RP:Web of Despair

From HollowWiki

This is a Mage's Guild RP.

Blut approached the spider nest in Trist'oth. The man was dressed in his assassins garbs for more protection but carried his Xalious wood staff with him as proof of being a part of the mages guild. Blut took a deep breath in as he created a clone of himself making it walk forward. Blut used this opportunity to make himself invisible completely erasing his presence walking a good 3 meters behind it. Blut conjured a ball of light that illuminated the path ahead of him. The ball of light was made to look very much like a fireball to ward of feral beasts. The man whirled his hands around createing a buffeting wind that surrounded him and his clone shaking the webs around them making it harder for the spiders to pinpoint his exact location.

Blut wondered further as he gazed around the cave was covered completely with spider web. They were yellow in colour with properties similar to glue careful not to step in the webbing. Skittering could be heard around him as he walked through the caves being cave creatures were probably unused to the light and warded off by the potential exposure to fire. The wind keeping to more intelligent spiders away as it also mimics the arrival of a large threat.

Suddenly the clone was shoot down by a large wad of web encasing it's whole body. The clone struggled as a hideous abomination descended from the upper shadows that clung to the celling. The creature was a ghostly white as it had the body of a spider but where the head should be was a human torso. it's head had dark black hair his right eye sunken and blind whilst it's left had a clear blue. It looked male and unclothed as it clattered and gave off what could only be described as a piercing cackle. "You another one for my collection. Yes yes you will make another fine specimen." The spider called out in victor as it skittered closer to the trapped illusion "another book for my library."

Blut smirked as he had the illusion phase through the webbing the wind still ongoing as Blut looked into it's left eye and whilst the creature could not see him eye contact was achieved. All the while the creature screeched as it threw minor spells at the illusion all passing through it. The spells were very minor beginners spells leaving the most advanced spell it cast was a lightning spell and even that was messy and unfocused.

Blut spook through his illusion in a commanding tone "enough of that you insignificant cur. I am a member of the mages guild and we know you have members of our guild or I will destroy you." Blut order smashing his staff into the ground createing a small shockwave to startle the beast. Instead of being intimidated it gave up on spells and pounced on the illusion swinging at it with its arms. Both were lined with claws but it was attacking something that wasn't there so every swing went through the illusion.

Blut sighed as he clicked his fingers copying a technique a powerful mage used on him a while back. Black blades materialised to his side as they swung forward instantly severing the creatures arms. It tried to retreat but saw that it's legs were being frozen in place. Blut created another clone making it walk to the side of the creature. "Creature tell me where the mages are or I will set not only you but this entire cave ablaze." Blut threatened.

"You wouldn't dare" the beast retorted but instantly regret it as Blut put his hand on the webbing as it started to set ablaze. The creature's eye was wide with fear as it started to beg. "I'll tell you I'll tell you just stop you mad man please." By the time the creature finished all it could see was fire and despair as spiders dropped dead due to them being unable to comprehend illusions. Blut clicked his fingers extinguishing the illusionary flames and making the creature regrow arms. Pain shot through the creature at this torture as it looked in disbelief at it's arms shakeing. "Now take me to them." Blut ordered as the creature took him to the other mages the man dropped silver coins on his path so to make a way back for him. Not wishing to anger the mage any further it brought them down the only ones still living were 10 accolades.

Blut's illusion kneeled in front of the mage trapped in webbing as the creature shot a bolt of lightning into it's back but it phased through him all the same. Blut sighed as he spoke recreating a experience with a aeromancer. The creature tried to breath but nothing came it tried again but rather than air going into it's lungs it started coming out. "You see to us mages freedom is very important. It is the light that guides our path and without it." The creature was holding it's throat gasping desperately trying to breath it's legs gave up on the creature as it twitched violently on the ground as the real Blut pulled out his holy crossbow "there is only death" Blut explained before shooting in in the head instantly killing it.

Blut took out his holy dagger as he started to free the mages one by one. They soon followed the shining path Blut set down for them helping him to keep up his wind barrier as they moved until they saw the light outside of the tunnel.