Bismuth Crystal Skull

From HollowWiki
Lore Item
This item is important to Hollow's lore and history. It is held icly by Valrae . As as lore item, the terms of ownership for this item are different than from a custom item made for a particular player.

Bismuth Crystal Skull- (Weapon-Magic/Melee)

Creator: Unknown {ooc lore by Valrae}

Last Known Owner: Callum

Description: A hardstone carving of bismuth shaped as a finely detailed human skull.

Magical Power: Improves alchemical products (ie: potions, elixirs) and spells, aids in herbal magic and gardening to the point of druidic powers after extended use. Side effects include hallucinations, delusions, near catatonic states, disorganized speaking or thinking, fixation on a sole task or object, near total social withdrawal, lack of motivation to carry out daily tasks.

History: One of six powerful artifacts of witch legend. Used in the ritual that resurrected Valrae Baines-Older. This skull, like the emerald one owned by Valrae, hailed from Catal, much like it's current owner. The original bismuth skull was confiscated by alchemists, its witch owner captured and tortured. The skull itself was broken down and altered by alchemy, changing it from its usual brownish-silver appearance to the iridescent rainbow of colors it now has today. With this alteration, some of its properties have also been altered, a dash or two of evil added into its makeup during its rebirth.