RP:A Stable Skeleton

From HollowWiki
Here stood a large circular building, wooden on the front side, but around the backside if one may look there stood a wall of glass, ornately hung curtains of crimson falling from the walls above. The entrance was a plain door of sorts, the initials 'N.G.' made out of glass stood as a windowpane for looking in, mostly decoration though. On the inside of the building which may have seemed small before, stood a rather large open room. About the walls where there was no glass were a few bookshelves, a bar, and various animal trophies hung about the wall, along with the weapons that respectively killed them. As for the center of the room, it would lower a few steps, for respective entrances into the center area, and seating would sit in-between the steps. This circular portion would serve as the sleeping spot for Nicholas, as well as the cooking spot judging from the fire-pit standing in the very center of it, a small ventilation spot above it in the ceiling. The whole place was kept in a tidy and orderly manner, meaning it was not used much, or the owner was a neat freak.

--Former Location of Nicholas' Den, Larket

Sulos had been studying the structure since it came into view, walking slowly towards it with a thoughtful stare. Where to start? Someone had been here before him, all the tools he'd need lay beside the foundation in a neat pile; a couple crude hammers, a satchel of nails, stacks of perfectly cut lumber, and a saw or two. Sighing, the assassin begins to warm his body with a few quick squats, fingers idling around his neck to lift his bandana onto his head. His arms swivel round their shoulder joints while he plans out the construction. It would take a bit of time to do on his own, but nothing he couldn't handle. He'd nearly always prefer to do work alone. Sturdy gloved hands transport a small stack of boards closer to the indentions in the foundation, small groves left specifically to stabilize the wooden walls he'd be building. As accurately as humanly possible without the use of a reed or other measurement tool, black charcoal marks prep the lumber for length, width, and even nail entry points. A skeleton begins to form as he works, small beads of sweat breaking against his forearms and forehead to roll down his sun-tanning skin. Shreds of his blond hair weasel through the bandana he'd fashioned, causing him to halt his work to re-adjust it. Once all the boards are aligned correctly, Su stands, arms stretching to the sky to retrieve the hammer and sack of nails to begin connecting them. A quick look around reveals him still alone, so the young man, out of habit, slips a cig between his lips to make the work pass quicker. Hammer to nail, nail to wood; the song repeats in the muggy morning air until the wall is drafted. One of many to be built this day. Another sigh rights the man, leading him towards his own belongings to withdraw an animal-skinned canteen dripping from the brim with crisp lake water. It's contents are quickly drained, canteen dropped back into his bag before hiking back to the pile of wood to gather a replica set for the next wall. Slight alterations were added; a door to one wall, a window or two to the others. Each taking pain staking attention and effort, his body already tense and red from the sun and labor. As the last nail falls into place, Su lays back to inhale, his cloth-less chest rising and falling in the glaring sunset. His hands fall against his stomach, churning as is it, before deciding to take his break in the shade of half complete erected walls. The office, he mused while ruffling through his bag for his meal, should be just fine by his employers standards. The stable frames could go up tomorrow, he nodded to himself with a mouthful of mead, and the following day he'd board up all the walls completely. Satisfied with his meal, the assassin stands to look over his day's work once more. He takes his time, gathering tools and supplies to place them back where he'd need them tomorrow instead of leaving them strewn haphazardly around the building site. A flat, nearly useless piece of wood takes his eye, had it been there before? A string twisted through crudely carved holes on the plank. A grin spread over his features as he gathered his things for the day, charcoal in hand to scribble a rough "Under Construction" on the board. It clattered loudly in the wind, askew on the framed office wall, drawing it's shadow out in the setting sun.

Sulos made his way back to the Larket Construction site, unnerved by how long he'd been kept indoors due to the storm. He could only -hope- that the work he'd started wouldn't be completely destroyed in the wake of that awful menace. Even from a distance, his baby blues knew he'd been hoping for too much. His heavy boots scuffed along the edges of the site. Even though a fresh stack of supplies had been gathered, two of his walls had collapsed backwards. Snapped in twain from the force of the restless winds and merciless rains. Shoulders slumped, disappointment weighed heavily on his young form. His pack is slung haphazardly to the side, the sun just beginning to peek up over the horizon. Humid, the day would grant him no quarter. The debris was easy to move at least, he thought, shifting the manageable bits of splinter-soaked wood towards the base of the site. Who ever kept replenishing the building supplies must haul this stuff away, right? Dusting his hands, ready to begin anew, the bandana dangling around his neck is lifted to tie down his lengthy strands of blonde. He'd need a hair cut soon. It took less preparation and thought this time, as the beginning portion would be nothing but repetition of a task previous completed. Charcoal in hand, the proper points are re-labeled on identical boards. Slender nails propped into place as before, breaking through the wood with relative ease. Thankfully, he mused, a couple had stood firm. The first wall frame began to shape under his eager hands, the sun still in the distance. The familiar, comforting sound of hammer to nail filled the early morn' alongside the chitter chatter of song birds. Voices, faint and undistinguishable, laughed to the north. No one likely to wander by his way. Su looked upward, watching the pastels take the rest of the sky in triumph. An artist's canvas repairing the heavens from the storm, perhaps even the god's themselves had suffered for it. The assassin laughed, knowing truly how unlikely that was. In thoughtless habit a cig is perched between his lips, steadied by his fading amusement. There was work to be done after all.

