Clothes-Wearing Capuchin Monkey

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clothes-wearing capuchin monkey: - (pet)
Creator: Quinmyutiotu
Last Known Owner: Currently in the care of Svilfon

A monkey like any other, except this one wears rather stylish clothes, and a tiny little top hat, and occasionally a monocle while smoking his pipe. Every now and then the wizard will be seen wandering Xalious Village with the monkey on his hat, chattering away to it.


Once seen often with Quinmyutiotu, the monkey now spends its time around Xalious, with the wizard when it can, but often by itself. Some of the villagers think it is a mage who cast a spell crooked, turning himself into a monkey, but so far no one in the Guild has either confirmed or denied this story. As such, a lot of the locals feed it fruit when they see it... which Svil doesn't mind. Fat monkeys are the best type, after all!

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