RP: A trip to the Seref

From HollowWiki

This is a Necromancer's Guild RP.

'''Synopsis''' Joan sets about completing the task of capturing a soul into a prepared gemstone for the guild as one of her many missions to make rank, along the way she meets a pretty little neko that goes by the name of Daisy.

Strange Shipwreck

Daisy has been walking and walking and skipping a little and walking and finally! Finally, there is the wreck of a ship just there in front of her! She was about to give up on drunken sailor tales of lost things left behind, but maybe there was some truth to tipsy tips of telling. Hop over this. Duck under that. How long has this thing even been here? Cenril is messy. Who is in charge of this place anyway. Clean up your beaches already! Rude to just force people to look at these shambles. Now now, kitten. If someone cleaned these boards up then you wouldn't have your prize, right? Right? The feline's head nods as she peeks under another board.

Joan :: After leaving Kasyr last night the vampiric healer Joan had made her way back to the Black Spire, the necromancers guild main headquarters, once she made her way inside the undead woman would make a beeline to one of the classrooms on the lower level. This classroom seem to be dedicated to making soul gems. Having cast about the many benches and offered stones the vampiric healer would pick one out and take it over to another table, this one held the tools need to etch in sigils on the person's chosen stone. Joan would take up one of the nearest tools and quickly but carefully etch in the needed sigils and runes, for this she would need to capture and imprison a soul or at least a spirit so her gemstone was at least plum-sized. Leaning over the table she'd check her etching and blow off the shavings before pocketing the gemstone before heading out towards Cenril. Out there she recently stumbled upon the shipwreck of the old ferry The Seref. She had felt a small handful of lingering spirits when she drew near and figured she could try there for this research task she needed to complete for the guild. As she made her way into the city proper and then made her way from cobbled streets to the sandy beachfront the undead woman went over what she had researched and glean on her own, her footfalls light as she never really liked getting sand in her shoes the woman would make quick time as she finally came upon the wreck, she'd pause nearby and look it over making note of this damage or that before she spied what seem like a neko swarming about and round the ship wreck. This made the vampiric healer arch a brow upwards as she moved to approach. Calling out in a friendly manner in a loud tone to be heard over the ocean waves Joan would say "Oh hello there! Did you come to explore this old wreck also? Would you mind if I join you?" She ask waiting to see if the neko heard and would invite her to come to explore also.

Daisy pokes a bit at some interesting sand that ends up being just sand. Her one ear twists around to that direction the voice comes from. A voice? A greeting? Is it friendly? Yes. Yes, it is friendly. The tone is right there in the words that are sounds just a little louder than the ocean. Don't worry, pretty vampire. Kittens have very good hearing and this one isn't stingy about buried treasure. The rest of her head turns to meet that ear's direction. Oooooh. Help is here! Yelling isn't her favorite thing, so the kitten hops down from her plank and bounces over to the Joan. "There are treasures." She looks over her shoulder back at the downwiththeship captain. "And probably voices."

Joan blinks voided light violet orbs as she gives the neko a good up-and-down look over, Joan would offer a slight smile as a stray band of sun beams down on Joan's phoenix-fire insignia pendant she wore around her neck on a pure silver necklace, it was the sign she was with the healer's guild, most folks would recognize it on sight, well Joan always did count on it to symbolize she was a rather nice and kind vampire that could be trusted. Anyways the amethyst-haired undead would wander in close to the friendly seeming neko and offer out one icy pale hand, don't worry she wore gloves so her handshake wouldn't be too chilly. "Mm, I gather there might be treasures, tho this shipwreck is quite old, it might just be picked clean. But I can help you look and search. I'm here on task for my guild, so the probably of voices is very interesting to me. I'm Joan by the way." Should the neko take and shake Joan's partly gloved hand would offer a polite one-two shake and squeeze before letting go, she'd gesture towards the shipwreck, "Lead on."

Daisy takes in the orbs and smiles and beams of sun and ooooh pretty pendant! Is it valuable? Maybe. Oi! Never mind the shinies belonging to vampires, girl. Those aren't for you to be having for yourself when polite ladies are offering to help with the voices and treasures. She absolutely shakes the gloved hand with her own furry little paw that wouldn't feel any kind of chill since fur is a better glove than gloves anyway. Pleasantries are handled now, kitten. It is time for the treasure hunting! "M'Daisy." She turns back to the shipwreck to balance along a beam in a more wobblily manner than one would think a kitten should have. Feline, yes. Agile, ha!

