Talk:RP:Disruption in Rynvale

From HollowWiki

It seems to me incredibly unlikely that -every single person - in the Inn except for Simon would immediately run out on hearing there had been a breakout from the prison. Some would not care, certainly not care enough to leave their drinks and run off. It seems more likely to me that some people would have stayed to overhear Ordoxes instructions to his puppet Simon, and therefore be able to warn many people about the drinks being adulterated. This will limit the numbers affected by Ordoxes mischief. - What do you think Ordox? Other people?

  • shrugs* Maybe? I dunno. I'm just going with what the posts said. It said there were no people there. Think about it if you were there. If you were in a bar that was right down the street from a prison and you heard that there was a massive jail break and all the guards ran out to try to fight it, would you remain in the bar or run for your house to make sure your family was safe?