thanks to Quintessa. His first response to the entirety of Loch's words was in regard to Xicotl's activity. " Not all of us have assumed its dormancy," he mumbled, indifferently. And then, with a little more camaraderie in his tone, " We will end this threat before its damage becomes permanent." As he turned to depart, Krice offered Loch a nod and shifted his gaze to Kailani, stating, " Return by air. It's faster." He would be fine on his own; and true to his earlier word, he bore no sign of suffering the chill despite his lack of winter wear.

Kailani had also not assumed that Xicotl was dormant this entire time, nor had she bought much into the idea that Lionel had managed to buy them extra time. Still, it was hard to ignore the points that Loch had made, even if they were harsh. Kailani had little to add to the situation outside of nodding in agreement and understanding. She did not want to see any additional deaths, if that could be avoided. Not the deaths of people, nor the deaths of animals. Krice’s statement that she should return by air is met with agreement. That was part of the reason that she opted to travel with Grimclaw, it made the trip back to Venturil all the easier. “By air it is,” she confirms, “I will update Kasyr as soon as I am able to.” It was not a conversation that she intended to put up, not if she could avoid doing so. “If you need anything from me….? Just send word to Venturil. I will get it.” With Krice heading in his own direction, Kailani would climb up onto the back of Grimclaw so that the two could return home.