RP:Where Wolf?

From HollowWiki

This is a Devout's Guild RP.

Summary: Khitti and Meri send word to Aira to meet at the Paladin's Guild headquarters. There, Aira finds out that Meri's been bitten (and subsequently turned into a werewolf) and the wolf Khitti's been hunting is the one that bit her.

Sanctum of the Divine, Kelay

Not long ago, two letters had been sent to Aira: one to give an update on the wolf situation and the second to ask her to meet with Meri and Khitti in Kelay. Directions were given to the vixen, which would lead her straight to the Paladin Guild’s headquarters, the Sanctum of the Divine. It hadn’t exactly been the place that Khitti wanted to meet up, but she didn’t want Aira to have to go all the way to Cenril, nor was she sure if Meri wanted more people to know where her and Callum lived. In addition to this, Meri just so happened to have herself an injury, compliments of the Hero of Hellfire himself. With Meri’s newfound wolfiness, Khitti was unsure just yet what sort of effect holy magic might have on a werewolf. Was it the same as with any of the undead? In some cultures, werewolves were considered evil, much like magic users were in Khitti’s homeland. But, did that apply here? The redhead was rather unsure, and seeing as how Meri’s injury wasn’t exactly life threatening, Khitti settled on herbal healing and bandage-changing.

When Aira would arrive, she’d find, within the stone walls and stained glass windows of the building, Khitti tending to Meri’s leg at one of the many pews. “It almost looks like he used Hellfire on you,” the templar said with a frown. Unfortunately for Meri, she’d gone wolf unexpectedly and Khitti and Lionel were quite unaware it was her. Khitti hadn’t had time to stop Lionel from assaulted the (at the time) vicious werewolf that could’ve very well have been the wolf Khitti had been hunting. The resulting injury was a great slash on Meri’s leg, the silver in Lionel’s sword having left burns as well, as it did on werewolves. “I -am- sorry. I should’ve told him about the plan to catch that wolf sooner. I just… didn’t think it mattered, since he’s not coming with us.” She sighed, placing a new herbal poultice on the stitched up wound, and replaced the old bandages with new ones.

In the time that it had taken both letters to arrive in Aira’s possession, Orikhan had made his reappearance in Frostmaw. It had been a few tense days at the lodge, where the prime hunter seemed nonchalant about his several-month disappearance and the vixen stewing in her bitterness at his laxidaisical attitude towards her concern for him and the work she had put into preparing for the upcoming winter all by herself. Khitti’s letter, asking for Aira to meet her and Meri in Kelay, was in fact a welcome distraction for the huntress. After packing a bag, some hunting knives, and her bow and quiver of arrows, the vixen headed down the mountain into Xalious and then eventually eastward towards Kelay. The Sanctum of the Divine wasn’t hard to find, it was near the restaurant that she had frequented from time to time; however, the whole aura of the place made the huntress feel uncomfortable She hadn’t be raised to be spiritual, and although she didn’t have any issue with holy magic and those who wielded it, these days, the deities that Aira answered to were three large, looming figures with the heads of a bull, stag, and ram respectively. Still, this is where the red-headed woman wished to meet and the vixen would oblige. Aira pauses outside the door, psyching herself up for a few moments, before shouldering her way across the threshold, metallic eyes scanning the stained glass windows that littered the walls. Even if they were not gods that she worshipped, she could appreciate the beauty. Aira reaches down to tug her bow over her head, grasping it in her right hand as booted feet carry her deeper into the establishment until her vulpine ears flatten when she hears a voice—Khitti’s voice. The huntress flicks her gaze towards the pew where the woman was seemingly tending to Meri who sits before her. Clearing her throat she calls out a casual “hey”, interrupting their conversation. She didn’t want to be rude, but she also didn’t want the women to think that she was trying to eavesdrop. Aira makes her way towards the pair, stopping a few pews away before blinking down at Meri’s injury and a small frown tugs on the corners of her lips. “You alright? What happened?”

