Son of a Bard

From HollowWiki

The first song written by Gilemdar upon arriving in Lithrydel

Twas a night full of merriment, drinks and laughter.
The tavern was crowded, men and women gathered.
Eyes watched from everywhere, even up in the rafters.
A Bard performed, laying it on thick and slathered.
While from simple roots he may have risen,
A noble woman, her heart he had imprisoned.
His timbre was gentle, his hand light,
She, the Princess, didn't want to fight.
When the stories had ended and his songs were no more,
Ran off he did, his child she bore.
The son of this Bard, the Princess tried to furl,
But lo' his father's son was he,
Running and playing, ignoring finger curl.
Soon he left, drawn to the sea.
A bastard prince with a smile on his lips,
Explored new lands, recited new scripts.
And now he stands before you...
Bidding you adieu.