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Hellfire - (Weapon)
Creator: Griff Morivan
Last Known Owner: Lionel

Hellfire was a straight, double-edged sword with a single-handed cruciform hilt and a significant blade length of 84 centimeters. With the Ishaarite fire spirit Halycanos imbued into the blade in the forging, its wielder could summon flames upon the steel and turn the tide of battle definitively.


Hellfire was one of two swords forged nearly 15 years ago by the late blacksmith and alchemist Griff Morivan when he convinced a young Lionel O'Connor to grant him access to a peculiar pair of magical stones. Unbeknownst to the boy and his eccentric new avian friend, the stones contained two of the last living members of an ancient ethereal race from the fallen elven realm Ishaara. Over the course of the next several years, Hellfire grew in fame as Lionel slew vengeful demons, megalomaniac warlocks, Dark Immortals and more. Although the sword became synonymous with heroism and hope in many circles, other societies, such as Vailkrin, looked upon it scornfully as the blade responsible for full-scale destruction of the original City of the Dead. Lionelsacrificed Hellfire (and the fire spirit Halycanos within) in order to decisively destroy the warlord Kahran. Without the fabled weapon, the Catalian is now a far lesser swordsman.

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