Without double checking with Callum and having him meet with Aira first, the chances of the vixen getting an invite to the home was slim. It was obviously no offense to Aira! The couple was a private couple and for good reason. Perhaps one day they'd meet and Aira would gain Callum's approval. Khitti made the right call on that front, just like Meri trusted she was making the right call with the herbal healing vs using any amount of holy magic to patch her up. Meri doesn't personally recall reading anything on that one way or another, but the situation was not life threatening. Aira arrives just in time to see Khitti tending to Meri's wounds with some herbal concoction. Were this a normal injury, Meri would be capable of rebandaging her own leg -- but Lionel had used a silver sword on the angry werewolf so this injury required more attention than the norm. Those blue eyes swivel toward Aira when she first catches scent of the vixen, moments before the deputy leader actually speaks her 'hey'. Meri considers the question, and how she wants to answer, and past discussions with Khitti about how they would handle this wolf hunt. Meri finally resigns to, "Got into a fight with Lionel. Can't say that I didn't really deserve it or anything. My fault for losing my head and going all rabid werewolf on him." A glance toward Khitti, as if to say that she should not be apologizing, because like Meri just said...it's mostly Meri's fault. Those blue eyes slide back to Aira. "Which sort of leads me to why we asked if you could meet us. I haven't been like this for too long. I was bitten. It wasn't...pretty. And Khitti says she has seen that wolf in the forests pretty close to my home since then. We're not sure if this being is of...aggressive nature by choice or if perhaps their other half is more...tempered. We want to trap this wolf. I'm pretty sure it's female." Another look back to Khitti so that the redhead could explain their plan as they have thunked it up thus far.

Khitti filled in the cracks in Meri’s story a bit, soon going on to explain their plan, “It’s the white wolf I was asking about before. I’ve not heard anything about it biting anyone else, but like Meri said, it’s still lurking in the area.” Finished with her sister’s leg, Khitti sighed and motioned for Aira to sit if she liked. As perceptive as Khitti was, she could sense the huntress’ uneasiness in the building she chose as the meeting place and could only give her an apologetic look for the moment, “I was all ready to kill it… her… whoever she is. But, I’ve been on that side of things, being the hunted and being sentient enough to understand it was for personal gain rather than food or whatever. So… I don’t think I can--though I am prepared to do it in case of an emergency. -That’s- different. But, our plan was to track her, trap her, and bring her back to the Tranquility, my fiance’s ship. We’ve plenty of space down there to put her and try to force her back into her normal form, whatever that may be, and then we interrogate her. Find out if she’s in control. If she’s doing this on purpose. Get her to stay the hell away from my family.” There’s another sigh once she’s finished, “And sorry about this being the meeting place. I know it’s not really your cup of tea, but I needed to tend to her leg, and I promise it’s not as churchy as it seems to be.” If anything might be of comfort to Aira, it’s the fact that there were more than just Khitti’s chosen deity shown on those stained glass windows. Every major deity, from the Divine Three (Sven, Hind, and Lore) to the gods that most deemed evil (Delisha and Vakmathras) were represented. “I was going to add in an altar for those in the nature-y walks of life, ever since Lanara joined the guild, but then I realized there’s no point. Most solitary folk would rather do their religious stuff in peace in the forest. If anything, they’d just use the altar to place offerings there.” There was a shrug and then Khitti allowed Aira to speak her thoughts on the matter of the werewolf.

