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Vareth Faerlyn the Necromantic Pupil

Necromancy - The Great Work |Enlightenment

Role-Play Involvement

RP:A Rain Of Ravens


In the heart of the sprawling subterranean labyrinth that is the Underdark, beneath the surface where daylight dares not penetrate, a tale of shadows and sorcery unfolds in the city of Trist’oth. This is the story of Vareth Faerlyn, a drow male who, from the shadows of his tumultuous past, emerges as a burgeoning necromancer destined to wield power that would shake the very foundations of life itself.

Vareth's tale begins within the confining walls of House Faerlyn, a prestigious drow house renowned for its mastery of arcane arts and ruthless political prowess. Born amidst the whispers of treachery and the deceptive dance of drow society, Vareth bore the burden of a legacy steeped in shadow. His early years were a delicate balancing act between the expectations of his house and the burgeoning darkness that flickered within his soul.

As a youth, Vareth displayed an uncanny connection to the macabre. His fascination with death and the secrets of the afterlife set him apart from his peers, drawing the attention of the Arcania. Recognizing his potential, his family began to groom him in the arcane arts, steering his studies towards the forbidden realm of necromancy.

However, the journey to unlock Vareth's true potential was fraught with peril. House Faerlyn's inner machinations were as treacherous as the caverns that housed them. Rivalry and betrayal were constant companions, and Vareth found himself ensnared in the webs of intrigue that defined drow society. His growing affinity for necromancy only fueled the suspicions of those who viewed him with a mixture of awe and fear.

The turning point in Vareth's life came during a clandestine expedition into the deepest reaches of the Underdark. There, beneath the weight of obsidian mountains and the echoes of forgotten civilizations, he stumbled upon an ancient tomb that resonated with an otherworldly power. Within its depths, he uncovered a long-forgotten necromantic grimoire of one of the Order of the Shade, its pages filled with eldritch knowledge that sent shivers down his spine.

As Vareth delved into the forbidden lore, he felt the tendrils of dark energy course through him, awakening a latent power that had slumbered within his veins. Shadows clung to him like loyal companions, his brilliant red eyes bleeding to a shining onyx black. The whispers of the deceased echoed in his ears, guiding him in the unholy dance of necromancy.

Shortly after Vareth acquired his tome, Alithyk Caluss attacked and destroyed the status quo of Drow society. Many of Vareth’s former peers and even masters were caught up in this, becoming the undead that made up Caluss’s army. Vareth had never done more than pay lip service to Vakmatharas. He believed the God to be a hypocritical one, using undead as their tools and yet also declaring the primacy of life over death. Vareth knew a truth, one he would never utter aloud. Death was as much his enemy as the living. Necromancy, his Art, must serve as a Great Work to bring undeath to replace the sick facade of the game of life.

Now, with his newfound powers and his grimoire, Vareth stands at the threshold of his destiny. The shadows that once haunted him have become his allies, and the necromantic energies at his command are a testament to the untapped potential that lies within the depths of the Underdark. As Vareth emerges from the cocoon of his past, he sets forth to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities and navigate the treacherous path that lies ahead—a drow necromancer whose journey has just begun, his power a harbinger of the shadows yet to come.

Personal Information

Name: Vareth Faerlyn

Title(s): Necromantic Pupil, Adept of the Black Book

Age: 99

Gender: Male (he/him)

Race: Drow

Height / Weight: 5'6" / 102 lbs

Body Type: Emaciated

Hair Color: Stark White

Hair Type: Extremely long and straight

Eye Color: Shiny obsidian black throughout the entire eye

Class: Necromancer

Specialties: Animation, Spirit Summoning

Guild(s): Necromancer's Guild

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Diety: None

Origin: Trist'oth

Primary Motivator: Power

Secondary Motivator: Ascension

Impulsiveness: Controlled

Emotional Disposition: Apathetic (outward), Contemptuous (inward)

Boldness: Cautious

Moodiness: Phlegmatic

Agreeableness: Agreeable

Outlook: Pessimistic

Interactivity: Engaging

Integrity: Unscrupulous

Conformity: Heterodox

Sense of Humor: Mean spirited

Favorite Topics of Conversation: Necromancy, Magical Theory, Politics