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  • Maiden name: Liana Eladrelle
  • Height: 5 ft 1
  • Weight: 104 lbs
  • Age: 422

Description: Lithe and slender, yet with an agile grace, Liana will not hesitate to look any stranger in the eye upon meeting them. The slight female is confident in her abilities, evidenced by the piercing blue-grey gaze which studies intently any and all it rests upon. Liana is of full elven blood and, due to heritage and being raised in a traditional enclave, she often appears aloof with strangers. Rarely does any expression shred the customary mask of unrevealing serenity which rests upon classic elven features. Those gifted with any expression are fortunate, for Liana does not display emotion readily, feeling it undignified to do so with those she does not know.

Dignity means much to this female. Thanks to the traditional upbringing, she has excellent manners, and rarely are these forgotten when greeting other folk. In return, Liana expects a similar display of politeness, and is often very put out when it is not in evidence, for she considers lack of manners an almost unforgivable lapse in social etiquette. Inherent is her racial hatred of the Drow, whom are referred to as the Condemned when she speaks of them. Yet, even they are not shown open rudeness, for that would compromise dignity. Liana usually contents herself with a pointed look of disgust, and a quick absenting of herself from the current location.

Vampires too lack many desirable qualities in the eyes of Liana, mainly because they were the engendering of the long ago war between the two races. Whilst she dislikes them intensely on principle and will avoid them wherever possible, she has been known to befriend the very rare few. These friendships however, will never be as close as those forged between elves, or any other race for that matter.

Liana believes herself to be above most other races, yet neither intent nor action ever betray this. The high born attitude most likely came from the traditional elven upbringing, yet she sees it as somewhat of a failure in herself. For this reason, she seeks to rectify it by befriending those such as humans. She has little use for orcs, and loathes goblins. In fact, the only race considered equal are the dragons.

Trades: Liana is a healer who uses both magic and herbs to affect the body. However, knowing that vital magic uses the body’s energy reserves, she is much more in favour of herbology as a viable approach, and will use it in every instance except where life is threatened and swift healing is necessary. In this work, she has boundless compassion and will tend any and all unless they have caused harm to her or her loved ones, giving her reason to show little mercy. Much to her own self disgust, she once even tended a Drow, showing just how far compassion for the injured ranges.

Liana is also a gem cutter and jeweller, who will make jewellery pieces upon request. (Please feel free to take that information icly, as it’s well known that she makes jewellery. I will do customs, and/or pieces which already exist.) Her skill in such matters is well renowned.

Magic: Traditionally, elven children are taught a little of each magic whilst still young, so that they can make an informed decision as to their speciality. Her strongest element is air, which she manipulates with ease, closely followed by water thanks to Misha’s tuition. She loathes fire due to the fact that she fears it. This, she will admit to no one. She is a druid by speciality, and is advanced in the application of this branch of magic.

Liana is a pacifist, and will not fight unless her life is in direct peril. Despite this, she will use defensive magics such as shielding to quell any imminent attack. If these prove too weak to contain the threat, she will flee before fighting.

Thanks to the teachings of her brother, she is a competent archer, although uses the bow only in her hunting for food for her table.


Few except close friends know Liana’s history, merely because she does not choose to divulge it for the entertainment of others. She considers it none of their business. Her upbringing was not violent, or marred by any of the usual tragedies of losing parents, family, homes and loved ones. To find out more, one would need to get close to her.

Family: Liana married Nasurate Lucindio. Due to his untimely death not once but twice, the druid considers herself no longer wed. It pains her, and she maintains the family connections gained by her marriage.

She also cares for the elven orphan child, Aodhan, whom Nasurate rescued from his destroyed enclave.

She has one brother, Lahrian, and her mother and father, all of whom reside still in her enclave and rarely venture forth from it. Skylei, being Nasurate’s daughter, will perhaps in time come to be considered as Liana’s offspring, but currently, the two are close, Liana adopting a motherly approach to the half elf youth.

Friends and affiliations: Misha is Liana’s closest friend in all of Hollow, and there is no other in whom she confides so closely. She has many acquaintances, yet few who are lucky enough to call her friend. Those who are gifted with this title know their own names.

Liana performed a service for Mahri’s lycan pack, and, as a result, has been granted leave to roam the forests of Vailkrin and the pack’s territory unharmed. She will also heal for them, if asked to do so and is regarded as coming as close to a pack member as any non-wolf can.

She refuses to join any clan, believing that it would compromise her impartiality as a healer to do so.

Current RP happenings:

Impromptue leader of the elven council concerned with the rebuilding of an elven settlement in the southern Sage forest. Member of the Elemental council and tutor of the air element. Has struck a pact with Fuan for experimentation and testing. Has recently shielded the pool in the Serene Glade because of worries over preserving uncontaminated drinking water. She fears the meteors will contaminate all of Hollow's water supply. Has, for the second time, lost her husband to death. Has recently befriended the vampire Rikailin. This relationship is an interesting one, riddled with commedy, sticky situations and lots and lots of ruined silk! Liana will heal for Rikailin when asked, and she is one of the few to possess a trigger item to enter the shielded home of the druid. Has risen to the rank of Archdruid and leader of Sage. Gave birth to a daughter who will no doubt be sent to her home enclave for safety during the upcoming war. Is attempting to band together the people of Sage in an effort to prevent the Preklek from invading at will.