NPC:Lady Jemia

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This page describes an NPC character that is a part of Vailkrin . You may use it in your RP freely. If you have any questions about the character, please ask Callamyre .

Name: Lady Jemia Hawthorne of Roosevelt Park

Race: Presumably a tricolor cat

Age: If pressed on the matter, Callamyre would indicate that Lady Jemia is, 'perhaps adult aged' and promptly change the subject

Size: Roughly the size of a medium-sized domestic housecat, although on at least one occasion, she took the form of a large catlike beast of similar design

Fur: Long, painstakingly manicured fur in a patchwork of tortoiseshell and white

Eyes: She bears a pair of luminescent golden eyes that are remarkably sapient and calculating

Home: Lady Jemia takes up rent-free residence in the townhome and offices of Doctor Callamyre na Trough in the western part of Vailkrin

Personality: "Quite too much of it, I daresay."

Abilities: It is not understood the extent of Lady Jemia's proficiencies, but she has a penchant for hunting, and appears able to 'blink' into and out of nearby spaces. Callamyre believes this latter skill is done through manipulation of light beams and is researching the cat for this reason.