Noon struck down like a thousand hot ironed arrows. The two replacement frames were in place, more debris had been gathered into the pile. Even breaks should be useful, he'd reasoned, using it as an excuse to stretch his legs. Callused hands rubbed the back of his burning neck while he paused, trying to decide which would be the better investment; boarding up the office, or starting on the stables. A few stray clouds, bitter gray, passed overhead to filter out the noon-day sun. Even in his shadowed relief, worry jolted him back to work. "Better finish it..." he spoke aloud to no one, hauling another stack of boards to the saw horse he'd fashioned. The fluid ease of the process he'd begin would be relaxing, even in the aftermath of the morning. A soft, wooden click can be heard as the first of many boards is lifted, a rough scratching as the charcoal line darkens the surface. Another clink as wood met wood, the board resting atop the horse, the rhythmic groaning of the tools while the saw worked through the wood. The nearly metallic chatter as the unneeded length dropped to the ground, the pre-measured board deposited into a separate pile. Hour after hour passed with this same song, drifting lazily around the clearing even as a few citizens made their way past, curious glances halting their steps once or twice. Their feet sweeping past to cast long, daunting shadows in the fading sunlight. He drew his arm across his forehead, the completed boards at his feet in large stacks, and looked helplessly at the setting sun. "Not a damn thing more I can do tonight..." he mumbled, casting his pack back onto his shoulder and heading home once more.

Su'd arrived on site shortly before the sun touched the sky. The chorus of crickets was still as fresh as the dew on the blades of grass he traveled through. The assassin had high hopes for how the day was to go, and the work to be done. He took strides, three steps in one, in anticipation for completion. Gods knew he didn't wish to be building the rest of his natural born days. Quietly, he sets his pack to the side, eyes bluer than the sky gazed around. No one was likely up at this hour, save hunters or perhaps mages who had forgotten their bedtime hours ago. No need for any loud noises just yet, soft construction would be his aim, at least until the sun had greeted the day properly. Instead, he took to gather more boards of wood to his saw horse and drafting another set of boards to be hammered into the next building. The office's frame loomed like an oak in this lack of light, looking powerful and strong, drunk on shadows and midnight's breath. The deep pulse of the saw against the wooden planks started to the morning for any Larket citizens nearby, not an unpleasant sound. Freshly cut wood was lowered, as opposed to being tossed to the ground, to keep from making unnecessary noise. Su smiled, how considerate of him Rawnie would...the saw slipped through the board as his fingers slipped off the handle, letting it drop through to strike his boots with it's less lethal side. Bouncing off harmlessly with a metallic clatter, no damage in it's wake, it was recovered. His hand lifted to his face, dotting his forehead. Make no mistake, he'd scolded himself, I have to be more careful. With a shake of his long, blonde tuffs, the saw is back in his hands and back to it's work. Each board hauls the sun a little higher over the horizon, the bright bursts of morning wrapping all in view in it's warmth and promise. If he progressed well today, it would only take one more to finish. The thought made him smile, as a small group of children, rushed along by a parent or perhaps school teacher, rushed past with small chatter and laughter. The world was waking.

Noon came around in a flurry of activity. Already the stable walls had been easily drafted, with more speed than the office walls. Each one came to be a little faster than the first, and he took pride in his growing skill with the construction. The only task left at hand was to board both structures up and his hand in the construction would be complete. He'd finished the rest ahead of schedule, imagining that he would have to work another day at least to complete the boarding process. Luckily, the boards lay cut to the side, perfectly prepared to being the next phase. With a hopeful sigh, he lifted a pile towards the looming skeleton. Hammer in hand, a small pouch of nails hanging by his side, he lined up the first nail with a glowing satisfaction and began the last stage.

Hammer fall after hammer fall, the process continued. Breaks in-between only to gather more nails or boards. The hilt on the hammer itself, worn from continuous use and intolerably impatient, snapped half way into the evening. Thankfully, there was one left, which was also collected during a break segment. There is no clearer hint that you need a break then your tools destroying themselves in rebellion. Su rubbed his forearm against his sweating forehead, the sun had nearly retired for the night, shooting out departing rays of golden yellow and glossy mauve. Surely, he reasoned once more, he could finish tonight. More boards lift into their permanent homes, stacking one atop the other to form the outside wall. The stables walls were the first completed, boards nailed so close, sunlight would only be granted entry through the roof, or perhaps the door he'd constructed. Weather would keep it's distance there. He struggled, as he worked, to keep him mind on the task at hand. As the job fell back into an easy rhythm; sometime timed by breathes and heartbeats, motions...his mind fell back to her. Memories replay in slow motions, the way her hair fell in the wind, as if swept back by the hand of the gods...

When Su snapped out of his reverie, the sun had vanished beyond remembrance, leaving a light speckled inky sky in it's place. A silver sliver of moon watched over his progress...or rather his completion of his project much to his surprise. He blinks, walking around the structures, searching for a visible error in vain. It wasn't unlikely that he'd missed a board or two, but for the time being everything looked in place. His stomach protested to his hard labor, not yet having the same luxury of wandering off to some distant place. Having to instead suffer his negligence in silence. With an almost pained nod, the assassin scooped up his belongings. What remained of his tools were placed alongside the finished office walls, his mind envisioning a whole new set for the next task. Likely a roof, he mused, stepping down from the platform that had for these three work days been his easel, his paint brush. He smiled a satisfied smile, the sort that a worker who has done his day's quota will smile, before dropping off at the nearest tavern for a warm meal...and a night's worth of well-earned rest.

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