Skeleton of Wraithen Ice

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Skeleton of Wraithen Ice - (Pet)
Creator: Satoshi
Last Known Owner: Satoshi

Encased within the inky black confines of Wraithen Ice and animated by the corrupted element and Satoshi's twisted sense of humor, is a skeleton. This collection of bones--originally a half elf and presently an avian--serve as the core of the Wraithen Ice. This ice, being unspeakably foul in nature, only comes to life in this form if the owner of the bones has suffered excruciating physical and mental pain prior to having their skeleton torn out while alive, a cruel method of conjuration that Satoshi reserves for her darkest moods, far from prying eyes. Due to the nature of Wraith-borne ice, the skeleton is highly durable and has a tendency to begin tainting water sources it lingers near for too long. Nicknamed, with all due black humor, "Boz-kins".


Originally conjured while preparing the blood sacrifice needed to revive Isen. The skeleton was dismantled during an influx of magic-cancelling energy, but was rebuilt by Satoshi once more with the body of another tortured soul. At present, the bones encased in the black ice are that of an unknown avian--including its wings, however useless they may be. Typically, this dark creature only accompanies Satoshi while in Vailkrin or Trist'oth, lands where such unholy specimens are not viewed as unusual or improper.

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