Aira squints one eye shut as she considers Meri’s first statement—a fight with Lionel. The huntress knows of Lionel but she’s not sure if they’ve ever properly met. She knew he was a warrior but she couldn’t imagine him attacking Meri for no reason and her confusion shows in the inquisitive tilt to her head. When the offhand comment about going “rabid werewolf” on him reaches her vulpine ears she arches a single pale brow. That is the only sign she gives at being surprised at this news. If the vixen really thought about it, Meri’s scent had been different more recently than when they first met, but Aira is a high elf first and foremost and still adjusting to her more animalistic abilities. Thusly, the scent, while noticed, was not something she lingered on or gave a second thought to. When Khitti motions for her to sit, she does so, perching on the edge and sitting completely straight with her hands folded politely in her lap while she crosses her ankles; it’s a most curious, proper posture for someone apparently so feral. She is silent throughout the entire explanation of the plan until the redhead mentions being on the side of hunted and a vein in the side of Aira’s neck ticks, her expression shifting to something more akin to a grimace. “As do I,” she murmurs quietly before clearing her throat and, as if noting her posture for the first time, shakes out her hands and slouches slightly. “I agree with the plan—with trapping the white wolf and forcing a shift to figure out what’s going on. We’ll have to figure out an appropriate snare that’ll entrap her but not injure.” Aira sighs and rakes her hand over her face before flicking her metallic gaze in Meri’s direction. “I’m sorry this happened to you. I empathize with suddenly becoming something you’re not, something you can’t aways control.” As if on cue, her russet colored vulpine tail gives a swish, curling around her shins. The huntress waves off Khitti’s apology for the meeting place. “Oh, it’s fine. I wasn’t raised with religion or spirituality in my home. It’s…a new thing for me and my relationship with, uh, deities is a bit…complicated at the moment,” she confesses sheepishly. “It is quite lovely though, if I look at it just secularly. I especially love the stained glass.”

All in all, Meri was pleased with Aira's reaction. There was no easy way to tell someone that she has been recently bitten, so the fact that Aira merely ends up squinting one eye shut and and then lifting a brow at all of the information that she is being forced to absorb....Well Meri will take it. Aira seemed on board with the plan without question thus far. She's already pitching out her own ideas for how to make this work. Meri shrugs a bit at the apology, it was not an ideal situation but Meri has already gone on a hunt for one cure....A second successful cure seems improbable. She has come to terms with what she is now. "Thanks. I guess there are worse things that could have happened, but yeah, we need to figure out how this one ticks." No sense in repeating what Khitti had already explained in depth. Now that Khitti is done tending to Meri's wounds, the blonde finds her foot once more. She's not doing anything too wild, just trying to get the blood flowing in her legs again. She'd been sitting still for so long letting Khitti tend to her leg. "I don't think that thinking up a snare that won't hurt the wolf is going to be too hard when you have a psion in your midst. But I should be the failsafe." Because it can't hinge entirely on Meri because if she loses control and goes wolf herself, well. She can't do the nifty psion thing. "It just needs to be sturdy enough to hold until we get it to the ship." Meri frowns as she considers. "My injury will probably be a bit of a hinderance. It won't take too long to heal up but it is going slower than normal. But I don't want us to put this off for too dreadful long." A comment made because Meri is not sure how long this would take to heal, this is a first time experience. "One of us will need to play the role of 'bait' anyway, if we are going to lure this wolf to where we have the snare set up...That may as well be the injured gal who has already been bit." Meri smirks in a not overly concerned manner at all.

Khitti smiled slightly at Aira’s appreciation for the stained glass windows--it was Khitti’s favorite part of the entire building, after all. She said nothing more on the matter and listened to the fox and the wolf speak before adding in her own two cents. “While I’m normally the one to volunteer to be bait, I… have to admit that it makes more sense for you to take that role.” Khitti sighed and continued, “And, considering that you and this other wolf have a bond and you can sense one another, I doubt that even the strongest scent-eraser could get rid of that, so they’d definitely know you were coming. And with them not knowing Aira’s scent, they’ll likely just think she’s passing through and my scent’s around here enough for them to know that I consider this area my hunting grounds, essentially.” The redhead thought about things for a moment, then shrugged, “I mean, we could just get a regular cage. One big enough for it, made of metal that’s not exactly easy for a werewolf to chew through and… I don’t know. Since we don’t want to hurt it anymore than might already happen, probably no enchanting it. And, I guess the finer details might have to be figured out on-site--wherever “on-site” would be, anyway.”