Joan had figured the neko would have excellent balance, so she didn't pay much mind to the suppose wobbling steps, unless the neko was completely one of those that tangled up on their own very two feet! The vampire woman would follow right after, her prepared soul gemstone held in one gloved palm as she searched about for the spiritual energy signals and telltale icy cold spots as they explored what was left of the deck of the ship. The necromancer paused now and then as she came upon a few weak spiritual energy signals, making a quick judgment call to explore further as she now points out the bits of copper and silver coins seen in hidden areas. "Ooh, there...and there, like I said not much but this is just the top deck after all." She commented as she paused now in mid-stride as she felt a somewhat stronger spiritual vibe, this would do for her task she supposed, and she'd ready the soul gemstone in her hand.

Daisy has absolutely zero experience in feeling spiritual energy vibes. Maybe other cats can sense ghosts, but not this one. She has all the experience in shinies, though! Each time one is pointed out, she pounces on the spot to pick up the coins. Not a lot of them are around. Pocket change, really. Maybe she'll get them a nice tart or some chicken. She looks over at Joan and the sharp little teeth that are exposed from time to time. Probably a bottle of something else then. Right. What were we doing? Treasures! This ship is boring and- shh. Daisy swats at the air just there over her shoulder before moving closer to the gem-reading Joan. "What's that for?"

Joan gave the neko a distracted look, the soul gemstone cup in her palm as she lifts up and out her free hand towards the cold spotted area, her icy pale lips moving as she speaks out a few words of incantation, the gemstone began to glow from the inside out, a pretty clear prism shine as Joan's fingertips trace over the etched runes to add power to the soul gemstone trap. "Spirit come forth, take refuge in this humble little gemstone. You will not be harmed and are welcome to share what you feel you need to finish your final business here on this mortal plane. Come forth and I will help you then after a certain amount of time I will release you to the final good death." The vampire healer was now more fully her necromancer self, pouring a strong amount of her dark magic into that stone to act as an enclosing snare about the now visible soul orb, it seems to hear the words said aloud and traveled close enough to begin to investigate freely, only to be ensnared by Joan's dark magical energy net. It seems to snap close about the soul orb and begins to draw it in towards the glowing gemstone, the orb now trying to fight, but since it was a rather low-level soul orb it was easily absorbed into the gemstone. Joan would clasp her gloved hand around the now captured soul and offer a full-on fanged flashed smile to the neko. "It's to hold and transfer souls about."

Daisy asks her questions and boy does she get them! The kitten isn't without her own magic and abilities, but today is not for you, girl. No, it is for souls and gems and vampy necroladies to do their business. Watching with interest, the druid keeps her distance, so nothing is disturbed. Especially when leathery tails decide it is time to come out to take a peek at things. Twin paws wrap themselves around said tail to keep it from performing a stabbery. "Are they tasty?" Maybe Joan eats them. You don't know her life.

Joan blinks as she pockets the now full soul gemstone once the prism color glow fades back into the stone, it had a warm feel to it from the soul that was stored/trapped inside. "To be honest...I wouldn't know this is my first attempt at this type of dark art. It was just a mission I needed to complete to see if I could do it on my own first off. Whatever my guild leader wishes to do with it after I present it is totally up to them." She'd take time to point out a few more shiny bits of coins she sees on the top deck before asking the neko if she'd like a snack and perhaps a spot of hot tea or cocoa should the neko feel that she had enough exploring.  

Daisy has never tasted a soul before. She leans closer and closer to that gem, heeeeey! In the pocket it goes, bringing out a huff from the little kitten. But Joans are good at throwing out distractions and soon the feline is pouncing the shinies as they are pointed out until there are no more shinies to be had. Did she find her lost treasure? No. Did she find out what a soul tastes like? Not yet. A little grin slips over her face. "Tea is nice." And they should do that over there in the beach grass. Hard work does deserve nourishment, after all.