Ginger Snapped Bakery And Sweetshop

From HollowWiki


Original Room Description

A great gingerbread house now stands where Mrs. Mallard’s was once located, with all the trimmings on the outside, from snow-like icing to a gumdrop chimney and stained glass windows made to look like thin sheets of rock candy, as well as a peppermint-striped door. On the inside, a magnificently painted mural depicting various fairy tales, the most prominent ones being those in a sort of wonderland and another featuring the very gingerbread house the bakery is sitting in! In typical artist flourish, both Khitti and Meri have given their work their signatures near the doorframe for all to see.

Several large glass cases are set up, stretching along the back wall of the shop, as well as the left and right sides, with nearly every type of cakes, pies, and cookies on display. One case in particular is dedicated to things like truffles and other sorts of chocolates, and hard candies. Behind the counters on the wall is a pricing list for all edibles and drinks that might be purchased there, whether in singles or bulk. Pricing for catering and wedding cakes are on a case by case basis and those wishing for this type of service must inquire with Khitti herself. Much like the shop before it, this one also boasts a sizeable dining area for those that don’t prefer to take their sweets on the go.


Recall Cenril, then 2 south.

Also Owned By Khitti

The Goth Garden. It is 1 west of the Bakery. Anyone is allowed to walk and sit amongst the garden, but it comes with a warning that most, if not all, of the plants in the garden are poisonous, so care must be taken while there.

Current Employees

  • Khitti -- Owner and head baker. She likes food. Especially carrot cake. A lot.
  • Victoria (NPC) -- Head waitress and hostess of the restaurant portion of the bakery. She acts like a bit of a queen (that is to say that she can be a bit bratty) and Albert's become her companion and sweetheart.
  • Albert (NPC) -- Head of cake decorating and sugar sculpting. He's a sensitive guy that takes pride in his work and has been known to leave hearts and birds crafted from sugar or chocolate modeling clay in places that Victoria might find them.
  • Atakan (NPC) -- A hairless Sphinx feline of the Isran Collective. Has a lovely branch of cherry blossoms tattooed on his body, running from the side of his neck down his arm. Specializes in sourdough bread. Used to work the docks with his cousin while improving his baking on his own time. Enjoys branching out with different grain and flour combinations.
  • Nirali (NPC) -- Atakan's cousin. Has a talent for savory baked goods like quiche, bagels, and meat pasties. She enjoys listening to the customers and gathering feedback for anything that could help expand on what the shop has to offer. One of her most popular recommendations to people who stop in for breakfast: a roasted sesame bagel with cream cheese, herbs, and fresh arugula.

Minor Note: Please be aware that Atakan and Nirali belongs to Zahrani and it's up to them whether or not you're able to use them, so please ask! The Victoria and Albert NPCs, on the other hand, are able to be used by anyone.

Employment Opportunies

Various other employees come and go, their jobs just as diverse. Some only need their job for a few weeks just to make ends meet, others stay for months. Whatever the reason, and with business boom at the bakery itself and with catering, Khitti's not one to turn down a helping hand. Flyers can be found in most taverns or marketplaces, directing those seeking employment to find Khitti. No resumes are needed, because as a famous fermin once said "Anyone can cook."


Those listed below are absolutely, positively not allowed within the establishment until such time as they leave this world via death--and by that I mean TRUE DEATH aka never coming back ever--or Khitti somehow manages to change her mind about it.

Out Of Character

This tile is able to be used by anyone, so long as it's respected. This means none of the tavern-destroying ways of the early '00's please. :P If anyone's interested in having a job ICly, then get a hold of me!