RP: Red's Retreat

From HollowWiki

Part of the Welcome To The End of Eras Arc

Summary:After a long absence, Khitti imposes herself on Kasyr, in order to tender her resignation in an adequately incendiary fashion. If there was a Valrae-guilting-related Bingo card, This would almost be a win. There's not, though, right?

Vailkrin Council Room

As the highest point of the castle, this room has the best view of Vailkrin one can achieve without taking flight. With that in mind, the room's walls are panes of stained glass. Through some magical means, the glass doesn't discolor the view for individuals within the room, but it doesn't allow for those that manage to fly up to the windows from the outside to peer in. Similar to the chandelier in the great hall, lanterns float high overhead near the ceiling, their light produced by glowing stones encased within. As is common with many rooms for planning and strategy, the largest and primary table is the focal point of the council room, and a map of Vailkrin with lands beyond it is burned into the surface rather than carved. The markings on the round table are a bit crude, but they're kept up to date by swapping the rounded panel the map is burned into out for a fresh map as needed. In the interest of maintaining clear lines of sight from every wall of windows, the large table doubles as a bookshelf., with the entire stone base of the table doubling as shelving for so many books and paperwork that what don't fit in the shelves are piled neatly either on the table or underneath it. Smaller tables are set at the four cardinal directions, but all seats are pulled to the main table for meetings. Here the sound of music within the castle is clearest, as if the sounds of the City of Undead have traveled and transformed into melodies that can only be heard within the room.

Khitti || The rather angry-sounding footsteps echoed through the halls of the Vailkrin castle. They'd soon come to a halt and the door to the room Kasyr Azakhaer had placed himself in was forced open. "Are you insane? You must be, for making a decision like that." Khitti didn't have to elaborate on what she meant. The vampire would damn well know at this point. Another, slightly taller redhead stepped into view behind Khitti, his arms moving to cross over his chest. "We quit," Khitt's illusion form said. "Find yourself another human to manipulate into being leader of the human district. And any agreements that had been made between us regarding the Necromancer's Guild are now revoked. And you can also find yourself a new keeper of secrets for your little war crimes in the Warrior's Guild." Khitti would just stare at Kasyr as Khitt spoke, the look on her face one of disgust. She pondered leaving now that things had been said--by them anyway; she didn't give a damn what Kasyr might say--and heading to the Black Spire to pull the whole thing down. She'd make sure to evacuate the place of course. Its not like she didn't have that mansion in Frostmaw being built. It was done enough at this point that it could house their guild members. Yes, that sounded like a fine idea. Khitt peered down at the other witch in front of him, fully aware of her thoughts, a slight smirk forming.

Kasyr supposed this particular meeting was overdue. That said, even that awareness couldn't prepare him for the sheer heated vitriol or haste in which this particular meeting went over a cliff. As the pair (neat trick) continue to rattle off their grievances, the Kensai isn't even really provided much room to do anything but listen - his normal exhausted malaise started to give way. He could trace it, really- a nasty little thread of rage, burning like a piece of iron being worked at by a smith - each subtle jab, each fresh accusation another strike of the hammer. He isn't even wholly aware of the moment he stood, nor of how much his expression had darkened. In fact, as the pair's countenance shifts towards smug and self-satisfied- the swordsman can only wonder how long they'd spent mulling over this particular line of thought. To make their little plan, and announcement, instead of talking to him even once. "There was no allegiance." There's no indignation in his voice, buried instead beneath the surface- grappling with something far worse. " Inks' little letters to the world, however- made it a concrete truth, as far as anyone else was concerned." He's struggling so hard to get the words out- not because of any instability, but because of a brief unpleasant thought. The vicious contemplation of what she'd taste like if she was torn in two. His fingers grind into the table, to keep himself in place, and to drag himself back to reality and away from that soul-deep hunger. To chase her off, then. That part was easy. "You -should- leave. The necropolis hasn't been safe for a while. Et given their recent shift towards murder being a natural right-" He waves it off, just as he tries to wave the other, more intrusive, thoughts away. How did one solve it? Every avenue was slowly closing off, bit by bit- just as every hollow facade of friendship, or even acquaintanceship, dried up within moments. "Maybe you can find a job at Rynvale. They sent a representative to suggest Genocide. I'm sure you'd feel right at home." That, at least, helped. Perhaps not at large, but that singular jab provided some form of outlet, that shifted from odious introspection to something more grounded in the present.

Khitti sneered at Kasyr, though Khitt’s own face seemed devoid of any emotion. It was the same look he got when he wanted to punch something really, really hard. Khitti took a few steps forward, her attention still fixed on the revenant. “Genocide? Oh no no no, Kasyr. That’s -your- M.O. You were the one that helped turn an entire section of the Nameless Desert into -glass-, after all. It was -your- idea even. We weren’t a part of that. Nor were we a part of that Razurathian genocide a few years ago either. -We- don’t do that. -Our people- are the ones that have been genocided. My entire village set aflame and its citizens turned to undead.” Despite the fact that she was utterly seething, she somehow managed to keep a calm demeanor, though her expression now matched Khitt’s cool fury. “-We don’t do that-,” she said, her voice almost a whisper as she tried desperately not to allow her rage to turn to tears as it often did and begged her to do so now. She turned around and headed back towards the door, stopping just in front of Khitt’s illusion form. “Valrae is missing. Did you even know? Do you even care? Or were you too busy kissing Macon’s ass for some rocks to even notice the fact that she didn’t make it to your little world leader’s summit? And how that’s entirely out of character for her?” The tears came now finally and it only pissed Khitti off more. The fact that this one decision Kasyr had made hurt her this much, and the fact that she couldn’t hide it long enough for her to even leave the building after this interaction. “When the masses finally come for you, -King- Azakhaer, I’ll be sure to have your headstone made of the finest Larketian marble that money can buy.” And with that, the pair of redheads headed elsewhere.