Manticore (Item)

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This page describes an non-custom item available within Hollow. To see more items, go to Category:Items.

Manticore - Pet
Bonus: +14
Sold at: Underground Horror Show
Cost: 87,950879,500 sp <br />8,795,000 cp <br /> gp, 3,500350 gp <br />35,000 cp <br /> sp, 2002 gp <br />20 sp <br /> cp


The manticore is a terrifying amalgam of lion’s body, dragon’s wings, a humanoid face and the tail of a gigantic scorpion. It has a low degree of sentience and can be taught to speak simple sentences in the common tongue.


Aside from its terrible claws and triple rows of fangs, superb agility and the ability to launch attacks from the air, the manticore can also shoot venomous, needle-like stingers from the tip of its tail.


The manticore has an instinctive and visceral terror of elephants and elephant-like creatures such as mammoths and olyphants, and will balk and run at the mere sight of one.