Aira is not a fan of using anyone as bait ever, but having one of her guild mates in that position especially doesn’t sit well with her. Her displeasure at the idea shows in the wrinkle of her nose and the way she rubs at the back of her neck. She really hated that idea, but she also couldn’t think of a better way to lure this mysterious white wolf out. She leans back in the pew and studies both Meri and Khitti for a few quiet moments before dipping her chin in a resigned nod. “If you think acting as bait is the best course of action…” the huntress trails off. “Admittedly, my shifting and foxkin traits have entirely to do with chaos magic which runs through me as opposed to a bite I received. Kahn isn’t a shifter himself so…” Aira sighs. “Do you think she would come back to the place you were attacked? Have you spied her anywhere else where maybe she goes regularly?” Already her mind is reeling about a metal cage to contain a rogue white werewolf. “I think we need to plan for alternative options in cause things go wry—“ like if Meri shifts and cannot utilize her psionic abilities. “I occasionally use arrowheads soaked in a sedative oil to help bring down larger game.” The shot would sting of course, but Aira is a trained shot and could hit a nonlethal target. “Forgive me, I don’t know the extent of your abilities,” the huntress says turning to Khitti. “Do you have any magical suggestions if you possess such skills?” The vixen would wait for the answers to her questions before posing yet another. “When do we want to do this?” She assumed sooner rather than later was the best option, they didn’t need any other attacks to occur while they bided their time.

Meri listened to each woman's part in turn. For the most part, Meri did not have any new ideas to contribute, but it did seem like both Khitti and Aira had their own ideas to toss in. Meri bobbed her head in agreement a cage was probably something that they would need to get their hands on. Not that it would be too hard to come by. Aira's ideas are also met with a nod, they seemed like a necessity. Better safe than sorry, as far as Meri was concerned. They should plan for as many scenarios as possible, just to be safe. "I think that it would honestly be the best point for us to try and set up this trap at." Those blue eyes swivel toward Khitti, as if hoping the redhead would correct or confirm the details. "I believe when Khitti encountered the white wolf it was pretty close to my home, which is also pretty close to where I was attacked...So two sightings in the same general area? It might take a bit of time and patience on our part, but I think there is a good chance that we'd encounter her where I was attacked yes..." Meri gives pause. "As for when....Whenever we can get a cage and whenever you have the sedative you mentioned prepared?"

Khitti side-eyed the floor a bit at the mention of the “extent of her abilities”. Mostly because -she- didn’t really know either. “Well, wolf-Meri definitely didn’t like being caged in holy fire, soooo… I’m sure that’ll work just fine. If Meri’s unable to toss the wolf in the cage with her own abilities, then the sedation will work. I’ll grab some rope from the Tranquility and we can tie her up if it gets to that point and chuck her in the cage.” She’d eventually nod after considering the proposal of starting near or at Meri’s house, “That’s probably our best bet, yeah.” With things seemingly as sorted as they were going to get right now, Khitti shrugged and said finally, “Anything else, we’ll probably just have to wing it. Since it’s not a normal wolf, there’s no telling what might happen. So, I guess, bring any other supplies you think might be necessary, and then we’ll meet either at or around Meri’s house--if that’s fine with her, of course.”

Aira doesn’t have much more to offer at this point, nodding as both Khitti and Meri share their own final thoughts on the plan thus far. The vixen’s hand comes up to massage the back of her neck as her copper eyes scan the sanctum once more. Was it getting stuffy in there or was it just her? “I can get the cage if you want,” she offers looking from the redhead to the blonde. “Unless either of you have one already in reserve?” The huntress stands from the pew and shifts her way out towards the aisle where she could stretch a bit as she clears her throat. “I have the sedative prepared, it’s just up at the lodge in Frostmaw. I also want to grab some supplies but as soon as you two say you’re ready for this, just let me know.” Already, Aira is walking towards the exit, but turns to look at Khitti and Meri. “Don’t overexert yourself, though,” she warns the psion. “You’re no good to the hunt if you push yourself before you’re healed up enough, alright?” It’s a genuine warning coming from the normally prickly vixen, and one she probably wouldn’t heed herself. Still, it needed to be said. “Keep me in the loop,” she calls out and unless either woman would stop her, Aira would take her leave.