Swamp Wyrm

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It contains important info about this race. Admin approval is required, those seeking to write a character of this race must first submit an application.

Race Rules
Official Races Unofficial Races

Homeland: Any swampy/jungle region that has large, deep bodies of water.

Life Expectancy: Like other dragons, they live for thousands of years.

Combat Style: Melee

Combat Rating: Very Strong

Magic Style: Varies if any at all.

Magic Rating: Moderate

Strong Against: Physical Attack, Dark Magic, Fire

Weak Against: Cold/Ice Magic/attack

Allied Races: Unknown

Preferred Alignment: Any Chaotic but generally not good.

Intelligence: Very High

Aggressiveness: Very High


Swamp Wyrms are well adapted to swamp/jungle survival. A wingless species of dragon, swamp dragons are similar to Sand Wyrms in that they are bound to the ground. However these dragons have four limbs like most other dragon species. Unlike the Sand Wyrm, these dragons do not burrow, and do in fact look completely different. Do not let the "Wyrm" title mislead you. These dragons look nothing like Sand Wyrms. They tend to be smaller than other dragons, generally reaching no longer than twenty five feet in length, preferring speed, and stealth over pure brawn, and size. This smaller size serves them well in swampy regions where the trees are thick. Like other dragons, Swamp Wyrms can stand on two legs or crawl on all four limbs. Their clawed hands/feet are their favorite weapons but they also use a bite attack. This species of dragon does not have a breath attack and relies on magic or physical prowess during battle. They also have a venomous bite that will paralyze and eventually kill the victim. Some races who are immune to venom/toxins could shrug it off. It largely depends. Their bodies are lithe but strong, though not even close to the strength of larger dragons, and they have strong dexterity, and reflexes. Their tongues tend to flick in, and out, since they can use their tongues to detect odors, as well as their nose, much like a snake, or other reptile. They are generally dark green in color but this may vary a bit. They do indeed tend to resemble large lizards since they do not have wings and are many times mistaken for such. Swamp Wyrms can shapeshift like any other dragon.


Swamp Wyrms are generally solitary, preferring to hide away from society, meeting with others of their kind only to mate. Though they are expert swimmers, they stay away from the oceans generally, as the blue dragons are not fond of them. Their territories do sometimes overlap where swamps meet oceans however. Swamp dragons eat most anything smaller than them, including humans, and are normally chaotic in alignment, though they are rarely good of any kind, tending to be chaotic evil, but a few may be chaotic neutral. They are cold, calculating, and rarely feel remorse for anything that they do. Swamp Wyrms do not feel inferior to other dragons, even despite their much smaller size, and take pride in their subtle natures. Some Swamp Wyrms may attempt to infiltrate non-dragon societies, utilizing their shapeshifting abilities, in order to obtain certain amounts of political power should it suit them. Such dragons may lean towards a more lawful evil alignment in those cases. But most Swamp Wyrms will use such power to cause nothing but agony towards their subjects, if they succeed in their endeavors, and the more goodly aligned individuals will quest to overthrow the dragon, and slay it.


if a Swamp Wyrm decides to use magic at all, they will tend towards Hydromancy, or some kind of dark magic, however the more neutral inclined Swamp Wyrms may become druids.

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